Sentences with phrase «of valuable compounds»

Now the team, which includes scientists at the John Innes Centre, plan to harness this process to generate «libraries» of valuable compounds created from the technique which they have named Accelerated Evolution.

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Chile is a valuable source of nutrition and contains several antioxidative compounds that protect the body.
Indenes are valuable building blocks of a variety of natural products, pharmaceuticals and other bio-active compounds.
More than 1,000 compounds have been extracted or derived from it, some of them valuable drugs.
«Working with GM tomatoes that are different to normal fruit only by the addition of a specific compound, allows us to pinpoint exactly how to breed in valuable traits,» said Professor Cathie Martin from the John Innes Centre.
In parallel to the «BioElectroPlast» project, KIT's researchers also study the conversion of carbon dioxide into valuable compounds under the industry - funded ZeroCarb FP innovation alliance.
This so - called beta - GeSe compound has a ring type structure like graphene and its monolayer form could have similarly valuable properties for electronic applications, according to the study published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Materials scientists at Argonne National Laboratory synthesized single crystals of a metallic trilayer nickelate compound, which shows similarities to a technologically valuable class of materials called high - temperature superconductors — and with the right ingredients, could potentially become one.
«As a result of an exhaustive investigation of the effects of various types of growth substances on plants, we have discovered that certain organic compounds exercise a pronounced stimulating effect on root - growth, and are highly valuable in promoting and inducing root - growth on plant slips or cuttings,» stated Zimmerman and Hitchcock in the patent application.
These measurements provide valuable information about the structures of these compounds.
Coral reefs are a valuable source of pharmaceutical compounds.
Although similar to the structure of the compound resveratrol, which is found in red wine, peanuts and grapes and is believed to combat heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, piceatannol could be a valuable tool for fighting obesity.
Locally grown food eaten in its natural raw state contains valuable compounds, such as enzymes, that jumpstart a number of biochemical reactions in your body and also contain biophotons, which are small units of light that are stored in and utilized by all biological organisms, including humans.
Onions have many valuable medicinal applications because of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds contained in them, including the presence of sulfuric compounds and quercetin in traces of the essential oils.
ScienceDaily — Food scientists at the University of British Columbia have been able to pinpoint more of the complex chemistry behind coffee's much touted antioxidant benefits, tracing valuable compounds to the roasting process.
It also delivers significant amounts of folate and fiber to support digestive health, plus plenty of phytonutrients, those valuable compounds in plants that help combat disease.
The power of compounding makes saving and investing in your 20s and 30s far more valuable than saving and investing in your 50s.
The best way to do this is to utilize compounding (reinvesting) dividends and returns and to buy bulk purchases of shares at super valuable levels.
Saving early, compound interest, and taking advantage of a company match are all important components of saving for retirement, but asset allocation holds a valuable place too.
The compounding effect of interest is what really makes these DRIPs valuable.
Don't enter people's yards without their permission (and especially don't enter a gated property; guard dogs will attack you or you could cause the escape of another dog and compound your problems); don't let yourself get surprised; if you can bring mace, do so; don't enter abandoned buildings alone; don't wear clothes that make you look like you are not part of the neighborhood or rich or otherwise; walk like you know what you are doing otherwise your vulnerable attitude will be picked up by criminal types; don't enter caves or holes without proper procedures, be sure to use assistants, and use proper gear such as ropes and other things that cave explorers or utility workers would use; park your car in a lighted place, remove visible valuables, lock up and take your keys; be wary of sexual approaches — predators will try to engage you in conversations or try to touch you; and trust your gut when it says you need to get out of there.
Grazing livestock merely recycle a few compounds of nitrogen, all of which either return to the atmosphere or provide valuable nitrogen fertilizers for the plants they graze on.
Grazing livestock merely recycle a few compounds of nitrogen, all of which either return to the atmosphere or provide valuable nitrogen fertilisers for the plants they graze on.
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