Sentences with phrase «of water withdrawals»

By far, agriculture is the biggest user of water in these river basins — more than 80 percent of all water withdrawals are by agriculture.
A significant number of US coal - fired generators use once - through cooling systems, which involve large amounts of water withdrawals.
States like Alabama, Maryland, Michigan, and Wisconsin could each save more than 250 billion gallons of water withdrawals a year by replacing uncompetitive coal generators with renewable energy.
Approximately 8,421 billion gallons of water withdrawals and 149 billion gallons of water consumption could be avoided if both retiring and ripe - for - retirement generators were replaced with renewables and efficiency.
In the United States, electricity generation accounts for roughly half of all water withdrawals.
NPS asked New York to work with the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), a federal and multi-state compact agency that is also developing gas regulations, to calculate the potential cumulative impact of water withdrawals if the gas boom continues.
According to USGS estimates of water withdrawals in the year 2000, thermoelectric power generation accounted for 48 % of all withdrawals.

Not exact matches

The agency downplayed the impact of the withdrawal, saying it would amount to only a 0.07 percent increase in total surface water withdrawal from Lake Michigan.
Working with Worms to Fight Climate Change Global studies show that water scarcity and water stress are increasing, and as much as 15 % to 35 % of human withdrawals of water for agriculture are considered unsustainable.1 Achievement of climate change - related commitments like those made at last year's Paris Climate Conference («COP21») will require that businesses strategically manage their water footprints for maximum efficacy while mitigating negative impacts.
Drinking plenty of water to cleanse your system and encourage digestion is also the key to moving through the withdrawal process.
The French international left the fray moments later, with Kolo Toure entering the fray, but had to be convinced of the need for his withdrawal by Klopp and flung a water bottle to the ground in disgust as he crossed the touchline before burying his head beneath his jacket on the bench.
I trust just as the Commons has twice now voted to uphold a Manifesto promise of the governing party against Lords amendment over press issues, so we will do the same to the amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill that seek to slow down, water down or prevent Brexit.
He says he's also concerned about a «high volume of truck traffic» and possible over withdrawal of water from aquifers.
Scenic Hudson has worked for decades to stop the massive environmental damage to the Hudson River caused by the plant's withdrawal of billions of gallons a day of cooling water.
Last year, state officials floated the possibility of protecting wildlife species by shutting Indian Point during the summer months — which would essentially erase its profitability — during the separate ongoing negotiations over its water withdrawal certificate required as part of its re-licensing.
Other human activites linked to seismic activity include hydraulic fracturing, in which a water mixture gets pumped underground to break up rocks and release gas, and fluid withdrawal, which can refer to the withdrawal of oil and gas, groundwater or hot water / steam for geothermal power, the USGS says.
Year after year, as the rivers and streams have dwindled, the state's Department of Water Resources, which requires permits, has continued to issue them, allowing new groundwater wells, and not counting their withdrawals as part of a single system.
In recent years, the withdrawals have taken on even more importance: At least 60 percent of California's water now comes from underground, some researchers say.
The researchers conclude that improved monitoring and access to water withdrawal and streamflow data are needed to ensure protection of streams as drinking water sources and valuable habitat in the future.
It has long been understood that earthquakes can be induced by impoundment of water in reservoirs, surface and underground mining, withdrawal of fluids and gas from the subsurface, and injection of fluids into underground formations.
The new study is one of the first to provide a global accounting of regional and local water impacts, taking into account seasonal changes and different types of intervention, including water withdrawals, reservoir regulation, land - use change, and irrigation.
The article documents a reduction in water flow in Great Plains streams and rivers because of drought, damming and groundwater withdrawals.
Consumption of environmental services, such as water (crop irrigation alone counts for 70 % of the world's freshwater withdrawals), should be taxed, say the researchers, and any subsidies should be paid on the proviso that they are as much for protecting the land as for farming it.
But the NRDC said the mercury rule could not be withdrawn before its expected Jan. 24 publication in the Federal Register because it was subject to a Clean Water Act provision that, given the wording of Priebus» memorandum, forbade withdrawal.
«The equations derived from our analysis can be used by water resources managers to better predict how a proposed water withdrawal or other alteration to natural stream flow will affect the health of downstream fish populations.»
In the Mississippi Delta, where rates of land loss are especially severe, subsidence of the land surface reflects natural processes, such as sediment compaction and crustal loading, but this is exacerbated by anthropogenic withdrawal of fluids (water, oil, natural gas).
