Sentences with phrase «of useful skills»

They can deal with thinks well, and can teach lots of useful skills to younger guys.
Although you may not have realised it, as PhD students we have developed all sorts of useful skills, such as problem - solving and conflict resolution.
You have a nice low - cost lifestyle with a wide variety of useful skills, and you've read lots of books on investing and other subjects.
I learned a tremendous amount of useful skills, and as an absolute beginner, I am no longer afraid to give it a try!
A Large selection of useful skills that you can include any additional skills section.
They really enjoyed the session and learnt a lot of useful skills.
Training to be a commercial lawyer offered me a chance to work closely with those at the forefront of business and finance, while ultimately being in a position to acquire lots of useful skills for my future career.
Pulling together a posse to hunt down the fugitive, Dan conscripts John (despite his obvious lack of useful skills), giving him a star badge and having him saddle up with the rest of the men setting out in hot pursuit.
And although it might be tempting to tell employers you progressed through your postgraduate degree with no problems — it might actually mean you're brushing over a range of useful skills you've gained from powering through the hard (see also: sometimes seemingly impossible) work.
The experience at School # 9 has taught me a variety of useful skills as an elementary teacher and as a literacy specialist --[including] interpersonal communication with English Language Learners, cultural awareness, flexibility, and strategies to engage students in reading and writing.
Most of the useful skills you can unlock are within the hacking skill trees, for example you can unlock the ability to hack barriers / blockers on the road.
There are a ton of useful skills here as well such as strong attacks, grapples, and slams.
Yashiro is continually frustrated by Hajimu's apparent lack of any sort of useful skills, and the stress causes him to take his first ever paid sick day.
After all, it's certainly true that it's new lawyers» inexperience and lack of useful skills that makes it difficult for many firms to hire them.
You'd be surprised at the amount of useful skills you can demonstrate in answering this question well — as long as you adequately describe the resolution (and its impact), as well as the problem.
Employers in the oil and gas sector prefer factual information that avoids fluff, but you also need a little something extra to sell yourself as a multifaceted candidate with a range of useful skills.
Teriel, as a Master of Thieves, has quite a lot of useful skills, including invisibility, flash and chromosphere... And to be fair, he is also quite good at setting traps, sneaking around and using various weapons.
Here is a rundown of some of some useful skills and what they do:
Here is a rundown of some of some useful skills and what they do:
You can highlight your proficiency and here are some of the useful skills you can use.
You're essentially in the same position as any other brand new CPA, but with the addition of a hell of a lot of useful skills.
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