Sentences with phrase «of white matter»

The volume of white matter in the brains of overweight people at 50 were similar to that seen in the brains of lean people at 60.
By comparing the groups, the researchers were able to tease out genes associated with the structural integrity of white matter.
The study also found early losses of the white matter of the brain, which is important stuff because it's the «wiring» of the brain.
This loss of white matter was linked with poor recall of words and stories.
On the other hand, the ones who did only stretching and balance exercises or had one weight training per week had an increase of white matter lesions, compared to the first group.
The images are based on cumulative data from patients in a study showing potential links between physical fitness and deterioration of white matter.
The brain is mostly made up of white matter and gray matter.
I have since had a repeat MRI which has revealed no further advancement or addition of the white matter lesions.
Studies have found clear degradation of white matter in the regions of the brain that control emotional processing, attention, and decision - making.
The patients had undergone diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), an MRI method that assesses the integrity of white matter tracts in the brain by measuring how easy it is for water to move along them.
The results showed that amyloid plaque levels in the posterior cingulate cortex were related to the amount of white matter damage, suggesting that injury to the brain's wiring may be linked to the formation of amyloid plaques.
The researchers found cardiorespiratory fitness was positively linked to the structural integrity of white matter fiber bundles in the brain in the older adults, while no such association was observed in younger adults.
However, a more thorough analysis of the data revealed that the risk was being driven by women with signs of cerebrovascular disease — either a previous stroke or signs of white matter damage in their brains.
Specifically, these men had altered development of white matter connections in the left side of the brain, the arcuate bundle, which is involved in language.
Cardiorespiratory fitness may positively impact the structure of white matter in the brains of older adults.
Seven years later, the volume of white matter hyperintensities was determined using brain MRI.
Imaging various sections of white matter from different angles can help researchers focus on the brain circuitry important for proper neuron communication.
Imaging various sections of white matter from different angles can help researchers focus on the underlying brain circuitry important for proper neuron communication.
DTI is a non-conventional MRI technique that allows detailed analysis of the white matter tracts that transmit nervous signals through the brain and body.
This image shows regions of the white matter skeleton in which connectivity in IED subjects was significantly lower than healthy controls.
The study group had normal structural MRI findings, but MRS results showed significant differences in the biochemical maturation of white matter between the term and preterm infants, suggesting a disruption in the timing and synchronization of white and gray matter maturation.
Educational level, mood symptoms and the severity of white matter disease were associated with risk for delayed post-ICH dementia after six months.
The researchers also analyzed 15 other cardiovascular risk factors, as well as age, gender and ethnicity, as predictors of white matter hyperintensities.
«It was illuminating to see the association between measures of white matter integrity and important outcomes occurring months to years down the road in our study population.»
A new study led by University of North Carolina School of Medicine researchers concluded that patterns of white matter microstructure present at birth and that develop after birth predict the cognitive function of children at ages 1 and 2.
The impact of bilingualism on the microstructure of the white matter pathways related to language processing is assessed in elementary school children by magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging
Your stroke «picked off» the corona radiata — an area of white matter underneath the cortex (the cortico - spinal tracts run through it from the motor cortex on down), which explains why you had the symptoms you did.
A study published in May found that this duplication (or absence) of genetic material relates to a distinctly different brain structure, such as a larger or smaller corpus callosum, the tract of white matter connecting the brain's hemispheres.
A striking example is that of subjects with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum (ACC), a congenital condition whereby the main bundle of white matter fibers connecting the two cerebral hemispheres does not form during brain development.
The lead author of the study, Teresa Liu - Ambrose, explains it this way: «Think of white matter as the highways of our brains, and the lesions as potholes in the road.
Writing in the journal Neuron, the scientists found that reading increased the quality of white matter, the brain tissue that carries signals between areas of gray matter, where information is processed.
Furthermore, brain imaging data for these very elderly animals shows a slight loss of grey matter (neuronal cell bodies), an effect that the researchers have not yet explained, as well as significantly slowed atrophy of white matter (the neuronal fibers connecting different areas of the brain).
Using neuropsychological testing to assess cognitive performance, the researchers found a relationship between the amount of white matter injury and changes in reaction time and the ability to switch between mental tasks.
Then it has to develop an axon that can penetrate «this huge wall of white matter,» the outside covering of the spinal column.
Lee and his colleagues, including senior author Emil Coccaro, MD, Ellen C. Manning Professor and Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience at UChicago, used diffusion tensor imaging, a form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that measures the volume and density of white matter connective tissue in the brain.
«We saw that there were prolonged abnormalities in terms of the white matter in the brain,» said Manning, noting that these changes are only visible using high field - strength MRI and these sophisticated analytical methods.
Black said it's not possible to know yet whether the extra gray matter is transmitting information that somehow contributes to tics or whether reduced amounts of white matter elsewhere in the brains of kids with Tourette's may somehow influence the movements and vocalizations that characterize the disorder.
For the new study, researchers looked at the brain's structural connectome, a map of white matter tracts that carry signals between different areas of the brain.
However, the strengthening of the white matter in these areas was a surprise.
The researchers used Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technique, to compare networks of white matter in 61 adults with ASD and 61 controls.
ASD was also associated with underdevelopment of white matter in the left uncinate bundle, which plays a significant role in face recognition and emotional processing.
Study finds that the disruption of white matter conduits in the aging brain keeps its regions from communicating effectively
But Kable explains that even though you start out life with lots of those white matter connections, they tend to get trimmed and refined during development.
Brain imaging shows yellow and reddish pixels representing areas where the functionality of white matter is associated with higher fitness levels.
Since the invention of arterial spin labeling (ASL) it has been acknowledged that ASL does not allow reliable detection of a white matter (WM) perfusion signal.
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