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC — The health of fish and aquatic insects could be significantly affected by withdrawals of fresh water from the rivers and streams across North Carolina according to a new scientific assessment.
Rats in sugar withdrawal are more likely to show passive behaviours (like floating) than active behaviours (like trying to escape) when placed in water, suggesting feelings of helplessness.
At first, you won't be able to experience almost any of the benefits but will suffer from withdrawal symptoms., such as slight headaches, loss of water weight, dizziness, lethargy, and loss of appetite.
(The caffeine withdrawals subsided after two days by drinking a lot of extra water!)
The rats exhibited withdrawal symptoms initially and then voluntarily gave up their addiction, despite the availability of the drug - laced water.
If you drink plenty of water during your fast, you will feel better, experience fewer side effects from withdrawals and detoxification, and will increase the overall effectiveness of your fast.
In at least one instance, the scientific literature reported withdrawal symptoms for a baby born to a mother drinking more than one liter (around 4 glasses) of tonic water per day.
But the talk about water withdrawal is genuine, even if like other long - time - coming environmental and climate changes, the river will see plenty of seasonal ups and downs before and end comes.
In practice, power plants have priority over other water withdrawals from the same source (usually a river), and when water is in short supply — e.g. in the Southeast right now — the demands of power generation are competing with municipal water supplies, irrigation, etc..
Finally, they argue that California needs to monitor and control groundwater withdrawals (a California Assembly bill to do this was sent into legislative limbo this spring) and to crack down on profligate water users whose excesses are in violation of the legal requirement that water use be «beneficial.»
Operational water consumption and withdrawal factors for electricity generating technologies: a review of existing literature.
According to a River Network report in June, electricity production by coal, nuclear and natural gas power plants is the fastest - growing use of freshwater in the U.S., accounting for more than half of all fresh, surface water withdrawals from rivers.
Natural gas gross withdrawals are a measure of full well stream production including all natural gas plant liquids and nonhydrocarbon gases after oil, lease condensate, and water have been removed.
However, if yearly payments could be made on the basis of measured soil organic matter, rather than merely the withdrawal of the land for economic use, we would see much more wildlife habitat created, more grassfed beef raised, better water quality, a more secure income for landowners based on stewardship, and perhaps less conversion to monocrop grain production.
Scenic Hudson has worked for decades to stop the massive environmental damage to the Hudson River caused by the plants» withdrawal of billions of gallons a day of cooling water.
Withdrawals exceeding 20 % of renewable water supply have been used as an indicator of water stress.
6.4: Increase water - use efficiency across all sectors, ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply for freshwater to address water scarcity and lower number of people suffering from water scarcity
Hydrogeologist David Yoxtheimer of Penn State's Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research gives the withdrawals more context: Of the 9.5 billion gallons of water used daily in Pennsylvania, natural gas development consumes 1.9 million gallons a day (mgd); livestock use 62 mgd; mining, 96 mgd; and industry, 770 mgof Penn State's Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research gives the withdrawals more context: Of the 9.5 billion gallons of water used daily in Pennsylvania, natural gas development consumes 1.9 million gallons a day (mgd); livestock use 62 mgd; mining, 96 mgd; and industry, 770 mgOf the 9.5 billion gallons of water used daily in Pennsylvania, natural gas development consumes 1.9 million gallons a day (mgd); livestock use 62 mgd; mining, 96 mgd; and industry, 770 mgof water used daily in Pennsylvania, natural gas development consumes 1.9 million gallons a day (mgd); livestock use 62 mgd; mining, 96 mgd; and industry, 770 mgd.
Novel human - induced subsidence caused by the withdrawal of ground water on a river delta could produce catastrophic effects in exactly these areas that the authors are concerned about.
A Review of Operational Water Consumption and Withdrawal Factors for Electricity Generating Technologies.
So how much of the state's water withdrawals goes towards cooling power plants?
NPS also raised concerns about the potential water withdrawals from rivers, given that each well in the Marcellus shale requires about 4 million gallons of water.
A closer look at the withdrawal of Arctic waters from offshore drilling shows a critically important detail to how the White House made this decision: They used a climate test as one of the rationales for ending drilling in the Arctic.
EPA's authority to review applications for consistency with the law comes from Section 404 (c) which authorizes and compels EPA to determine whether permitted activities would result in «significant and unacceptable adverse impacts on municipal water supplies, and prohibit, restrict, or deny, including withdrawal, the use of any defined area as a disposal site.»
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