Sentences with phrase «of wider hips»

Also, as my body developed, I became that tricky combo of wider hips and smaller waist making it a real challenge to find flattering pants.
Unfortunately, drop waist dresses don't look good on me because of my wide hips and thighs and ass haha: / I've always been an a-line kind of gal but I love how you layered this look and think that adding a jacket may be just the thing I need to help define my waist if I ever decide to give the drop waist dress look a try.

Not exact matches

Today, Flocabulary has a library of more than 550 educational hip - hop videos that explore a wide range of subjects, including math, science, social studies, language arts, and current events, which are used by teachers in 20,000 schools across the country.
Atlanta isn't just another prestige comedy — its exploration of the Atlanta hip - hop scene, race and millennial career ambition, offers one of Hollywood's most interesting artists an opportunity to display his wide range of talents.
It was the beginning of hip - hop's wider acceptance in the contemporary Christian music scene, heavily backed by a major label and marketed through book stores, radio and live shows.
A cherry - picked panel of judges blind - tasted and assessed a wide array of Syrah samples at Hip Cellar on 29 August.
But what happens when they get to the NFL and every corner is good, so instead of being wide open, a guy is right on their hip?
Derek (Turk) Sanderson, the brash 22 - year - old center with the longest, thickest sideburns, the widest bell - bottoms and the biggest Cadillac in the league, did not play for a month because of an injured hip.
Female athletes have wider hips, putting a higher valgus stress angle on their knees (knees inward), a stress that is the major factor of most non-contact ACL injuries.
This will be how wide the waist of the cover needs to be.Hips - Wrap your measuring tape around the fattest part of the diaper, in the hip area.
Advantages of the Ergo: Like the name implies, it's ergonomic, with a nice wide hip band, and it's versatile, with the option of wearing it on your front or back.
females are believed to be at increased risk of ACL because they have wider hips than males)
Two rows of waist snaps are fastened at a slight angle, giving a tighter waist and wider hips giving a perfect fit for us every time!
Wrap the String around the widest part of your hips and mark the spot where the end meets.
The wide seat is designed to support a natural M position of baby's leg and hips.
The hip belt is padded, and the shoulder wrap straps are nice and wide allowing them to be spread out over the shoulders and across the back of the wearer.
Nearly half of our moms said their breasts are different now, and 37 percent said they have wider hips.
When it is so cold that my snot freezes as I exit the warmth of my foyer, I do not care if my coat is thick and makes my hips look a bit wide.
Hip and Eco-Friendly: The Belle comes in a wide variety of stylish fabrics like the hip cheetah and cherry patterns shown heHip and Eco-Friendly: The Belle comes in a wide variety of stylish fabrics like the hip cheetah and cherry patterns shown hehip cheetah and cherry patterns shown here.
You should see: • Your baby turned in towards you, so that their ear, shoulder and hip are in line • Your baby happily feeding, not fidgeting • Their mouth wide open, with the bottom lip turned out • Rounded and plump cheeks • Some of the areola (the brown bit of your nipple) showing above the top lip • Your baby taking quick sucks followed by longer, deeper sucks as your milk starts to flow.
My hips are wider than that of a fashion model.
A wide padded hip belt so that 70 % of the weight is absorbed by the strongest part of your body, the hips, in the same fashion as a well - constructed backpack.
As pregnancy progresses, weight gain can also cause fat to collect on the outside of this hips, making them look even wider.
With arm rests that extend beyond the width of the seat, this seat may be ideal for larger children that have wide hips.
Most backpacks can accommodate a wide range of hip sizes, but here's a tip: Adjust the belt size so that it straddles your hips about an inch above and below the line we just measured.
The nanoparticles were 30 - nanometre - wide beads of surgical cobalt - chromium alloy, a material used in much larger pieces to make surgical implants such as hip prostheses.
How to: Start in an extended arm plank position, with feet a little wider than your hips to broaden your base of support (a).
How to do it: Stand with your legs wide and your toes pointed slightly outward, so both of your hips are in an external rotated position.
Generally speaking, lifters who squat narrow keep their feet pointed forward and lifters who squat with a wider stance tend to flare their feet slightly, thereby allowing for a greater hip involvement and reducing the risk of knee valgus.
Holding a dumbbell in one hand in front of your hips, stand tall with feet wider than shoulder width apart.
Doing lunges is a great way to develop your thigh muscles, promote hip stability and boost your athletic performance because this exercise engages all the muscles in the leg and makes them go through a very wide range of motion.
A wider stance allows for a greater posterior displacement of the hips, therefore activating your glutes to a greater degree than a narrow squat.
Since the hips are multidirectional joints that can produce force in three planes of motion, the wide stance squat provides a superior possibility to train the hips in all three planes and develop stable hip joints by producing larger hip extension movements and greater hip flexion than narrow stance squats.
Stand with feet wider than hip - width apart and a stability ball in front of you; push your butt back to lower into a squat.
Just like man boobs, wide hips in a guy are a sign of hormone imbalance, where you have more of the female hormone estrogen compared to the male hormone testosterone.
With legs a bit wider than hip width, spaced centrally in the middle of the platform, lower the weights slowly towards your body.
Come into tabletop with your hands set outer - shoulder - width apart (this measure begins at the central notch just below your throat, between your collarbones, and spans out horizontally in both directions to the widest point on the outseam of each shoulder) and your knees below your hips.
How to: Stand behind a chair with your feet in second position (feet slightly wider than hips - width with your toes turned out at 45 degrees), hands resting lightly on top of the chair.
Larger, bigger, you know, wider hips, bigger belly, you know, those type of things, you put on fat easier --
Hi Rachael, I'm trying to determine what my body type is.I kind of have a pear - shaped body.I have wide hips, big thighs / calves and a small waist.I also think my shoulders are quite broad.
Women with wider hips will generally have more of a «thigh gap,» but this isn't always the case either.
Take the widest part of your waste and the widest part of your hips.
I like a tape called MyoTape because it has a set bit of tension to it and that tension allows it to be consistent each time, so parallel MyoTape around the belly button, and then choose the widest part of the hips.
Rest in several hip - opening forward bends such as Upavistha Konasana (Wide - Angle Seated Forward Bend) or the forward - folding variation of Eka Pada Raja - kapotasana (One - Legged King Pigeon Pose) to continue cultivating a quiet stillness.
Place a block underneath right hip (either widest or shortest side of block), then square hips and shoulders forward.
Standing with feet hip width apart, squat down and place hands on ground in front of you, jump legs back into plank position, do a push up and then do 5 plank jacks by jumping feet both out at the same time to wide legs and then back in to center.
Bring the ball to chest level, then push it straight out in front of you, as your jump your legs wider than hip - width apart (b).
11 Warrener, A.G., et al. «A Wider Pelvis Does Not Increase Locomotor Cost in Humans, with Implications for the Evolution of... continue Overall, female runners demonstrate greater hip adduction, hip internal rotation, and knee abduction than men which can lead to more strain on the knee joint and surrounding connective tissues.
A slightly wider than hips - width stance and softly bent knees will help alleviate much of the pressure on the lower back.
Rose hip oil, is readily available in grocery stores and local markets around the world, and there is a wide variety of rose supplements available through online retailers.
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