Sentences with phrase «of useless exercise»

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By the time of the Maccabees, for example, the practice of keeping the Sabbath was so central to Judaism that, according to Josephus, the Romans had to exempt the Jews from military service because they were useless as soldiers on the Sabbath.12 Seneca could not understand the Sabbath exercise and chided the Jews for spending every seventh day of their lives in idleness.13
The pope cautiously distinguishes between the modem absolutist and centralist exercise of the primacy and the biblically based Petrine office and its exercise during the first millennium, and he invites other Christians «to engage with me in a patient and fraternal dialogue on this subject, a dialogue in which, leaving useless controversies behind, we could listen to one another, keeping before us only the will of Christ for his Church and allowing ourselves to be deeply moved by his plea» for unity.
This may sound a bit contradictory to the previous myth on our list, but just because isolation exercises shouldn't be the focus of your training program, doesn't mean they are entirely useless.
I felt like stopping short and had negative voices telling me I was useless the whole time, but I pushed through and completed all repetitions and sets of each exercise.
Besides being terribly boring, your sessions of 20 + repetitions of one exercise using an unnoticeable amount of weight are literally useless.
On a side note, most of the guys who find this exercise to be useless are guilty of lifting via momentum and using too much weight.
The majority of these programs use exercises that are utterly useless outside of the gym (wrist curls, calf raises etc.) and do not translate into athletics or real world activities.
Many forms of mobility exercises probably are helpful, and I'm not saying they're all useless or overrated.
- Finally, of course this doesn't make continuous exercise useless, continuous exercise is safer, some prefer it and it is more applicable to long distance races.
Because 99.9 % of people who go to the gym because they want to LOOK better using useless weight training exercises or cardio, FAIL.
If you are not wasting your training time on useless crap and have worked up to some heavy ass weights in your compound exercises, then you should have been scared to lift that amount of weight at least once.
You've probably also done all of the hundreds of crunches, situps, leg lifts, and other useless abs exercises, and that stomach of yours doesn't seem any flatter, does it?
There are many exercises with the stability ball that can provide specific benefits to the trainee compared to if they were not to use the ball at all in their workouts, but there are also plenty of instances where using a stability ball is pointless, or even less than useless in some cases!
Any attempt to decrease exercise - induced ROS production with antioxidant supplements is not only useless in terms increasing strength, performance, and recovery, but may be worse than useless (1), possibly canceling out much of your hard work in the gym.
I see the same guys in 6 - 7 times a week doing no warmup, no pre or post workout cardio and usually start off with their stupid cable crossovers first thing (one of the most useless exercises on earth).
The Commuter was certainly conceived as more of action movie than Murder on the Orient Express was, but it justifies its existence and doesn't feel like a useless exercise in showing off your A-list cast.
Independence Day: Resurgence is a painful, obtuse exercise in a most cynical and useless form of cash - grabbing (The ending promises another sequel).
And if you can't pin down Amazon's volume and market growth (ignoring the even greater challenge of placing a dollar figure on it, which is what the industry is most interested in), comparing other stores» perceived volumes to Amazon is a pretty useless exercise.
Doesn't Naseem Taleb argue that speculating or using thin tail probabilities is essentially a useless exercise because their relative uncertainty when combined with vulnerability can lead to a very wide range of possible impacts.
All this advice is great, but when you are confronted with the situation of a family court judge imposing a full no - contact restraining order, with no reasons given or existent, from your child, then «fighting back» against parental alienation is a useless academic exercise.
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