Sentences with phrase «of urban heat islands»

This could be because of the urban heat island effect, which causes temperatures in the city to rise as much 10 °C compared with those in the surrounding areas.
One of the main causes of the urban heat island is the fact that there is little bare earth and vegetation in urban areas.
Does the increasing area of urban heat islands increase global warming?
It would seem logical that the temperatures taken over time would reflect a corresponding rise with the growth of the urban heat islands.
Obviously, it was important to have some discussion of the urban heat island problem in the chapter dealing with the global temperature estimates — Chapter 3.
The reality is that the social, environmental and economic costs of urban heat islands add up to a bill that is too high for humanity to pay.
Scientists include older urban sites not because they are ignorant of urban heat island effects, but because continuing to include them improves the accuracy of our identification of temperature trends.
An examination of urban heat island characteristics in a global climate model.
In addition to reducing city temperatures more during a heat wave, the researchers also found that cool roofs can decrease the intensity of the urban heat island effect more during extreme conditions.
Indeed, they found the magnitude of the urban heat island effect decreased toward the start of the fall harvest season, when vegetation is removed from farm fields, leaves fall from trees, and plants become less active.
New York City Nights 15 Degrees Warmer Than Surrounding Areas Illustrating the amplifying effect of the urban heat island on recent heatwaves, according to data collected by CCNY's New York City Meteorological Network, during the first July heatwave overnight temperatures were 10 - 15 °F higher in Manhattan than on Long Island or in western New Jersey, just a few miles away.
Urban morphology — the patterns of a city's physical configuration and the process of its development — has long been associated with the formation of urban heat islands.
The more detailed understanding of urban heat islands provided by the study can help health professionals and others target efforts to protect people and infrastructure from heat - related problems, according to project co-leads Tracy Twine and Peter Snyder, associate professors in the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences.
However, temperature is officially measured at just a few locations in most cities, so awareness of the extent and variability of urban heat island effects was limited,» said lead author Brian Smoliak.
Preparation Each student needs a copy of the Urban Heat Island Article and the worksheet Investigation 2: Urban Heat Island Graph Analysis
Just a note on a specific case of Urban Heat Island and microclimate that may illustrate some of the complications.
The other effect that may exist here (but I am less certain of the science, commenters can help me out) is that by saying «your hometown» we put the bet into the domain of urban heat islands and temperature station siting issues.
The claim that global warming is an artifact of the Urban Heat Island Effect is simply an artifact of the Urban Myth Effect.
The 2007 IPCC report went out of its way to diminish the importance of the urban heat island (UHI) effect on global warming.
This is caused primarily by the horizontal thermal gradients of the urban heat island.
The existence of an urban heat island effect in a relatively small settlement as Longyearbyen may come as a surprise.
The Making (and Breaking) of an Urban Heat Island Vegetation Limits City Warming Effects Beating the Heat in the World's Big Cities Where Is the Hottest Place on Earth?
There are also extensive green roof systems — offering a mix of benefits including boosting biodiversity, reducing the risk of the urban heat island effect causing an overheating risk, and assisting with stormwater attenuation, and each house is fitted with rainwater harvesters, significantly reducing any exposure to water charges.
I never challenged the reality of urban heat islands, and merely assert that the station selection has largely succeeded in avoiding locations with increasing urban effects.
The diversity of urban heat islands, depending on the medium sensed and the sensing technique, is explained.
I like the way that temperatures need to be adjusted upwards to counter-act the loss of the Urban Heat Islands since towns have shrunk so much recently.
The City's Department of Environment also commissioned a City Hall Rooftop Garden pilot project as part of the Urban Heat Island Initiative with the US Environmental Protection Agency.
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