Sentences with phrase «of viable cells by»

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When this is joined to the «fact» that the thing inside the woman's body is nothing more than a mass of cells (a «fact» established by opposing sensible — but morally awkward — ultrasound requirements), abortion suddenly becomes a viable alternative.
In addition, the fuel cells are made by a combination of tape casting - lamination - cofiring (TLC) techniques that are commercially viable for large scale SOFC.
Now, in research published in the journal Cell Stem Cell, researchers at the University of Cambridge have shown that iNSCs may be a viable option to repairing some of the damage caused by MS.
The findings challenge the long - held theory that leukemia cells simply outperform healthy cells by living longer and suggest that targeting this «death factor» may be a viable way of combating the disease.
Sensitive and viable identification of antigen - specific CD8 + T cells by a flow cytometric assay for degranulation.
Complete phenotyping of the mouse immune system by polychromatic and mass cytometry (CYTOF), thanks to a set of standardised protocols enabling isolation of viable cells from lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs (lung, skin, intestine,...) for labelling using complex ranges of antibodies whose compatibility allows the simultaneous registration of 50 quantitative parameters at least (size, structure, specific antibodies and cell viability).
In technical terms, «colony - forming» is the ability to multiply by binary fission under controlled conditions and counts only viable cells (living cells capable of reproduction).
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