Sentences with phrase «of willpower»

Most people blame a lack of willpower for not being able to stick to the number that is assigned to them when counting calories.
Reduced the sugar to 300g to leave room sweetness wise for the candy shells and did not regret it... It's taking a lot of willpower not to shove the ones I said I'd bring home to my parents straight into my face.
It is taking almost a superhuman amount of willpower not to break out the credit card.
It's not a matter of willpower so please take the first step and stop beating yourself up!
I know, I know... when I say the word discipline, it conjures up using tons of willpower to stay away from food and feeling deprived.
I'm not sure to stay keto there, I'm frustrated because it's not easy cheating and getting back on track... It's a lot of willpower for travelers.
The tactical use of willpower is the deciding factor in many encounters, and the tradeoff between using it and the days it will take to recharge provide the only real strategic choice the player has full control over.
Alas, I conjured up every last bit of willpower I have, confessed my gluten intolerance and said «no» to that mind - blowingly crunchy, yet soft and chewy boule.
This will in turn affect your overall motivation and energy levels, so you might end up feeling increasingly low and agitated — starting up once again will require a great deal of willpower and patience.
It took a kind of willpower for her to make the choice, and you should not make her regret the decision.
«Willpower gives you the energy and endurance to deal with challenges, the ability to persevere in the face of setbacks, and the strength to tolerate conflict or stress that might otherwise make us run away from goals or projects we care about,» says Kelly McGonigal, a Stanford psychologist and author of The Willpower Instinct (Avery, 2011).
You know that exertion of willpower will lead that flow state to start.
Not only do alcoholic drinks contain hidden calories, the ensuing loss of willpower finds many slimmers falling off the wagon and tucking into junk food.
Taking the large portions and tasty desserts and snacks out of your diet is truly the greatest test of willpower — it's all about the mental effort of always keeping your long - term goals in mind and staying motivated, no matter how monstrous your junk food cravings get.
Resisting it all takes an act of willpower on a daily basis, and turning off all commercial (heh) inputs from the teevee to the radio to magazines.
By the way, resisting the temptation to micro-manage will require plenty of willpower.
Through the practice of yoga, we are able to ingrain the habits of willpower into ourselves fully.
Something as simple as eating a more plant - based, less - processed diet makes energy more available to brain and can improve every aspect of willpower.
Instead, tap into your last reserves of willpower, push your body to its limits and empty your tank to the last drop — this is guaranteed to separate your physique from that of an average gym - goer.
Each character class has a unique ability, and all characters have the ability to tap in to their limited pool of willpower to give them more range, movement, or damage for a turn or two.
â $ You only have a limited supply of willpower on any given day, â $ says Christine Carter, Ph.D, sociologist and author of The Sweet Spot.
Kelly McGonigal, PhD and author of The Willpower Instinct, says willpower is a response that comes from both the brain and the body.
New research, however, makes it clear that we each have only a finite amount of willpower available to us on a daily basis.
I like to remind my clients that what feels like a lack of willpower when trying to avoid sweets or carbohydrates may be something much more sovereign to contend with — a growing and hungry pathogen.
Forcing yourself to do something aversive, like being nice to your in - laws or resisting that cigarette, depletes your store of willpower for other tasks.
A word about Ryan Reynolds: Though he's not able to harness the emerald energy of willpower to save Green Lantern from destruction, he's also not at fault for the disaster.
«We think of willpower as being so tough and individual, but the more connected people feel, the more willpower they have,» McGonigal says.
Dieting usually brings me hunger, stress and frustration; painful struggles of willpower as I attempt to avoid entire categories of delicious food; and, in the end, dejection and a junk food binge because I can't stand to say «no» any longer.
What if losing 50 pounds wasn't dependent on a researcher discovering the perfect diet or you finding a superhuman dose of willpower, but hinged on a series of tiny habits that you could always control?
My apparent lack of willpower around food made me hate myself.
It was a place to work at the strengthening of your body and the strengthening of your willpower at the same time.
Behaving diligently all of the time leaves people feeling exhausted and sapped of willpower.
Weight loss and optimal health takes consistent effort and most importantly it requires us to take responsibility over our food choices — and yes we also need to exercise a degree of willpower and restraint.
Again, there was no issue of willpower because the foods were very nourishing to my body and were real, whole foods.
This stuff on a rice cake will save me a whole ton of willpower of not trying to eat the cake with nut butter (more than I'm supposed to at least - nobody is going to come between me and my nut butters!).
A single episode of willpower depletion can bankrupt your trading account.
«With its challenging difficulty and motivational story, it's an exercise of willpower and perseverance.»
The article was promoted on its Twitter with the caption, «Why diets don't work, the role of willpower, and achieving your leanest livable weight.»
Studies have shown that the prefrontal cortex of the brain, the backbone of your willpower, is most active when you wake up — meaning that creative activity is highest during and immediately after sleep.
Stanford Professor Kelly McGonigal says the key to hitting goals is understanding the three powers of willpower: I will power, I won't power, and I want power.
In addition, the psychoanalytic concept that alcoholic behavior is determined in large measure by subconscious factors (beyond the realm of willpower) had a tremendous guilt - reducing effect.
When I find Lobster Mac and Cheese on a menu, particularly in shore eateries, I lose all semblance of willpower.
The changes are largely a function of willpower, and those districts with the right leadership are not only coping, but also thriving, with some going beyond the minimum standards required by the federal government.
Now I like to eat, but I'm far more likely to celebrate a couple long years of willpower with an extra cookie or two than by eating fewer and fewer cookies.

Phrases with «of willpower»

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