Sentences with phrase «of uninterrupted time»

That way, the primary grades have at least 90 minutes of uninterrupted time in the morning for teaching literacy.
Today I had a free day and it's amazing what few hours of uninterrupted me time does for you.
Without large blocks of uninterrupted time, people couldn't complete their projects.
However, frying them does take some time so, make sure to plan on spending a chunk of uninterrupted time in your kitchen.
So our theory is that we'll see better results when people have a long stretch of uninterrupted time.
Begin by scheduling 1 - 3 hour chunks of uninterrupted time you need to work on a client presentation, proposal, report, campaign, etc..
This gives you 30 + minutes of uninterrupted time with your baby, to figure her our on your own.
Save longer periods of uninterrupted time for getting meaningful, high - impact work done.
My wife and I never spent more than two weeks of uninterrupted time together before we got married.
Can you create one calendar entry of uninterrupted time right now to zero in on you?
I suggest that classroom teachers use their two hours of uninterrupted time mostly for fiction reading and writing.
That means that an average reader will take 250 minutes, or more than 4 hours, of uninterrupted time just to read a book that is 300 pages long.
Get yourself some pockets of uninterrupted time during the day for tackling the major thinking work.
More likely than not, clients experience many of the same distractions you do and will understand the value of uninterrupted time.
Schedule at least 1 hour a day of uninterrupted time to spend with your family.
It is different from relationships with family or friends, offering the opportunity of uninterrupted time to focus on yourself, your issues and what you want.
It can take a newborn, on average, 50 - 60 minutes of uninterrupted time with its mother to latch on after birth, so be patient.
Plus I'm able to dedicate a big block of uninterrupted time, which I find really helpful for the creative process.
You will need a few hours of uninterrupted time to complete this exercise.
I try to find time every day to really think through an issue completely — dedicating an hour or more of uninterrupted time
«We spent 24 hours of uninterrupted time talking about what kinds of parents we wanted to be and what kinds of kids we wanted to raise.»
1 x Hot Bath with 2 cups of Epsom salts 1 x Facial Exfoliator, Mask & Eye Gel 30 mins of uninterrupted ME time
Time and place have a role to play in writing your book so give yourself that luxury of uninterrupted time.
After sharing a lovely Christmas morning at home, my two sons left with their father, leaving me with a span of uninterrupted time, which I spent drinking tea and reading these cheery magazines.
The reason is not necessarily that they have attention deficit disorders but that they need to consider, evaluate, and choose among so many startup investment proposals that 30 minutes of uninterrupted time is all you can reasonably expect to have to present your proposal.
It's important to realize that WFAW is about allowing employees to have large blocks of uninterrupted time to tackle things that they can't do in the few minutes they have between meetings.
«If you're a knowledge worker you need to have periods of uninterrupted time to get work done,» Arkcoll said.
International Call for Applicants: Bloedel Reserve Creative Residency (WA) Deadline: October 15th, 2016 A residency at Bloedel Reserve gives participants long stretches of uninterrupted time in a breath - taking environment.
Work on the things that need to get done today and give yourself chunks of uninterrupted time, as switching between tasks (multi-tasking) can be stressful itself.
I get excited about the weekends more than ever now that I am back at work because it means 48 hours of uninterrupted time with Mila!
Someone was telling me that having to explain to family members, friends or newly made friends what location independent means and that you are actually working and, in my case, that I need hours of uninterrupted time to get the work done because IT PAYS THE BILLS is an opportunity to educate others.
It's amazing the things you can accomplish in a solid 20 minutes of uninterrupted time.
Although I must admit, I considered subjecting myself to the searing pain of having hot wax put on my lady parts just so I could have 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to lie down.
Allow yourself a good 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to just journal and free write about whatever is on your mind.
«I need at least 45 minutes of uninterrupted time to be efficient at these «intense focus» activities.
Try very hard to organize your calendar to enable you to devote large blocks of uninterrupted time to each of your core professional activities — at least several hours in any given day, preferably whole days or even several consecutive days.
Two weeks before the conference, students prepare written invitations accompanied by more information from teachers regarding the content and process for the conference; such as, allow your child ten minutes of uninterrupted time to present his or her portfolio and then take five minutes to ask your child questions.
Classroom teachers have two hours of uninterrupted time, and the specialists can offer an amazing array of afterschool experiences for children.
When coupled with a lunch break, for example, common meeting time can result in as much as 90 minutes of uninterrupted time.
Our Upper Elementary program is organized using the traditional Montessori model; students in 4th — 6th grade form the learning community, and they are provided large blocks of uninterrupted time to access the curriculum.
When I read, I want at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to focus on the book and transport myself into the world where the book takes place.
The entire process should take about an hour of uninterrupted time.
«Even taking a couple of courses a year requires three or four hours of uninterrupted time,» says Van Nest.
Focus is underrated in too many work environments today; instead we hop from one thing to the next like coked - up bunnies wearing Bluetooth headsets and thumbing our Blackberries, and then at 7 pm we realise the research article we needed a few hours of uninterrupted time to complete didn't happen.
Take short breaks at work every 90 minutes — walk at lunch or home from work — meditate in your car at noon if that is the only place you can get 15 minutes of uninterrupted time.
People can get more work done in an hour or two of uninterrupted time than in a day full of interruptions.
While he is in class, I have 45 minutes of uninterrupted time to write posts!
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