Sentences with phrase «of unconscious material»

Access and Use of Unconscious Material
Over the years it has become this presenters» experience that the more seasoned and experienced play therapist is anxious to explore more of that unconscious material, and establish a deeper understanding of the child's behavior.
The toys the child selects, and the themes presented by the child's play will be examined to illustrate them as direct empirical manifestations of unconscious material.
Through the processing of this unconscious material, old wounds can be healed and the client can gain insight that equips them to create a life that is more satisfying and meaningful.»
Great gobs of unconscious material drift into sight, as if your hands were digging up the sediment of memory with every stroke.
Countertransference is the unconscious projection by therapists onto their clients of unconscious material from their own early relationships.
The counselor may be aware of unconscious material but he does not deal with it.

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Often employing experimental methods and materials, she describes her work as «based on ideas from memories and experiences that are a congregation of the conscious and unconscious absorbed in daily life.»
Polke's main achievement was to be an early and astute adopter of American Pop Art, belying its crisp, consumerist optimism with tawdry materials that added social bite, and with random splashes of paint that implied disorder and the unconscious.
But his main achievement was to be an early and astute adopter of American Pop Art, belying its crisp, consumerist optimism with tawdry materials that added social bite, and with random splashes of paint that implied disorder and the unconscious.
The artist's subtle play between surface and depth, material and image, colour and texture registers a tension between the familiar and the unknown, akin to an experience of language forgotten and almost remembered, or a melody lodged deep in the unconscious.
Gentry's repetition of hundreds of swollen and sealed vessels has a restless, uncanny effect, while her delicate use of color and soft materials render the unconscious state of sleep.
EC comments: «For me the gestural painting, automatic and / or asemic writing and collage have come about from a kind of chaotic soup of information and material; both internal and external to me, conscious and unconscious and in the relationship to matter that working in the studio generates.
Both artists mine the material sensibility of the arts and crafts movement to forge works that address historically modernist concerns of the spiritual and unconscious mind.
Activist Artifacts Signs, posters, videos, twitter feeds, images, websites, barricades, banners, fliers, costumes, diagrams, and other material rooted in the higher education struggle against bloated administrations and boards, class, gender, and race marginalization, tuition and fee hikes, militarization and surveillance of campuses, privatization, socially unconscious investment and profiteering.
Our narrator takes us on a tour of the post-industrial canal via canoe, showcasing the accretions of cultural detritus, a motley crew of urban wildlife, both human and non-human, and improbable plans for redevelopment which have transformed this forgotten space into a material unconscious of the city.
«I tend to think of the materials as something that I can't help but use, something that comes out of desire, out of the unconscious
R. v. James, 2014 SCC 5 (35373) Moldaver J.: ``... the trial judge's reliance on evidence that did not form part of the record may have coloured his thinking on the issue of consent, particularly in assessing whether the complainant may have consented to sexual relations but forgot that she had done so due to memory blackout, or, as she claimed, that she was unconscious at all material times and never consented to sexual relations.
Block 1 The Essence of Modern Group Process Block 2 Forming a Group Block 3 Introduction to Group Resistances Block 4 Transference / Countertransference Issues in Group Block 5 Technical and Special Issues in Group Psychotherapy Block 6 Working with Pre-oedipal Patients in Group Block 7 Specialized Topics in Countertransference Block 8 Working with Unconscious Material: Dreams Symbolic and Non-verbal Communications Block 9 Resolving Transference Resistances and Termination Issues
Have a tool for entering a more conscious relationship with the largely unconscious material in the play therapy modality of Sandplay
The dynamic relationship between the child's conscious behavior and her deeper, unconscious formulation of complex related material will be presented.
She demonstrates how the Sandplay work descends to the depths of the unconscious to confront obstacles, or limitations to the individual's continued development; accesses new psychic resources; centers them in the Self, the central archetype of the personality; and returns to a more conscious level, where the new material will be integrated into conscious over time.
Furthermore, the prevailing agenda of psychoanalysis is to bring the unconscious material to conscious awareness, which is expected to produce resistance in clients.
The source of the problem lies in defense responses created to avoid painful unconscious material from early childhood and / or other traumatic experiences.
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