Sentences with phrase «of weeks time»

Keep the routine by doing it at the same time of day and same day of the week every time.
They will be back in a couple of weeks time for the next part of the fit - out.
It's our video of the week time, and we are looking forward.
With the launch taking place in a couple of weeks time pre-orders are open at a slightly discounted rate.
Take out your old ring and put a new one in on the same day of the week every time.
After their comprehensive win over Arsenal, it's no surprise that Liverpool dominate Garth Crooks» Premier League team of the week this time round.
Man Utd racked up another impressive win at the weekend, and that's reflected in the BBC Premier League team of the week this time round.
I am backpacking mexico in a couple of weeks time so I may just have to add this to my list!
Resurrection is the theme of this weeks time out reads too.
Space / / Form opens in just a couple of weeks time now in Portland at Breeze Block Gallery and here we have a view into the studios of some of the artists involved.
Transatlantic traveling artist Hush (interviewed) is set to pick up another stamp in his passport and some frequent flyer points in a couple of weeks time when his latest solo show entitled «Passing Through» opens at San Francisco's Shooting Gallery on May 1st.
That statistic aside, his hat - trick against the Hammers on Saturday was world class, and there should be no one who disputes Crooks putting him in his team of the week this time round.
Formula 1 2018 Season Results & Calender: So there will be 21 races in the 2017 season starting with Australia GP out of the way, we will move to China in couple of weeks time for the second grand prix.
I'm set to fly the Cathay Pacific A350 in a couple of weeks time so I'm looking forward to trying it out and reporting back here with first hand experience — if it's anything like the Finnair experience I had it will be fantastic....
You might like to continue repeating alternate fasting times on your chosen days of the week
Arsenal and City are now just 5 point ahead of Manchester United while red devils still have a game in hand which put fourth place on the line since Arsenal will play City at Etihad in couple of weeks time.
At the moment, the situation is delicate — and there have been developments with regard to the ongoing contractual negotiations at Anfield — and this is something that we will discuss here, on the website, once the Real Madrid fixture has been concluded in a couple of weeks time.
Some good news from the Arsenal camp is that Theo Walcott is approaching fitness again, and his return to the side is being pencilled in for the match against Tottenham in a couple of weeks time.
However they reached the 4th Round of the FA Cup on Monday overcoming a spirited effort from League Two side AFC Wimbledon and are looking forward to a League Cup semi-final against Chelsea in a couple of weeks time.
Louis van Gaal and his little boy striker will certainly not be coming to the Emirates with any form or confidence in a couple of weeks time.
After his performance on Sunday, I'd be surprised if Iwobi lines - up at Old Trafford in a couple of weeks time.
Because of injuries that is a long way off, and it will be interesting to see if the club has the willingness to invest in further attacking players, especially recognised goalscorers, before the transfer window «slams» shut in a couple of weeks time.
Time though for us at La liga Blog to run through the league and duly reward the top performers by naming them in our Matchday 4 La Liga Team of the Week
Real Madrid will be delighted with the 2 - 0 win away from home which kind set them up nicely for the return leg at home in a couple of weeks time.
To make matters worse they are playing Barcelona again in couple of weeks time.
Not the ideal situation for the gunners who also resume their Champions League campaign in couple of weeks time.
He is looking for cash to boost lecturers» salaries when the full spending review announcement is made in a couple of weeks time.
But seeing these photos again I promised myself that in a couple of weeks time I'll be wearing them again
I ended up canceling the plans I had made and have postponed them for a couple of weeks time, hopefully then everyone will be fit and well and we can do it all properly.
I actually came across Helen as I am featuring her own wedding in a couple of weeks time, an amazing Ibiza wedding shot by Christian Ward.
To those who like the movie that's fine but to me I will forget this movie about a couple of weeks time.
It seems we're getting a Ssangyong Tivoli XLV debut at the Geneva Motor Show in a couple of weeks time, which you'd expect to be a bigger -LSB-...]
Set to make its debut at the New York Auto Show 2018 in just a couple of weeks time, the new Aviator will only, for the moment, be a concept - or, as the automaker describes it, a «production preview.»
Great news - I just got word from Will that he'll be able to join us to answer our questions in a couple of weeks time.
Apple is set to launch its third version of the iPad in only a couple of weeks time, but a report today suggests the Cupertino - based company is toying with the idea of bringing out a smaller tablet.
In a couple of weeks time, they all should be ready to make their special announcements!
[Once again, IGF download partner Direct2Drive is awarding $ 10,000 to a neat indie title at the Independent Games Festival awards in a couple of weeks time, and here's the rundown on the titles competing for the D2D Vision Award - including a couple of games that weren't Main Competition finalists but are still awesome titles.]
Many fans had thought we would not get a reveal for Pokemon until the E3 2018 event in a couple of weeks time.
The company will be adding more features in the upcoming updates to the Twitter PWA which should be available for all users once Microsoft rolls out the Windows 10 Spring Creators update in a couple of weeks time.
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