Sentences with phrase «of white middle class»

Hence, many studies have also shown that Asian ethnic minority families who practice something similar to authoritarian parenting (a parenting style which scored poorly to mediocre in the studies of white middle class families) apparently result in children who excel both academically and socially.
This sort of thing rings of white middle class privilege, no offense to the organizers — it's just how these things tend to be and get propagated.
It evokes a quiet style of White middle class comfort, which many Americans do not live.
In the late 1970s, 69 % of black middle class families (defined by occupation) had wives that were employed compared to only 51.6 % of white middle class families (Landry, 1978).
In my view the fact that parliament is still largely comprised of white middle class men who look and sound the same is a significant part of the problem.
The political left has taken up this principle with enthusiasm - in fact, it often feels like there's an army of white middle class left - wingers looking for things to be offended by on other people's behalf.
Feminists claimed that Niebuhr's thought was profoundly mysoginist: his delineation of the sin of sensuality was a rehash of the traditional denial of bodiliness, associated with the oppression of women, and the sin of pride, historically, was not a sin of women but of white middle class males; the sin of women was the lack of self - affirmation, the sin of «hiding» (in the kitchen).
The cultural decline of the white middle class doesn't get discussed.

Not exact matches

One of the biggest miscalculations among Democrats has to do with the level of suffering among disaffected working class and middle white folks.
In a letter to U.S. Comptroller General Gene Dodaro, Democratic Senator Ron Wyden and Representative Richard Neal said they were concerned that the U.S. Treasury could be pressured to adopt tax withholding tables that take too little federal tax out of employee paychecks to make good on White House predictions of a middle - class windfall.
Treasury could be pressured to adopt tax withholding tables that take too little federal tax out of employee paychecks to make good on White House predictions of a middle - class windfall.
Leave out white middle - class, subtract wealth, a privileged education and hovering parents, take away the luxury of worrying about performance instead of subsistence, and today's 20 - something suddenly doesn't much resemble the poster child for her brand anymore.
The basic idea is that while most economists believe corporate taxes are primarily paid by owners of capital (that is, people who own stock in corporations) in the form of lower profits, a sizable minority, including White House chief economist Kevin Hassett, think that a lower tax rate would spark so much additional investment in the United States that it would bid up wages and leave the middle class better off through its indirect effects.
The popular target of ridicule, the mythical «middle class white male», is disappearing fast.
Obama cited statistics released the same day in the White House's new report from his Council of Economic Advisers which show that conflicts likely lead, on average, to 1 percentage point lower annual returns on retirement savings as well as $ 17 billion of losses every year for working and middle - class families.
Conflicts of interest likely lead, on average, to 1 percentage point lower annual returns on the retirement savings of middle - class families, according to a recent report by the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA).
This DVD contains five short films that are full of thought - provoking questions for white, middle class, young professionals.
Having lived with a servant of the Word for more than fifty years in three Lutheran churches, I have this question: Why is it that the «white, middle - class, traditional, orthodox theologians» being told that their understanding of the church is no longer relevant, are told this by «white, middle - class theologians?»
It's not meant to be an attack on men, or white men, or white middle class men, but an attempt to open our eyes to perhaps perceive a little bit how we might have an advantage based on these markers, such as higher wages than women in the same line of work.
As a straight, white, middle - class, Christian male sitting in the seat of privilege, I've had to swallow quite a few sugarcoated critiques from my brothers and sisters from different ethnic and socio - economic classes.
President Obama the is hearing your family Prayer and May the Continue to bless you and the White House S taff to make the right decesion for to help the poor and middle class people.please increase the food stamps five dollar increase isnt enough because the cost of live have increase includeing food, gas and light bills, etc have increase.
Nevertheless, this theology is liberation theology because it witnesses to the power of Jesus Christ to liberate me from my white middle - class world, from the university, and to place me beside the marginals, the oppressed, in hope and promise of their liberation.
Process theologians are overwhelmingly white North Atlantic middle class academicians, most of them, indeed, North Americans.
My point is only that if one is white, North American, and middle class, as are most process theologians, then one would be hesitant to suppose that one can really think in a sustained way from the perspective of the oppressed.
