Sentences with phrase «of words in all languages»

Moreover, the shades of meanings of words in all languages change over time.
Within the bilingual group of toddlers, those who had amassed a greater number of «doublets» — pairs of words in each language, such as dog / chien — performed even better on the conflict inhibition tasks.
You can also teach her the equivalents of these words in your language.

Not exact matches

Here is Gates's summary of this entertaining book: «The brain behind XKCD explains various subjects — from how smartphones work to what the U.S. Constitution says — using only the 1,000 most common words in the English language and blueprint - style diagrams.»
Users can take a photo of text in a foreign language, and the app will translate the words into their desired language.
Whether you decide to respond in two simple words, or in some other way, how you choose to react to one of the most maddening phrases in the English language can go a long way to demonstrating your professionalism, self - possession and poise.
While the words in the emails seem shockingly harsh, it's worth noting that the finer points of communications — tone of voice, body language or background on the histories of the people involved, for example — can't be conveyed through the written word.
«Only 8 percent of communication is in the words; 37 percent is tone and inflection; and 55 percent is the visual / body language,» he says.
The unique language style originated in the East End of London during the first half of the 18th century and relies on rhyme to disguise words within a sentence.
But negotiators have not started consolidating the language, and wording for more controversial subjects, including rules of origin and dispute resolution mechanisms, is not expected to be revealed until the next round later this month in Canada.
Adding further detail to the situation discussed in Vaughn's lawsuit, Tesla referred to a number of «conflicting accusations and counter-accusations between several African - American and Hispanic individuals, alleging use of racial language, including the «n - word» and «w - word,» as well as the threat of violence towards one another.»
«If you just memorize a long list of words, it doesn't stick in your brain,» says Orlando Kelm, associate director of business language education at UT's Center for International Business Education and Research.
You can't expect the world to speak English, so it's always helpful to learn a few basic words in the local language of your destination.
In a 1974 study conducted by Word, Zanna and Cooper, job interviewers were asked to follow very specific types of body language over the course of several interviews.
It argues that humans come with an inbuilt universal grammar that has a specific number of settings - each corresponding to the acceptable order in which words and parts of words can be arranged in a given language system.
We really believe in the power of wordslanguage as an art form.
Today, the popular workplace productivity tool Trello announced its web interface is now available in a total of 21 languages, with more than 47,000 new words translated.
He writes: «None of the difficulties women in Hollywood face are caused by the word «actress,» but they are the product of the language and thinking that creates and reinforces a false separation between men and women — almost always to the detriment of women.
Think of accounting data as the words used in the language of Finance.
In an effort to help plan sponsors and retirement plan professionals communicate more effectively with participants, Invesco Consulting teamed up with the political consultants and word specialists, Maslansky + Partners, to conduct one of the largest, most comprehensive studies of its kind on financial language.
However, the intent of this language is that the target is a «thick point» rather than a range, or in other words, the desirable rate of inflation for the Australian economy is «2 point something» (Stevens and Debelle 1995).
Building stages in Mario Maker is like learning a language when you already know most of the words
And, rejection most often comes in the shape of one of the smallest words in the English language — «no.»
In other words, in the language of budget planners «we don't have a clue where to find the savings so we will put in a «plug» of $ 4 billion»In other words, in the language of budget planners «we don't have a clue where to find the savings so we will put in a «plug» of $ 4 billion»in the language of budget planners «we don't have a clue where to find the savings so we will put in a «plug» of $ 4 billion»in a «plug» of $ 4 billion».
But on a site like that, you would just use in the main simple language, common words and you won't use a lot of slang, a lot of jokes and things like that.
If language is a gauge of progress, there may be cause for optimism in the «word of the year» Merriam - Webster chose for 2017.
And since this form of communication doesn't allow for body language clues to assist you in discerning the metamessage behind the words, let me help:
I said Christians shouldn't swear in certain ways, especially given the quality of swear words in other languages besides English.
