Sentences with phrase «of vocal cues»

Through the use of vocal cues, body language, and routing, you will develop a dominant relationship with your dog, establishing yourself as the «leader of the pack.»
A team led by Sophie Scott, a neuroscientist at University College London, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to determine the neural processing of vocal cues associated with four emotions: amusement, triumph, fear and disgust.

Not exact matches

During virtual meetings, both the facilitators and the participants miss the benefit of body language and vocal cues, making it hard to «read the room» or notice when someone has checked out, gotten frustrated, is confused, or even excited.
Important conversational cues, such as the intonations and resonances of each speaker's voice and the relative timing of their vocal interactions, can be extracted from the recording.
[Attila Andics et al., Voice - Sensitive Regions in the Dog and Human Brain Are Revealed by Comparative fMRI] Seems that thousands of years of domestication have made our furry friends sensitive to the same vocal cues we are.
In general, increasingly threatening stimuli elicited alarm calls with increases in F0 and in formant locations, and increasing numbers of these acoustic cues in vocal stimuli elicited increased vigilance and flight behavior in listening elephants.
Vigorous morning yoga intensives guide you deeper into your own practice and life purpose, while afternoon instructional sessions cover an extensive yoga teacher curriculum, including cueing, sequencing, hands - on assists, working with injuries, demonstration techniques, vocal presence, yoga philosophy and history, the business of yoga, ethics, and anatomy.
One of the more impressive cues is the longest, the truly inspiringly - named «Montage», which includes - as all scores seem to at the moment - a wailing, Middle Eastern vocal, this time performed by Hovig Krikorian.
Isolated stereo track of Cary Berger's score / Audio gallery also contains additional cues, vocal source cues, and demo material.
This means that we need to speak and understand the language of the parrot, and not just the vocal cues.
The first time I encountered the Handler, I found her a tad bit annoying, however, her vocal cues and the wealth of information she has with her, definitely made my first few quests and expeditions easier than remembering everything from the text tutorials.
A large body of research suggests that psychopathy is associated with atypical responses to distress cues (e.g. facial and vocal expressions of fear and sadness), including decreased activation of the fusiform and extrastriate cortical regions, which may partly account for impaired recognition of and reduced autonomic responsiveness to expressions of fear, and impairments of empathy.
The disadvantage is, like email, the lack of any vocal or visual cues and clues.
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