Sentences with phrase «of urine spraying»

Consequently, the incidence of urine spraying is higher in intact animals as a way of advertising their reproductive availability.
Both male and female cats are capable of urine spraying.
Their fighting with owned cats and the offensive smell of their urine spraying to mark their territory makes them unpopular with people who shoo them away.
Prevention of urine spraying Both male and female rabbits spray urine on vertical surfaces to mark their territory.
I've faced the latter problem before, and it causes two separate problems when those indoor cats either observe the cat outside through a window or smell the acrid odor of the urine spray:

Not exact matches

Public bathrooms are terrible places to pump for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is because a toilet sprays an aerosol «plume» of microscopic water droplets tainted with urine and fecal matter whenever it is flushed, and nobody wants any of that getting near breastmilk.
With boys there is more of a concentrated and pressurized flow of urine similar to spraying a squirtgun.
Make sure you have at least one bottle of urine erasing spray bottle around to get rid of any unwanted smells and stains.
You are bound to have some leaky ones, some crooked ones and to experience initiation — a nice spray of urine during a diapering if you have a boy.
In each grid cell we searched along saddles on the ridgelines, valley or cliff bases and near overhanging boulders for fresh signs of snow leopard presence such as urine spray markings and scrapes.
At some point between 1999 and 2008, each of the participants also provided at least one blood and urine sample which the scientists analyzed for the presence of various chemicals, including dioxins contained in pesticides, phthalates found in fragrance, plastics, cosmetics and hair spray, plant - derived estrogens, and polychlorinated biphenyls, among others.
The women reported their use of feminine hygiene products like tampons, pads, vaginal douches, feminine spray, feminine powder and feminine wipes and had provided urine samples that were measured for metabolites of phthalates.
Seeking the solitude and quiet she needs to bring down an elk with a bow, Amy Raye sprays herself with elk estrus — female elk urine taken during the breeding cycle and used by hunters to mask personal scent and attract a male elk — and then leaves camp alone in the still dark hours of early morning.
Behaviours such as biting oneself, over scratching causing injury to the skin and spraying or marking of urine are also possible characteristics of the disorder.
Un-neutered male rabbits are more likely to be territorial and will want to mark spots, they may also spray urine which can get very messy and leave a lot of odour.
If left intact, male dogs and cats may develop a habit of spraying urine in your house to mark their territory, and later in life can develop testicular cancer and an enlarged prostate.
When cats spray, they hold their tails straight up, back up to the furniture or wall, and quiver their tails while distributing a relatively small amount of urine for the purpose of scent marking her territory.
Urine marking, or spraying, is another method of staking a claim, and is more extreme.
Male rabbits, especially the dwarf varieties, may become aggressive when they reach sexual maturity and may exhibit excessive biting and spraying of urine.
Outcome: Almost a third of veterinarians did not seem to correctly distinguish between urine marking (spraying) and inappropriate urination.
Effects of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor on urine spraying behavior in cats.
He will then spray a fine stream of foul smelling urine at just the right height for any other cat to smell it.
The interest in the deposited urine spray is intently investigated by all cats encountering it which suggests that the information left behind is of great importance.
There are also sprays that you can buy that you use on the place you want your dog to pee that actually smell of urine in order to encourage him to go in the correct place.
Spray - marking is one of my favourite consultations because so many cat owners have been told urine marking is an unsolvable issue.
Even once neutered or spayed, cats can still urine spray - mark for territorial reasons, though fixed or unfixed, cats generally don't urine spray mark before they are two years of age when they move into social maturity (social maturity happens between the ages of two and four years; sexual maturity at about 6 months).
100 % of male cats will urine spray in the home if there are other cats or pets present to mark their territory.
Unfortunately it is also under researched, so exact interpretation of the messages left behind by urine spray is speculative.
30 % of female cats in heat will also urine spray in the home.
Cat Pee and Poop Problems Free Recipe for Removal of Cat Urine Odors from Carpets Clean Cat Urine from a Mattress Clean up Cat Poop from Carpets House Training your Kitten Litter Box Problems Spraying: Prevent Cats spraying Urine READ MORE Cat pee and poop Spraying: Prevent Cats spraying Urine READ MORE Cat pee and poop spraying Urine READ MORE Cat pee and poop problems
When they hit puberty, around 6 months of age, many male rabbits will start spraying urine and humping everything that moves.
It makes sense, then, that scent - marking — spraying urine on places and objects to mark territory and claim ownership — is an important part of canine communication.
Urine spraying or marking is one of the ways in which cats mark their territory.
Intact male cats are the more typical culprit for urine - spraying, but neutered cats of either sex can decide to baptize the house.
Signs include territorial spraying of urine.
Feliway Diffuser or Spray — Reduces or completely stops stress - related behaviors including: urine marking, vertical scratching, loss of appetite, reduced desire to play or interact and other stress - related behaviors.
Spraying is performed by the cat standing and spraying a stream of urine on a vertical surface such as a wall, window, furniture, drapeSpraying is performed by the cat standing and spraying a stream of urine on a vertical surface such as a wall, window, furniture, drapespraying a stream of urine on a vertical surface such as a wall, window, furniture, drapes, etc..
Cats who are intact not only have smellier urine due to hormones, but are more likely to spray all over the place in hopes of attracting a mate.
Unaltered male cats are very likely to spray (urine mark) both indoors and out, the smell of male cat urine is particularly unpleasant and very difficult to get rid of.
Other benefits include the prevention and treatment of some undesirable behaviors, especially in males, such as urine spraying and marking, some types of aggression, humping and roaming.
If urine spraying occurs in multiple areas, plug the Diffuser in the room where the cat spends most of its time
Male pets are less likely to urine mark (spraying) their territory and are less likely to wander in search of a mate.
Even though he is a neutered male cat, Pumpkin has a bad habit of spraying urine on the living room drapes.
Urine spraying is one of the most common ways cats leave «messages» for other cats.
A better walk: Training dogs not to lunge, growl, and pull on a leash, Veterinary Medicine, January 2015 Hunthausen W, 7 Steps to a Profitable Behavior Program, Veterinary Economics, June 2010 Hunthausen W, Helping Owners Handle Aggressive Cats, Veterinary Medicine, November 2006, pp. 719 - 727 Hunthausen W. Evaluating a feline facial pheromone analogue to control urine spraying, Veterinary Medicine, February 2000, pp. 151 - 155 Hunthausen W. Find the perfect match, Veterinary Economics, Fall Edition; 36 - 42, 1999 Hunthausen W. Feline House - soiling problems, Veterinary International, 9 (4): 31 - 38, 1997 Hunthausen W, Effects of aggressive behavior on canine welfare, JAVMA Vol.
Territorial marking is generally but not always directed onto a vertical surface and you may observe your cat twitching his / her erect tail while spraying a small amount of urine.
Studies found that lawn chemicals travel to neighboring yards and inside homes, and chemicals have been found in the urine of dogs whose owners did not spray their lawns.
On the other hand, marking is only slight spraying of urine and it is not that much as an amount.
Sexual maturity can be gauged a number of ways including; visualizing testicles in the scrotal sacs, a well developed vulva, a mature body condition, and by behavioral changes such as urine spraying and increased aggression.
Male Cat Psychology Many male cat behavior problems, including spraying and urine marking, can be handled by a combination of neutering, and providing a safe environment that meets your kitty's needs.
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