Sentences with phrase «of words spoken»

Listen to that dream, imagine it, think of the words spoken, feel them, anytime you are nervous.
Actually, it has cut down on the sheer volume of words spoken to him per day, and for that I am sure he is eternally grateful to all of you.
Noise Catchers, even worse passive listeners, absently hear few of the words spoken and aren't even close to comprehending the underlying meaning.
Thus, you can find a list of bills voted on in this session; and the chart setting out the MPs voting record can be sorted by province, type of vote, and even by the number of words spoken by a particular MP in a given debate.
How then does the sense of words spoken by individuals in the earlier film change when actors recite them today?
As I listened to the strange sounds of the shakuhachi music and ate my unidentifiable food, I thought of the words spoken by Dorothy in The Wizard of OZ: «We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.»
«Specifically, after we equate for socioeconomic status, we find that the sheer number of words spoken by an adult was not related to children's neural processing of language, but that the number of conversational turns was,» says Romeo.
First impression is created in the first few seconds, and 90 % of any interactions derive meaning from nonverbal cues, only 7 % of words spoken.
The researchers saw no such connections for the number of words spoken.
Each template is an average of words spoken by many different people.
After the age of three, the majority of words spoken to young children come from other children, usually their siblings (the Tsimane have five on average, whereas French and American children have on average one sibling).
The networks can now correctly recognize about 88 percent of the words spoken in normal, human, English - language conversations, compared with about 96 percent for an average human listener.
Because of those words spoken to her, she gave up on Christianity.
It demands the realization that a minister's life does not consist in the abundance of words spoken.
As it happens, in the»80s, the psychologists Betty Hart and Todd R. Risley spent years cataloging the number of words spoken to young children in dozens of families from different socioeconomic groups, and what they found was not only a disparity in the complexity of words used, but also astonishing differences in sheer number.
Their followers wrote them and the church patriarchs connected much of the words spoken by Christ with writings of the old testament especially prophets.
Likewise, when — by the force of the words spoken by the priest — the Blood is made present under the continued appearance of wine, the Body, Soul and Divinity of Christ are made present by natural concomitance.
Death or life are in the power of every word we speak.
He can not accept the irrational adventure and revolutionary explosiveness of the Word spoken here and now.
What follows may sound like a rather harsh rebuke, but it has been placed on my heart for us to become even more vehemently aware of the words we speak, the thoughts we think and the content we consume.
The Word resounded and light came into existence as a permanent witness of the Word spoken in the past.
Perhaps in that moment she was hearing the beginning of a word spoken by Ms. Brown; now she is hearing the end of that word.
Faith is the relationship of a word spoken to each soul — requiring from it a response which the Apostle Paul calls the «obedience of faith».
This is the sense of the word as spoken in Is 55:18 and indeed of the word spoken in Gen 1:1, at the beginning of creation.
It is to participate in the life of Israel and the early Church, in their hearing and interpretation of the Word spoken through all the sounds that assailed their ears, in their obedience and disobedience to the Will beyond all wills, in their mindfulness and understanding of the mighty acts of ultimate judgment and deliverance in all the arbitraments and liberations of history.
To communicate with others, Hall most of the time uses either Exact Signed English (ESL), which is the signing of every word spoken, or American Sign Language (ASL), which is a shorthand version of ESL.
Davies makes it clear this is probably the only place she feels comfortable anymore, a place where she can control the ebb and flow of a conversation and the truth of the words speak for themselves.
Parents varied widely in the quantity and quality of words they spoke to their children.
>> Teresa Palmer: «From our hearts to yours, may all who are reading this have a year of positive change, of willingness to look deeper within yourself, to find truth, courage, to speak authentically, to strengthen and heal relations, to find a more peaceful and contented you, to be more conscious, more aware of the words you speak and the actions you take, may you meet people with compassion, open arms and understanding.

Not exact matches

Speaking of illustrating, it's not all about words, says LinkedIn.
Where I think it's more interesting for the long - haul is for Spotify to become more and more involved in other types of content such as spoken word and a substitute for commercial radio.
Harsh words have been spoken, muscles have been flexed and appearances of neutrality have been maintained.
Many new marketers make the mistake of speaking to as broad of an audience as possible, but if you narrow your focus with more appropriate word choices (such as a larger or smaller vocabulary) and an appropriate tone (more formal or more casual), you'll amplify the effectiveness of your website.
Actions speak louder than words and acts of kindness are incredibly powerful, especially when done by exceptionally busy people.
Off - color jokes, with or without profanity, are far more offensive to people than a word or two spoken in the heat of the moment.
If you need to have a word with only one participant, the Whisper feature allows the two of you to speak quietly while still listening to the conference call.
The best leaders know that actions speak louder than words — an adage recently exemplified by Papa John's founder John Schnatter, who responded with a touching gesture when tragedy struck one of the pizza chain's employees.
Every year I'm asked to speak and the temptation to save time by repurposing my prior talks is substantial — especially because I'm personally convinced that those prior words of wisdom were not only invaluable, but timeless as well.
Belying Spicer's comment is data from the Corpus of Contemporary American English, which has 450 million words spoken on television and written in books and print media over the past three decades.
While this kind of writing and speaking doesn't result in anything you'd actually use in a business discussion, the mental effort of oversimplifying accustoms your brain to reach for the small words rather than the overly complex ones.
A study of vocabulary growth in children from eight months to six years old shows that the size of spoken vocabulary increases from zero words at age eight months to 2,562 words at age six years.
David Ciccarelli runs a global match - making business that's growing at the speed of sound, or more precisely, the spoken word.
Opportunities in Greece were few, and so when his older sister later married and immigrated to Canada, he followed at age 16, arriving in Toronto without speaking a word of English.
You can't expect the world to speak English, so it's always helpful to learn a few basic words in the local language of your destination.
Regardless of official sponsorships or giant advertising budgets, marketing to such a captive international audience through email, social media, online and mobile campaigns requires you to speak your target audiences» languages, and it requires more than just translating words.
The New Testament Gospels portray Jesus as speaking against the oppressors of his people with prophetic words of judgment that focus extensively on issues of money and power.
Moonves spoke with Julia Boorstin at CNBC's Net / Net event on Thursday evening as word was leaking out that Comcast and Verizon were sniffing around the same assets of Twenty - First Century Fox that Disney was said to be in talks to buy.
Instead, let your actions speak more highly of you than your own words.
She's the one that can't speak a word of Spanish, but can fluently pronounce everything on the menu.
So for now, we're still in the bluff and bluster phase; technically speaking, the current conflict is better described as a war of words than a trade war.
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