Word religion does not exist in divine language, but way of truth absolute GOD.
Susan and Sarah, in the greek language, there are a few different words used to describe the different types of love.
After having been in a couple relationships with people whose second (or third) language is English, and knowing what I do now, I have a lot of empathy for what people are going through as they adjust to new words, new cultures, and new everything.
A large part of the problemvwhen discussing issues like this is that we utilize aristotalian language constructs that are dualistic and a major sign of this would be the use of the word «is,» when to be linguistically scientifically correct everything should be stated as «it appears so to me,» or some variation of this as it takes into account the many errors possible in how people perceive everything.
The older I get, and the more I study the Word of God, alone The more I can not soatmch «christian» books.I am finding that I am more interested in the original languages (Hebrew, Greek) that the Word was penned in (via the Holy Spirit) before it was «translated» and the cultures and customs of that day.Knowing these things really open up The Scriptures.
We must first be open to the word, to the presence of language in dialogue, poetry, and experience.
Instead of accommodating its usage» and so its ideas and assumptions» a translation of Holy Scripture should serve the end of conversion by employing principles that recognize Christianity as its own culture with its own language and practices, raising readers up and rooting them in a rich tradition of translation, transforming them through the creative rationality, beauty, goodness, and truth reflective of the triune God who speaks his Word.
Unless we truly understand that viewpoint, and speak in terms the secular mind can understand, our words will have the quaint and useless ring of a foreign language.
It is this naïveté that The Handmaid's Tale addresses with its appended «historical» commentary, challenging us to think about something otherwise difficult to see: the relationship between the crises of our civilization and its historic textual politics — the continuing story of who controls, legitimates, engenders and eliminates whom and what through the power of authoritative language, grounded in the Word.
And in the midst of their struggle, over inclusive language they may come to recognize the reality, mystery and power of Christian words and symbols.
Indeed, in a given language there may be no single term with just the variety of senses characteristic of the English word «experience».
the name word of Allah has existed even in languages before Arabic language..
Offred also creates her own subversive counter-texts and continually practices the mental acts of poetic synthesis and analysis, remaking distinctions that the State elides and reviving the language for which she hungers in this famine of the Word.
Although words appear to be the currency of our age, the primary language of our brains is pictures: you just saw «pictures» of your best friend, pastor and a table tennis table — rather than those things spelt out as words in our mind.
In those two words we give the reason for our longing for the most expensive language and images we can create, for we know this child's glory calls forth every possible beauty of utterance, image, art and song.
I appreciated your comments on Esther (chapter 9) regarding the 10 sons of Haman, whose names, as you said, contain the word «self» in the Persian language.
The Church as a body has centuries of experience of reading the Word, of immersing itself in the language of God.
With the rise of Persian power, the Persian language gained a firm footing in Sind along with Arabic, with the result that modern Sindhi, written in Arabic script, contains more than fifty per cent Arabic and Persian words.
Yet in its texts and applications, as in the Declaration and the Constitution, the language of natural rights, natural law, natural reason and nature's God still has power if the right speaker (ethos) with an intuitive understanding of audience (pathos) finds the right words and mode of reasoning (logos) in the right occasion or context.
Starting with no grammar or dictionary, indeed not one written word to aid them, missionaries have learned the oral language, often without benefit of any interpreter — definitely the hard way — worked out an alphabet, reduced it to writing, prepared a grammar and dictionary, translated some portions into the newly written tongue, then had to teach the natives to read their own language in order to read the Bible.
After all the controversy of last week, it's tempting to turn this post into a discussion on gendered language around the Holy Spirit (feminine in Hebrew and Aramaic, typically neuter in Greek, masculine in this particular text), but that's just not how this passage is «singing» to me today, so instead I'd like to focus on Jesus» stirring and tender words in verse 18: «I will not leave you as orphans.»
Each of the ten names, in the Persian language, contains the word «Self.»
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