Sentences with phrase «of watercolour painting»

As I've begun working on a new series of watercolour painting projects from Joe Francis Dowden's book Ready To Paint: Venice in Watercolour, I thought it would be pertinent to share a selection of photograph of Venice that I took during my trip there in October 2012...
Because of the additional chalk fillers added to gouache it doesn't have the luminous quality of watercolour paint but it dries very quickly and that ability to paint light over dark can be a real bonus, as we shall see in this blog post.
He learned the arts of watercolour painting from the famous local portraitist and landscape artist Kathleen Bridle when in his late teens.
It was wonderful to see her in action as she demonstrated her unique style of watercolour painting in the St Cuthberts Mill demonstration tent, which she packed out — it was standing room only!
In this still life watercolour class, Siân Dudley takes you through an unique selection of items that demand a variety of watercolour painting skills.
Master artist Jean Haines leads you on a journey through paint, showing you how to wipe away your worries with the soothing, gentle strokes of watercolour paint.
This coloring book is based on my strange birds series of watercolour paintings made available for you to colour because I want to see what you do with them.
Following the DVD step - by - step is almost like having a one - to - one session of watercolour painting with Geoff Kersey in the room with you.
Terry Harrison's no - nonsense teaching style takes the mystery out of watercolour painting and the clear step - by - step photographs make it easy for readers to reproduce all of the projects.
I also seem to remember Winsor and Newton were selling ex-stock tubes of watercolour paints at almost one - third of the high street cost!
The exhibition presents a full and fresh assessment on the history and future of watercolour painting.
IVAM is pleased to present the second leg of «Doric», a series of monumental sized paintings that the artist has produced since 2008 until now, and in addition to that a series of watercolour paintings created in Greece during the 1980s.
Many fine versions of watercolour paintings rendered on paper, manuscripts, maps and miniatures can be found in our museums today.
As well as oil painting, Hone also produced a number of watercolour paintings.
In 1937, at the age of 21, Wyeth had his first solo exhibition of watercolour painting, at the Macbeth Art Gallery in New York.
At the heart of the exhibition is a collection of watercolour paintings: a series of Diptychs consisting of portraits of model Karen Graham and Mx Bond.
JMW Turner (1775 - 1851) Sublime English landscape painter; pioneer of Expressionism; master of watercolour painting.
These hand - made porcelain dessert plates are delicately formed and painted to resemble the fluid beauty of a watercolour painting.
Mimicking the look of a watercolour painting, this gorgeous throw pillow in varying shades of blue is ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.
A digital reproduction of a watercolour painting of clouds with splashes of Serenity blue and lilac takes this wallpaper off the beaten path to soothing effect.
The wet - on - wet technique of Matthias Meyer allows him to adapt the qualities of watercolour painting and to let the strongly thinned oil colour to flow freely on the canvas with the colours flowing into each other, whilst at the same time controlling it purposefully.
In the early 1880s, she travelled to Brussels and Paris where she studied drawing, and fine art painting alongside contemporaries like Walter Osborne and John Lavery, and spent some time in London working under Paul Jacob Naftel, whom she later claimed had given her a profound understanding of the art of watercolour painting.
I first visited the Patchings Art Festival back in 2007 and remember walking around the entire day as I was overwhelmed with meeting and chatting to some of my watercolour painting heroes, and there was so much to see and do.
More than 200 of his watercolour paintings were confiscated and have never been rediscovered.
In what is now referred to as the Golden Age of watercolour painting, artists from the school of English landscape painting raised the status of watercolour painting to a serious and independent artform.
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