Sentences with phrase «of wheel time»

Your parents may not be «with it», but between them they've accumulated a lot of wheel time.
I spend the majority of my wheel time sailing down freeways in Comfort mode, taking advantage of the wagon's adaptive cruise control, which automatically brakes to match slower traffic ahead.
It takes about fourteen hours to drive nonstop from Stuttgart to Valencia, but we chose the scenic route, which was 1082 miles long and called for 22 hours and 48 minutes of wheel time.
But there is always much more to be learned about any car during a year's worth of daily use and playful abuse, and we are now armed and ready with a four - door GTI that will allow us to log a significant amount of wheel time and report back to you what we find out.

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After reinventing the wheel for myself time and time again I've come to realize that the secret to millennial success in the business world is a combination of grit and creative thinking.
«There have been people making these wheels for a long time,» says Geoff Drake, editor of Bicycling Magazine.
Autopilot issues visual and audio alerts if the driver's hands leave the steering wheel for a period of time.
And while it's clear that building the 21st - century economy is inevitably about spinning the digital roulette wheel a lot of the time, we can't forget that capitalism isn't just a casino.
Customers will be able to call cars with a special app at any time of day, and each vehicle will have a safety driver behind the wheel.
Reinventing the wheel is time consuming, plus there's no guarantee of success.
For a long time I was thought of as a California guy who came from open wheel and had success in NASCAR.
They keep the wheels of engagement turning all the time, just by talking.
The next time you take your car out for a spin, imagine how much more comfortable it would be if your steering wheel perfectly conformed to the shape of your hand.
They intuitively know — in my view — that you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time your company launches a new initiative, and that you can learn from other companies» efforts, successes and mistakes by mining the treasure trove of knowledge that is the Internet.
Almost all of DiCostanzo's customers were Boomers or older, many returning to two wheels for the first time in decades.
While some companies like Tesla already offer semi-autonomous technology — where the driver can take their hands off the wheel for brief periods of time — it is likely to be several years before people can turn over the majority of the driving to the «brains» in their vehicle.
It was in autonomous mode at the time of the collision, with a vehicle operator behind the wheel.
There was a vehicle operator behind the wheel of Uber's car at the time of the crash.
Bhatnager's time at Twitter, which is no stranger to chaos and controversy, is likely to help her navigate the colorful and free - wheeling world of cryptocurrency world.
The vehicle was in autonomous mode at the time of the collision, with a human test driver behind the wheel.
And there is the suspicion that builds every time you take the wheel that no other car combines the same coincidental levels of performance, road feel, quality and comfort.
In this crash, there was a test driver behind the wheel, but neither they nor the car reacted in time to avoid a woman who crossed in front of the car.
The driver of the Model S, Luo Zhen, did not have his hands on the wheel at the time of the crash.
Musk did not go into detail on what those changes might be, but it is possible that Tesla could decide to make it a rule of thumb that hands must always be on the wheel at all times.
Powered by three electric motors — one in front and two at the rear — FF 91's all wheel drive system will be capable of blasting off a 0 - 60 mph time of 2.39 seconds, making it the world's quickest electric vehicle.
Krafcik's optimism comes as automakers like Tesla market features like Autopilot, which allows drivers to take their hands off the wheel for short periods of time.
Though they differ widely in language and social sentiment, these ridings are bound together by at least one common value: Residents of these ridings spend a lot of time behind the wheel.
Tesla Motors added that the Autopilot system requires drivers to always keep their hands on the steering wheel so that they would be able to take control of the vehicle at any time.
Regardless of the «he said, she said» narrative, it takes time, potentially years, for the wheels of legislation to turn; a bill would require drafting, after which it would need to win a majority vote from the National Assembly before it could become a law.
Regardless, it takes time, potentially years, for the wheels of legislation to turn; the bill will require drafting, after which it will need to win a majority vote from the National Assembly before it could become a law.
For people living in rural areas, where wait times for driverless Uber or any kind of public transit are completely unreasonable, yet don't have money to burn an extra $ 10k on their car to make it autonomous, will continue to buy old - fashioned human - driven cars with gas pedals and steering wheels long into the future — and will not accept not being able to drive their cars into cities.
Last time we Muricans exported our brand of free wheeling «capitalism» to a major Asian economy i.e. Japan, we managed to cause the whole economy to come to a standstill in less than 10 years.
Through it, the occupants of the vehicle can leave the driving to the system, though the cars will still have steering wheels on the times when an occupant will choose to take control.
At the same time, automakers are bringing more pieces of self - driving technology to market while insisting that the driver is responsible for the vehicle's operation and may need to take control of the steering wheel in challenging situations.
Then I was wondering how it can be explained that ancient Egyptian text supports Joseph's time as the leader under Pharaoh or pictures have been taken of chariot wheels at the bottom of the Red Sea or even how recently the location of Sodom has been found.
The Jatravartids, who live in perpetual fear of the time they call «The Coming of the Great White Handkerchief», are small, blue creatures with more than fifty arms each, who are therefore unique in being the only race in history to have invented the aerosol deodorant before the wheel.
But since theological wheels move slowly and reevaluation of respective positions seldom occur, the possibilities of Bonhoeffer's position may have to wait for a long time.
Over against it he sets up a philosophical system of cosmic determinisrn, a sort of universal wheel of time on which life and nature and history are forever wearily repeating themselves as often as the cycle of time brings round once more the things that have receded into the past.
Unlike the wheel of life of some Eastern traditions, the linear sense of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures gives time a significance and history a meaning.
However using the drunk driver example / metaphor, I have no problem with anyone getting behind the wheel of a car too inebriated to drive facing consequences with restrictions on their licence or even jail time.
Yet, we, as adults get behind the wheel all of the time!
They sat for long hours into the night, talking about round wheels, and that even if it took longer to cut round wheels, it would save everybody a lot of time, because now the wheels could actually be used.
Well then, nevermind, take me on the ferris wheel of your thoughts, SPIN it around, but not too many times, I might get sick, and make a mess.
The fate of most autodidacts, a fate I happen to understand only too well, is to be perpetually reinventing the wheel and, in the course of that needless reinvention, never to achieve the wing, the propeller or the time machine.
They found a chariot wheel of the type used in Egypt at the time of the exodus at the bottom of the Red Sea, with human bones and horse bones.
Moving on is part of moving forward, but that doesn't mean we must reinvent the ministry wheel every time we turn it.
Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series draws heavily on Christian ideas, among others, and contains serious considerations of questions of duty, stewardship, and the responsibility of the strong to the weak.
Part of how I relax is by not reinventing the wheel or doing the «chef» thing at holiday times.
The wheel of time moves on.
Each vehicle must have a minimum of two wheels in contact with the track at all times during the race.
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