Sentences with phrase «of various religions»

All day long, every day, I deal with the beliefs and practices of various religions.
A graduating doctor or nurse should have a basic idea of the nature of various religions and their general requirements, preferences and practices.
There has also been a spike in the usage of various religion - related terms.
Godpot I have alreaady told you that I studied the Bible as well s the theologies of various religions including atheism and agnosticism.
First the believers of the various religions listened to the Word of God in the various sacred scriptures of mankind and then in holy silence hearkened to the inner Word of God.
notacultist, nobody can argue that terrible things have been done in the name of various religions.
As I told you before I have been a student of the Bible and made studies in the theology of various religions including atheism and agnosticism.
I think sometimes that the initial founders of various religions might actually believe what they are saying, but sometimes I wonder if they just invented their teachings so they could become rich and powerful.
Forum, Cultural Dialogue and Intercultural Dialogue, Development of sermon of various religion with Peace issues, Interactive Dialogue on the Radio, Campaign for Peace and Democracy Development Through Various Media); Cultural revitalization (`
We quote the article: According to Nigel Roulet, director of the McGill School of Environment and a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the idea was pushed out of mind by the West's declining birthrates and the admonishments of various religions and world governments.
Exposing children to a comprehensive presentation of various religions without forcing the children to join them does not constitute an indoctrination of students that would infringe the freedom of religion of L and J.
Exposing children to a comprehensive presentation of various religions without forcing the children to join them does not constitute an indoctrination of students that would infringe the freedom of religion of [the students in question].
Michelangelo's Creation of Adam and Bob Marley's Rastafarian reggae are just two of the artworks chronicled in this beautifully illustrated survey of various religions» perceptions of paradise, beginning with ancient Egyptian and Buddhist visions and concluding with an optimistic apparition of Earth as a global garden.
After my release from the hospital, I was moved to find them even more willing to introduce me to the manifold and somewhat esoteric life of the various religions which existed side by side on Japanese soil.
They should and must be allowed to perform sacred as well as secular, pop, classical and folk music, just as they must be allowed to study the tene ts of various religions.
It seems to me, that if there were a god, she would be more inclined to encourage people to speak the unifying language of science as opposed to the divisive languages of the various religions.
The SNBR's do not tend to mention your Jesus, though I see much of a blend of various religions.
The doctrines of various religions and churches should help couples in the arduous task of respecting the sacred interplay of fertility and coition, and civil law has an important educative function.
Call upon representatives of the various religions, sects and denominations to confront all forms of religious bigotry, villification, and denegration of what people hold sacred, as well as all speech that promote hatred and bigotry;
It is essential, therefore, to do some independent study, travel and field work in order to appreciate more completely the unity and diversity of the various religions and the systems of doctrine flowing from them.
The ultimate aim, so far as any can be descried, is the emergence of the various religions out of their isolation into a world fellowship in which each will find its appropriate place [Stephen Neill, A History of Christian Missions (Penguin, 1964), p. 456].
The word «crossing» is noteworthy especially in today's context of conflict between fundamentalist groups of various religions.
I know MANY MANY MANY people who attend churches of various religions who do NOT believe this and therefore are NOT Christians under that definition.
Even the comparison of the mythologies of the various religions will help him to understand more clearly the significance of the myths of the Christian tradition.
As a PHD, you must know the history of the bible and of the origins of various religions.
I mean, we skeptics already recognize that the supposedly - universal moralities of the various religions have changed tremendously over time, but people like Christians love to say their morality is universal and unchanging.
Vetta — The world is full of various religions and Churches, I personally have never pushed my beliefs on anybody else, i know many that have never tried to push their beliefs on anybody either.
People who are afraid to speak about how they feel because of various religions» grasp on the community.
Beyond the observance of the 7 Noahide laws (basic universal laws devoid of the myths of various religions) Judaism does not make such demands on non-Jews — though any sincere and determined non-Jew can become Jewish — but it does do so for Jews.
Social scientists have repeatedly surveyed views of various religions and movements, and Americans consistently hold evangelical Christians in reasonably high regard.
The interactions of various religions and their evolution, including not only Christain evolution but the intereactions between religions leading to more evolved religious thought, have fascinated me for many years.
If the central elements of various religions have so much in common, if they form what Schumacher calls the philosophia perennis, why did he feel obliged to settle for a single, necessarily limited institutional expression of it?
Accompanied by my friends, I visited the sanctuaries and participated in the worship services and ceremonies of the various religions.
And only because the living saints of the various religions are so similar to each other could it happen that the founder of the greatest Eastern religion of redemption was admitted to the throng of canonized Christian saints.
In fact, I truly believe that the dogmatic and oppressive doctines and histories of the various religions are probably the reasons we have so many skeptics and atheists.
Moreover, diversity within the canonical tradition of the various religions» such as the alleged contradiction between Paul and the Gospels» shows that someone must be wrong, and we have no way to determine who is right.
You can meet your destined one, as there are many singles of various religion at Cupid.
These new Religious Studies GCSEs have seen a move away from a thematic approach and towards a greater focus on exploring the beliefs and practices of various religions through their sacred texts.
Explore the history of Indonesia — Temples like Borobudur and Prambana are perfectly persevered examples of the old kingdoms of Indonesia and significant examples of the various religions as one temple is Buddhist and the other Hindu
I know so many people of various religions (and no religion at all), who believe as you do.
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