Sentences with phrase «of unlockable content»

Even though Legend mode's story line is the same as its predecessor, it is clear to see that Koei have spent a considerable amount of time on the game mechanics and the amount of unlockable content in the game.
As mentioned above Fate / unlimited Codes does have quite a lot of unlockable content such as movies, images and character statues.
There's also plenty of unlockable content in the game and Sony have reported that additional DLC characters will be available.
Tons of Unlockable Content ★ Unlock new cars and characters, upgrade cars, and improve your game with performance - boosting powerups and gadgets.
There's also plenty of unlockable content in the game and Sony have reported that additional DLC characters will be available.
There's also a wealth of unlockable content to be found such as new characters, costumes, arenas and titles.
There's also a ton of unlockable content such as extra characters and even paintings that bring characters back to levels from Rayman Origins, conveniently titled «Back to Origins».
As you do progress, there are a variety of unlockable content from new outfits, venues, challenges and even a cool online leaderboard.
Full of unlockable content, what the game lacks it's the same as every other Dynasty Warrior game, if you don't love its repetitive gameplay, you'll hate it.
Spooky atmosphere and disturbing visions, multiple endings and lot's of unlockable content really make this classic a must - buy for every horror fan out there!
This is a game which features a huge range of unlockable content including characters, relics, runes and tough achievements — none of which can be accessed without real commitment from players.
The Revolution disc revisited missions from the PlayStation games and had a vast library of unlockable content (the massive amount of Kawamori's artwork being particularly welcome in this respect).
Aside from its solid gameplay mechanics, Injustice delivers in a satisfying payload of unlockable content: from concept art, to old comic book covers and various Single Player modes.
I don't know that I'll enjoy multiplayer and the bulk of unlockable content seems to be oriented for showing off to other players.
Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition (August 23)-- This highly - anticipated action - fighting title from Capcom features 20 playable characters, HD graphics, more than 200 pieces of unlockable content, more than 100 trials and more than 100 challenges.
Contrary to rumors that floated around at the game's announcement, there will be no micro-transaction monetization of the in - game gems — they are merely for in - game purchases of unlockable content.
And if you get tired of the board game setup, there's always modes built strictly for the mini-games, as well as a host of unlockable content.
Longtime Miku fans are sure to love the amount of unlockable content here.
On the topic of unlockable content, the characters and vehicle parts in Mario Kart 8 are all unlocked as you play the game and collect coins and score first - place finishes (with the exception of the golden kart).
It features a decent roster of wrestlers, a career mode, training modes, and a bunch of unlockable content.
There's a lot of unlockable content in the game but, I suppose, commits Blizzard to creating new cosmetic content.
Apart from the engaging gameplay, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate offers players a wealth of unlockable content, especially when it comes to costumes with over 230 available that is truly insane.
There is only one stage with six basic modes and a very small amount of unlockable content.
Fusing elements from both the previous railshooter games and the RPG Panzer Dragoon Saga, Panzer Dragoon Orta offered an impressive amount of replayability with plenty of unlockable content, including the PC port of the original Panzer Dragoon!
They also yield tons of unlockable content, and based on some of the new character armor skins, you'll definitely want to earn as many stars as possible.
Download it and enjoy, but don't expect the entertainment to last for as many days as the variety of unlockable content will.
Lots of unlockable content is also a plus.
While I'm not as outraged as many in the gaming community, I understand why they believe the amount of unlockable content is unreasonable and simply implemented to encourage players to use real - life currency to unlock content (although EA has currently temporarily disabled microtransactions).
Objectively speaking it was a well designed game as far as mechanics were concerned and it had a lot of unlockable content that wasn't premium DLC.
The amount of unlockable content and the challenges will keep you coming back for more even if the multiplayer feels a little restricted with the locked levels and poor multiplayer - only levels.
Lots of Unlockables Fans of the movie will love the amount of unlockable content that is available here.
Apart from the engaging gameplay, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate offers players a wealth of unlockable content, especially when it comes to costumes with over 230 available that is truly insane.
Summary: A fantastic pick - up - and - play 3DS game a diverse and funky soundtrack, tons of unlockable content and perfect for party play with friends.
«There are hours of replay - ability in the Adventure and Bowhemoth modes, tons of unlockable content, and of course hours of fun online or local multiplayer.»
There's also plenty of unlockable content to be found in the game such as new TV channels, artwork and music.
Add in lots of unlockable content, bonuses and Screamride gives the player a considerable amount of replay value.
«Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate» is a gorgeous and fun fighting game with multiple characters and plenty of unlockable content.
Last month some new Call of Duty Black Ops 3 screenshots have surfaced online, showcasing some of the unlockable content of the game like all Hero camos and more.
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