Sentences with phrase «of warming foods»

As the temperature drops the thought of warming foods such as ginger, cinnamon, and soups sounds delightful.
Additional ridges or «tooth marks» on the sides of the swollen tongue are evidence of excess cold in the digestive system, which is often due to a lack of warming foods in the diet.
Eating a balance of warming foods like carrots, garlic, basil, rosemary, rice, onions, chicken, or salmon, with the addition of cooling foods like apple, bananas, pears, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, broccoli and celery is highly recommended.
Eating foods that are easy on your digestive system is important year round, and in the winter that means lots of warming foods.
If you are living in an environment that is cold, or you just feel cold all the time like me, here are some examples of warming foods that are not only tasty but will soothe those cold bones as well!
Not surprising since it is in this group of warming foods that leeks have a high concentration of folate, a B vitamin essential to iron production.
It's making me so excited to be back in America during the fall and winter months so I can eat all kinds of warm foods and embrace the festive foods that come along with the holidays.
This soup looks divine, but with temperatures rising above 30 °C today (we're in the middle of a heatwave) I can't think of warm food right now However, I definitely need to remember this soup for the colder days!
Ghee is primarily used as a cooking fat, or on top of warm foods and drinks.

Not exact matches

«Many on both sides focused more on trying to stay warm and dry, securing food, and avoiding death than pursuing the aims of their generals,» according to The Encyclopedia of World War I's entry on the Christmas Truce.
A recent Geophysical Research Letters study found that the Arctic permafrost contains 32 million gallons of mercury, which is projected to adversely affect our global air, food, water and soil supplies as the Earth warms and the permafrost unthaws, releasing the neurotoxin.
For families and friends not looking to make a day of food preparation or for those incapable of creating a feast without the fire alarm ringing, Pizza Hut will deliver warm pies dripping with dairy and carbohydrates.
The city's warm hospitality combined with its excellent food make Lisbon one of the most desired European cities to live in.
She was given a food kit, water and winter clothes for warm against the 2 or 3 inches of snow that fell this week.
With its slower pace of living, warm, welcoming climate, healthy, fresh foods and reputation as one of the «greenest and cleanest» countries in the world with little pollution, lots of clean water and fresh air... it's no wonder Costa Ricans are considered the «happiest people on the planet».
United Nations scientists state that raising animals for food is «one of the major causes of the world's most pressing environmental problems, including global warming, land degradation, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity.»
The combination of a slightly warmer earth and more CO2 will greatly increase the production of food, wood, fiber, and other products by green plants, so the increase will be good for the planet, and will easily outweigh any negative effects.
Francis drew a standing ovation on Monday at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, where he marked the UN's World Food Day by calling for governments to work together to tackle the interconnected problems of hunger, global warming and migration.
But in the (paraphrased and amplified) words of James, «If a brother or sister is without food and clothing, and one of you says, «Be warm and well fed.
i can tell the hardest thing was finding food a tent and warm blanket would of been great.
It is really cold where we live, and I've brought him clothes and cat food and blankets, but I still can't sleep at night in my warm bed while I think of him out in the 20 degree weather, sometimes in rain and snow.
The availability of good coffee and warm, fast - food sub sandwiches.
If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to them, «Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill,» and yet you do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that?
If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, «Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,» but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?
I've seen this sort of theology applied to global warming, («God is going to destroy the world anyway»), humanitarian aid, («It's more important to give people the gospel than to give them food») and to social justice, («Just let God straighten it out in eternity»).
Can that faith save him?i 15 If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, 16 and one of you says to them, «Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,» but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it?j 17 So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
Land developers burn forests in Latin America to feed the cattle that fill the cavernous appetites of fast food chains in the United States — and the entire planet gradually warms, leaving even the experts in doubt about the future of our global ecology.
The Pastor and Elders are the cowboys, who do most of the protecting and providing so that the horses can feel safe, warm, and clean, leaving plenty of time for food and fellowship.
With tears in my eyes I answered that although I so badly wanted to adopt all the children of the world and give them all warm homes, food for their tummy, and loving arms to wrap around them, I can not.
It is safe, warm, and clean, and there is plenty of time for food and friendship with other horses.
One million people who have survived and fled the civil war in Syria and ISIS in Iraq now face the deadly cold of winter without the basic necessities to keep them alive: shelter, heaters, warm clothing, mattresses, blankets, and, of course, food.
Once wasted food reaches landfills, it produces methane, a gas with 21 times the warming potential of carbon dioxide.
I haven't tried it before but I personally absolutely love warm foods and don't think that eating raw a lot of the time is really necessary.
Here she has created a warm, cozy environment matched only by the comfort and creative flavor combinations of the food.
Hi Livia, Am delighted to have discovered your blog as I am a complete sucker for a (healthy and preferably warm) crumble dessert but what I am really interested in is how exactly you were diagnosed with intolerances to foods such as wheat, dairy and preservatives as I suspect that my daughter (who is 9) and I have food intolerances but am not sure of the best way to go about getting them diagnosed.
We're really getting into winter now and I find that one of the ways I stay happy about colder, darker days is by getting excited about warming winter foods and that starts with soup!
Can't wait to make this, I know exactly what you mean about craving warm foods instead of raw salads, I feel exactly the same!
Looks delicious, I'm craving warm foods now too salad just doesn't feel satisfying in cold weather I'd love to see more of your warm salad & dressings ideas.
If you're less into raw food or after a warm dish then you can gently sauté the noodles with olive oil for a couple of minutes until they soften before stirring in the sauce for another minute.
Because September is still warm during the day in Southern Italy and many of the foods offered are sensitive to heat, the festival starts at 7:00 pm, around sunset.
Writing about winter food in the middle of the night from a cute little house with a tiny swimmingpool in warm and humid Bali, Indonesia.
The viands, kept warm by chafing - dishes, were then brought in on artistically worked plates of gold, silver, tortoise - shell, or earthenware, and each person, before beginning to eat, threw a small piece of food into a lighted brazier, as an offering to the god of fire.
And it travels well: no sogginess, no thinned out dressing, you can eat it cold if you left your Thermos on the train once and no longer had a method of keeping food warm for lunch... Thank you so much, I check DE before I check my email these days!
Warm weather dinners, the kind where most of your food is cooked out on the grill or prepped ahead of time and served chilled, are my favorite.
You with your red and yellow and orange foliage, you with your chilly - enough - for - flannel weather, you with your abundance of apples and winter squash and warm, grounding foods.
There probably isn't a food in the world that reminds me of warm - weather days like a Key Lime Pie does.
Got a craving for the warm, comforting flavors of restaurant takeout food?
These last few weeks I have indulged in a lot of rich foods and my body is now craving something warm, delicious, nutritious and wholesome.
Enjoy this week's healthy meal plan — we have lots of comfort food to keep you warm!
Call me weird or whatever but I like my chili and any hot food better during the warmer days of the year.
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