Sentences with phrase «of unhealthy dogs»

Yeast takes advantage of an unhealthy dog that may not have to best diet, exercise and bathing routine.
A little bit of junk food is okay, but a steady diet of unhealthy dog treats undermines all the hard work I'm doing trying to understand dog nutrition.

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Just pack your picnic basket or backpack and enjoy your own great food instead of wasting money on overpriced, unhealthy hot dogs and popcorn.
However dogs sweat very little, leading critics to say that the drinks could cause an unhealthy buildup of electrolytes in dogs.
«I like dogs and cats, and I'm definitely not recommending that people get rid of their pets or put them on a vegetarian diet, which would be unhealthy,» Okin said.
Processed meats such as salami, ham, bacon and hot dogs are full of unhealthy fats and also contain chemical compounds that are harmful to health.
Another one of the unhealthiest junk foods in America are corn dogs.
If you're one of the many UK dog owners, don't leave your dog to grow unhealthy on the couch while you work out.
Like most processed foods, dog treats contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients.
He's regretful because he believes there are a lot of abandoned and unhealthy dogs because breeders have not been careful to breed first generation pups.
Mayonnaise is not technically toxic to dogs — Fido will not fall over after licking a big blob of mayonnaise off the kitchen floor — but it is extremely unhealthy.
On the 24th October Dog World published a report on a meeting of the Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs Select Committee to which Professor Steve Dean, Chairman of the Kennel Club, had been called to answer questions about the KC's views on registration of what may be considered «unhealthy» dogs.
The life of dogs who are held hostage in puppy mills, forced to have litter after littler, while existing in filthy, unsafe, and unhealthy environments, deserve more.
Table sugar is not at all toxic to your dog — it will not damage their liver or their kidneys — but it is an extremely unhealthy food that can increase their risk of disease in the long term.
While you may have been raised with the idea that fat is unhealthy, it is actually a highly concentrated source of energy for your dog and it should comprise at least 5 % of his diet.
If your dog starts to become lethargic or loses an unhealthy amount of weight, you may need to increase his daily portion.
A lot of dogs end up becoming obese and unhealthy because the owners are not aware of what the size and weight could be when they grow up.
Supplements are generally recommended for dogs over the age of 7, but dogs who are younger and in an unhealthy state may benefit from its use as well.
These dogs will generally be healthier because an unhealthy dog (hips, elbows, internal organs, etc.) can't take the rigors of Field Trial work.
Unhealthy paws will not only interfere with your dog's ability to walk, but painful paws may also lead to behavioral problems and long term effects on the bones and muscles of the paws and legs.
Being overweight is unhealthy for all dogs but it can specifically shorten the lives of large breed dogs.
The London Times reports that judges at the prestigious but beleaguered Crufts dog show next week will be keeping a sharp eye out for any unhealthy animals as part of a campaign by Britain's Kennel Club to lift the show's tarnished image.
PETA's suggestion that the USA Network discontinue its broadcast of the Westminster Dog Show — on the grounds that the show reinforces unhealthy breed standards — doesn't seem to be garnering a lot of pubic support, if a poll by the Los Angeles Times animal blog, «Unleashed,» is any indication.
Some argue that conformation shows create an unhealthy image or standard by which most dogs can't compete, that breeding for conformation has all but ruined several of the popular breeds we know and love, and that it supports inhumane procedures like cropping ears and docking tails.
With 32 % protein and a grain - free formula, dogs can enjoy this without the risk of obesity and unhealthy weight gain.
Many dog owners do not realize that table scraps and other kinds of people food are very high in calories for dogs and feeding your dog too many treats can lead to unhealthy weight gain or obesity.
If any of these dogs weigh less than 90 pounds, they're unhealthy and treated wrong.
A lot of purebred dogs have special diet requirements: years of selective inbreeding, necessary to achieve the desired «look» of some breeds, have resulted in terrifically unhealthy dogs that are prone to a variety of debilitating and painful diseases.
Pet stores are filled with unhealthy dog foods, which can be a cause of bad breath.
We own a relatively calm dog when it comes to food, even with steak fresh of the grill, but when it comes to these treats he goes into a frenzy in an unhealthy way.
«A lack of genetic diversity is bad for the dogs because it not only concentrates unhealthy traits, but also makes it increasingly more difficult to make further changes in a breed or to correct health problems that may have arisen over decades,» says Pedersen.
It is the owner that will overfeed a dog, or feed unhealthy foods to our dogs that cause them to put them in danger of obesity or diabetes etc..
Personally, I think over vaccination of your dog is unhealthy and I only give my dog's a three year rabies shot.
In combination with the endless feeding that they can get from unsuspecting pet parents, lots of dogs really end up unhealthy and overweight.
Though some online sources claim that grains are unhealthy or even harmful for our canine companions, in reality, small amounts of whole grains such as barley are considered to be pretty safe for dogs.
These morsels are unhealthy, and your dog may single them out to eat to the exclusion of the healthy pieces.
A mother dog will actually deplete her own nutritional resources to an unhealthy level if need be for the sake of helping her puppies grow.
Breeding dogs for appearance or based on popular trends results in unhealthy dogs that are not properly tested for temperament or genetics, undesirable physical and mental traits, and often a surplus of those dogs in shelters.
Almost Home Dog Rescue of Ohio rescues Collie and Sheltie dogs and mixes from kill - shelters and unhealthy homes in a five - state area consisting of Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Behavior Problem: Some dogs develop the unhealthy habit of near - constant spinning, tail chasing and nipping at their own tails and other body parts.
I hope that the people of Ohio turn out to put an end or at least try to put an end to this for not only the dogs but for the people who get duped into buying one of these poor puppies that of course they love and cherish only to have astronomical vet bills from what 90 % or more of the time turns out to be a very unhealthy puppy.
The 2010 audit found that more than 80 percent of sampled breeders were not being monitored or inspected to ensure their animals» overall health and humane treatment resulting in some buyers receiving unhealthy pets — especially dogs.
Their dogs that had been chronically unhealthy because of food issues now enjoy a healthy and active life without allergies.
These brands focus on providing dogs with natural nutrition that mirrors what they would be eating in the wild, without the use of fillers and other unhealthy ingredients.
Some consumers have bought unhealthy puppies that have been traced back to Pick Of The Litter, where Kathy Bauck has either bred the dog herself or brokered the animal (purchased from another breeder).
By providing the best dog food for Labradors, the chances of your dogs becoming unhealthy are less.
There are a number of reasons that dogs can experience unhealthy shedding and it is important as a dog owner to be able to recognize signs of unhealthy shedding.
Consequently, the English bulldog, one of the world's most popular dog breeds, is also one of the unhealthiest.
We'll be among the first to admit a lack of exercise coupled with a poor diet can lead your dog down a very dangerous and unhealthy path.
After consulting with numerous veterinarians and a canine allergy specialist, we learned of the numerous preservatives and unhealthy ingredients used in many dog foods and treats.
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