Sentences with phrase «of weather manipulation»

This collaborative approach is a far cry from the warnings of Australian ethicist and geoengineering critic Clive Hamilton, who has argued China's history of weather manipulation, top - down political system and urgent environmental challenges make it a likely contender to use geoengineering technology on its own without sharing its know - how with other countries.
Have had some correspondence with him via facebook and he is about the most closed minded human I have ever encountered when you mention the notion of weather manipulation and the like.
But they are rescued by Cyclops, possessing powerful optic blasts, and Storm, gifted with the power of weather manipulation, who carry them to the refuge.

Not exact matches

The actor may not look a lick like Baker, but his weathered pretty - boy face fits the troubled trumpeter - vocalist's legend to a T; in a delicate performance, he emotes subtle notes of tragedy and manipulation through a wheezy, upper - register voice.
For her, Kasten is an analog precursor to the digital manipulations of today and a weather vane for artists like Deschenes, VanDerBeek, Walead Beshty, and Eileen Quinlan, who also use film.
While working with different textiles and its textures Virnich emphazises on their existing traces of use — weather stains, dirt marks, human sweat — but also adds her own manipulations such as holes, flaws, seams and fragrances.
Manipulation of the data is so bad that the recent discovery concerning a weather station in the Antarctic where the temperature readings were actually changed from minus signs to a plus signs to show global warming almost comes as no surprise.
Was Puerto Rico the target of weather warfare from Hurricane Maria manipulation?
Another case of this type of actual results manipulation... too likely fit an agenda... was in RPJ's case of weather relater disaster losses and the «mystery» graph:
Reduction in the number of weather stations, elimination of raw data by national governments, unexplained manipulations of existing data, and deliberate loss of data were all done to predetermine and justify results.
If they had, they would see the extensive and outrageous scientific errors, manipulations of data, and omissions of large areas of the complexity that is the weather.
The instrumental record is so replete with limitations, errors, and manipulations that it is not even a crude estimate of the pattern of weather and its changes over time.
I'm sure temperature changes, weather changes... speaking of, why don't we ever hear of the apparent but controversial weather manipulation from such things as geoengineering (supposedly to combat global warming but dismissed as conspiracy theory) or HAARP which has often been the subject of the same theorists that think it's possible to alter the weather..
Do you not realize that 3 of the 4 weather reporting centers show global cooling... only Hansen's NASA center (thanks to his manipulations) show warming?
The 2 - minute video below is an excellent capture of RF manipulation on weather systems.
Temperature data were the focus of the so - called 2009 Climategate controversy, in which opponents of greenhouse gas regulation alleged that leaked emails from a British climate laboratory showed manipulation of weather station records.
circulation patterns, suggesting it was (as I recall) significant, and then went on to describe... potential purposeful alteration of synoptic scale weather in Europe by manipulation of a hypothetical wind power plant in the U.S..
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