Sentences with phrase «of voluntary restraint»

The report assesses the poor record of voluntary restraint and shareholder activism in reining in CEO compensation.

Not exact matches

South Korea has already complied with this demand and agreed to a voluntary export restraint for steel, a further opening of their market for American cars and a slower phasing out of the limits on exports of Korean pickup trucks to the U.S.
The third missionary journey was Paul's last voluntary itineration throughout Asia Minor and Greece; like the other two, it was a journey that he, by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, planned and accomplished freely without major external restraints.
Included in the PowerPoint: Macroeconomic Objectives (AS Level) a) Aggregate Demand (AD) and Aggregate Supply (AS) analysis - the shape and determinants of AD and AS curves; AD = C+I+G + (X-M)- the distinction between a movement along and a shift in AD and AS - the interaction of AD and AS and the determination of the level of output, prices and employment b) Inflation - the definition of inflation; degrees of inflation and the measurement of inflation; deflation and disinflation - the distinction between money values and real data - the cause of inflation (cost - push and demand - pull inflation)- the consequences of inflation c) Balance of payments - the components of the balance of payments accounts (using the IMF / OECD definition): current account; capital and financial account; balancing item - meaning of balance of payments equilibrium and disequilibrium - causes of balance of payments disequilibrium in each component of the accounts - consequences of balance of payments disequilibrium on domestic and external economy d) Exchange rates - definitions and measurement of exchange rates - nominal, real, trade - weighted exchange rates - the determination of exchange rates - floating, fixed, managed float - the factors underlying changes in exchange rates - the effects of changing exchange rates on the domestic and external economy using AD, Marshall - Lerner and J curve analysis - depreciation / appreciation - devaluation / revaluation e) The Terms of Trade - the measurement of the terms of trade - causes of the changes in the terms of trade - the impact of changes in the terms of trade f) Principles of Absolute and comparative advantage - the distinction between absolute and comparative advantage - free trade area, customs union, monetary union, full economic union - trade creation and trade diversion - the benefits of free trade, including the trading possibility curve g) Protectionism - the meaning of protectionism in the context of international trade - different methods of protection and their impact, for example, tariffs, import duties and quotas, export subsidies, embargoes, voluntary export restraints (VERs) and excessive administrative burdens («red tape»)- the arguments in favor of protectionism This PowerPoint is best used when using worksheets and activities to help reinforce the ideas talked about.
Filed emergency application seeking temporary restraints / injunction in NY Supreme Court against one of the largest integrated health systems in the U.S. concerning breach of contract claims asserted by voluntary benefits broker, which resulted in near immediate settlement of claims favorable to client.
Her commercial practice covers restraint of trade and directorial disputes, and she uses her additional knowledge of corporate structure and governance — gained via her ACIS professional company secretarial qualification — to help disentangle the governance disputes between directors / trustees and senior executive employees that can often lead to conflict in both corporate and voluntary sector organisations.
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