Sentences with phrase «of unexpected twists»

There is also a deep and compelling story full of unexpected twists.
In the fast - moving world of cryptocurrencies, however, the time between now and then could bring about all sorts of unexpected twists and turns.
I'm someone who has had my fair share of unexpected twists and turns in my own personal journey.
On the other hand, it kept me constantly engaged because of the unexpected twists and turns that it would take.
It wants to be a gritty, complex dark comedy but aside from a handful of unexpected twists, it's not particularly funny or engaging.
There is also a deep and compelling story full of unexpected twists.
This trailer was awesome, and not just because of the unexpected twist.
I'll start off this month's poll by saying I «m reading Fool Me Once, by Harlan Coben: his standalone (i.e., non Myron Bolitar series) books are some of my favorites, and I had pre-ordered this a couple of months ago; if you like a good thriller with lots of unexpected twists and turns, I'd highly recommend his books.
Filled with the usual infidelities, foolish decisions and personal disasters, You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger falls somewhere between Allen's comic and serious mode, which, I suppose, makes it a seriocomic exploration of the ways in which characters can betray themselves, sometimes with the help of unexpected twists of fate.
I give the soup a bit of an unexpected twist by topping it with golden, crunchy, mustardy croutons.
I also like the idea of an unexpected twist by adding a skirt, shorts -LCB- if weather permits -RCB-, a feminine dress, or a funky sandal.
After four months of unexpected twists and turns the only thing that was expected were surprises and on that the Academy delivered.
But the author maintains the tension, and he has us turning the pages to the very end - not without a couple of unexpected twists and cameo appearances from two real life heroes of the Faith.
It's called a strangewich, and it's basically an ordinary sandwich that's transformed into something extra special with the addition of an unexpected twist — which is SO my mantra when it comes to sandwiches.
The election closed out a campaign with no shortage of unexpected twists, including the May arrival into the Democratic primary race of disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner.
In something of an unexpected twist, Trump signaled he was open to compromise on immigration reform, his signature issue during the campaign.
Like all good narratives, the plot to Tiny Metal rarely sticks to the predicted path and very early on Gries» loyalties to his nation are tested by a series of unexpected twists and turns.
«It contradicts the whole thing,» Amorales jokes of this unexpected twist.
The hardware of the OnePlus 3T is strong enough to carry me into 2017 without compromises, in a sort of unexpected twist given the way in which OnePlus used to advertise their phones as flagship killers (yet rotundly failed with the OnePlus 2).
«Joshua and the Lightning Road is a heart - pounding thrill ride full of unexpected twists and turns from start to finish.»
Douglas» seamless continuation of the sharp and witty Gekko is the film's main asset and a number of unexpected twists, despite being a little rratic, maintain the audience's interest throughout the duration.
The fact that these players are lacking any real depth or substance is actually of little consequence, for Ritchie drops them in a clever, complex, and comic caper that takes its share of unexpected twists and turns.
After four months of unexpected twists and turns the only thing that was expected...
Like any family, United Pursuit's story is one full of unexpected twists that have gotten them where they are today.
This year has been full of unexpected twists and turns.
But unlike most horror pictures, SE7EN benefits from a very smart screenplay by Andrew Lloyd Walker that is disturbingly believable, thought - provoking and full of unexpected twists.
Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War is chock - full of unexpected twists and turns, but perhaps none was more shocking than the fate of Gamora.
«Life Of Crime» is a crime comedy full of unexpected twists and turns.
Towards the finish, the film hits a lot of unexpected twists and every pause eventually becomes suspect.
Lots of unexpected twists and turns!
«This story is full of unexpected twists and turns, danger, violence and more, much much more.
Full of unexpected twists and turns, it will keep you reading...» «An excellent medical thriller that kept me anxiously reading long into the night...» «A fast - paced read with an endearing heroine... There is no better underdog than a hardworking scientist and mother who has her life work, ethics and dignity brought into question.
You are known for producing complex plotlines full of unexpected twists.
«THE LAST MRS. PARRISH is an extraordinary debut and gripping psychological thriller that is full of unexpected twists.
«A heart - pounding thrill ride full of unexpected twists and turns from start to finish.»
She also writes Christian suspense novels, and her Fast Track Thriller series is an exhilarating, action - packed ride with compelling characters and a plot full of unexpected twists.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ — «His imagination and storytelling ability carry this fantastic adventure, making it full of unexpected twists and brilliant things I never saw coming.
Chances are your path to retirement is going to include any number of unexpected twists: a career change, a big promotion, a layoff, a home purchase, a divorce, lean years while raising kids, an inheritance.
Heading out to an unfamiliar continent for a long backpacking trip is exhilarating, nerve - rattling, and full of unexpected twists.
The Dark Knight's saga has rarely been darker, as the team at Telltale has crafted a gritty story full of unexpected twists and turns.
The story itself isn't anything groundbreaking or even that captivating as there aren't a lot of unexpected twists and the conspiracy isn't all that deep, but the characters, and especially the top - notch voice acting, make it seem important.
Life is full of unexpected twists and turns.
Confused, you should be because life itself is full of unexpected twists and turns.
You do not have to be a philosophy major to know that life is full of unexpected twists and turns.
My personal journey has been full of unexpected twists and turns, but it doesn't have to be that way.
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