That most theologians, even those whose social location in the white North American middle class, verbally support efforts to achieve the changes needed in our society to make some minimum of justice possible elsewhere, such as in Latin America, is already a testimony to the power of the gospel.
But when all exceptions have been noted, the fact remains that the determinative social location of process theology as a style of thought has been the white, middle class university or seminary, chiefly in North America.
For example, comparing the experience of someone who is black, middle class and female with someone who is white, working class and male.
In his writings, which are strongly autobiographical (and thus oriented to the white, upper - middle - class male), Keen first asks how we overcome the «dis - ease» of humankind.
My wife, Cheryl, and I were among the crowd of 3,000 mostly - white, middle - class suburbanites listening as Dr. Reese pounded away about Jesus» dire warnings to the wealthy and His passion for the poor.
There is this tendency within certain sectors of Christianity to assume that if our theology «works» for relatively privileged (often for white, upper - middle - class American men), then it should work well enough for everyone else, and everyone else should conform to it.
The drama is about the future of a nearly all - white establishment and a nearly all - white middle class that's having second thoughts.
When I was coming of age in the 1970s, drug use was already undermining the white middle class.
Those of us who are privileged (e.g, are white, male, middle - class or higher, educated, able - bodied, heterosexual, and / or physically attractive, etc.) benefit from living in a society that accommodates rather than alienates us.
Indeed, the suffrage movement actually extended out of a network of church - based Moral Reform Societies that were led by men, but composed mainly of white, middle class women.
When Newbigin wrote this in 1941, one of the main «social facts» in the United States was that public norms were dictated by a distinctly American Protestant culture in the white middle class.
Never once taking into consideration that many of the upper - middle class white collar crowd sitting in your pews are some of the most despicable hypocrites you ever want to meet.
As members of the predominantly white, middle - class, law - abiding majority, we condone their ritual deaths in order to affirm our own «humanity» and identification with the existing social order.
The common wisdom of church developers at the time was simple: where there is a pool of white, middle - class, home - owning families with children, mainline churches are likely to grow, no matter what their theological orientation.
The 1960s ushered in many changes, one of which was the end of the broad social consensus, call it bourgeois morality, that held sway among white Americans of all classes, upper, lower, and middle.
As a middle - class white man, I have no right to tell a black man how he should or should not feel under the authority of President - elect Donald Trump.
White middle - class women in the early feminist movement failed to appreciate the benefits they had through patriarchal gender roles and even through the law of coverture that completely subsumed a wife's rights under her husband's in the 1800s.
that now many «others» do theology in ways very different, even conflictually other, from my own white, male, middle - class and academic reflections on a hermeneutics of dialogue and a praxis of solidarity.
As a white, middle - class woman living in California, rarely have I faced real pain as a result of complex systems, and strongly held societal, cultural or political traditions and beliefs.
How can I, white and middle class, acknowledge my corporate (not to say personal) guilt in institutionalized racism and then claim that God, the primal source of all societal relationships, remains utterly innocent of all that transpires?
Because most of us are also, in some continuing way, «of» that white, middle - class, Protestant milieu, we know (from the inside) its questions, its anxieties, its frustrations, as well as its answers, consolations, and dreams.
Here was a black man obviously involved to some degree in the theft of church funds and the murder of a white man in a southern city, now on trial in «the Man's» court before an all - white middle - class jury.
Continue reading «Meditation of a Middle - Aged, (Upper) Middle - Class, White, Liberal, Protestant Parent»
They often seem to assume that First World, white, middle - class societies are by definition irredeemable; that they are driven by an irreversible logic of oppression and injustice.
There was some diversity, though the overwhelming majority of attendees were white and appeared to be upper - middle class.
The images abound in stock video footage accompanying stories on evangelicals, the religious right, megachurches and the culture wars — the obligatory shots of middle - class worshipers, usually white, in corporate - looking auditoriums or sanctuaries, swaying to the electrified music of «praise bands,» their eyes closed, their enraptured faces tilted heavenward, a hand (or hands) raised to the sky.
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