Sentences with phrase «of writing about anything»

As a L'Oreal employee, she is living her dream of writing about anything and everything beauty.
In all my years of writing about anything and anyone I wanted, I had the absolute best experience of my writing adventures, having an all over the map conversation with Maynard James Keenan.

Not exact matches

The Essential Drucker: He's equally enthusiastic about this one, saying «absolutely love Drucker — much of what he wrote 50 years ago is more relevant than anything you read today.»
For the average user, the addition of public video view totals might not sound like anything to write home about, but it's welcome news for metrics - happy, ROI - obsessed brands and marketers.
«The BoC has stated rather clearly to look through near - term inflation, partly because there isn't anything it can do about it anyway but also because (and we agree) it believes many of the pressures will abate into next year,» they write.
And I've kind of given up on reading anything that anyone writes about Tumblr.
I was hoping not to write anything more about the iPhone after the flurry of activity last week, but one thing about the device — not just the new iPhone 5 model that sold more than five million units over the weekend, but all versions — still bugs me.
If you're going to get mainstream press out of a subject that's taboo and no one wants to write about, you can do anything.
Richard J. Reddick, associate professor of educational leadership and policy at the University of Texas, writes for Fortune that some people of color might be cynical about Starbucks» response to the crisis that was precipitated by a store manager calling the cops on two black men sitting at a table (after a mere couple of minutes of them not buying anything.)
Based on your input, I think I might still try to write about all of these things, but narrow my focus and / or spin off that content into a new blog, should anything gain enough traction to be profitable.
Neil Buchanan writes that the whole hipster ethos is built around suspicion of sincerity and fear of being caught caring too much about anything.
At the time of this writing, there are only 3 days left until the start of the ICO pre-sale, and we don't know anything about who is eligible to join or whether there will be discounts or other benefits for early investors.
A forward P / E ratio of 16.5 times earnings isn't anything to write home about, even if the stock trades on a forward free cash flow - to - enterprise value (market cap plus net debt) yield of 5.2 %.
Its written list of immigration «principles,» released Sunday night, doesn't say anything about the citizenship question, but it includes a kitchen sink of immigration restrictions.
«Nor is there anything «secret» about the [president's] motive specific to the issuance of the executive order: Rudolph Giuliani explained on television how the executive order came to be,» Judge Derrick Watson wrote last March, citing Giuliani's remarks as evidence of the order's anti-Muslim bias.
so if the average lifespan of someone around that time was about 40 years old, and Jesus was supposed to have be crucified on 33ad, then it is unlikely John was even alive in 70 AD, and why did it take him until 70 ad to write anything?
In the book of Philippians, the Apostle Paul writes «Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
If you're interested in self - inquiry there are a lot of psychological texts written in recent years when the science was far, far in advance of anything understood about humans back in biblical times.
He's not basing his opinion off of a book written 2000 years ago, in a time where they did not understand anything about being gay.
No one on my side of the debate ever wrote anything about detesting you or other gay people.
REVELATION 22:19 And if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophesy, god will take his portion away from the trees of life and out the holly city, things which are written about in this scroll.
Have you written anything about your interpretation of Paul's teachings?
At last Millikan, after discussing this difference between Jeans and himself, wrote, «The one thing upon which we can agree is that neither of us knows anything about it.»
I am not writing any of this to argue with anyone about philosophy, Scripture or anything else, nor will I conjecture as to why this topic agitates you so much.
I choose neither for they do not know anything about fundamental cosmologies of triune manifestation that I have written here in plain views for all to be filled with!
There is the other factor, of course; that he almost always writes so interestingly about almost anything.
There is nothing in there at all about galaxies, expansion of the universe, the age of the universe, the speed of light, atoms, or anything at all that an Iron Age man would not have been able to write or make up.
The people who wrote this article know very little about physics and are trying desperately to use anything to prop up their dwindling delusion of religion.
I wasn't going to write anything about this, but then I decided to do a bit of Google research on this author, and I discovered that very early this year, he did in fact briefly mention my posts on one of his social media accounts.
If your choice of Till He Comes has anything to do with working this all out until he returns, considering what Daniel wrote about in the increase of knowledge as we get closer, this site you have orchestrated fits in quite well.
I am not gonna comment on all these sick opinions,, I understand now that most of westerns oppose Islam, therefor they don't wan na hear anything good about it,, all they do they lie and believe their lies,, good for you guys but believe me no one in this world helps the US as Muslims do to the country in all important fields,, and please don't dare me to write novels what we've done to you and i am as a person from Saudi,, You should be thankful instead of your sick racist minds,, TRUST me no one can stop the huge flow of ISLAM anywhere,
Please don't listen to these people on here they have so many different views and ideas of their own but don't listen to them they have closed their heart to God and are doing Satans work of misleading people away from the Almighty they look for men who like to have their ears tickled so don't take mine our anyone else's word for it look it up for your self history attests to the bible as true and The writings of Moses is far older than anything they have ever found thats right Moses wrote the first parts in the bible 3,500 years ago The scriptures weren't inspired by Pagan stories Pagan stories was inspired by actual events just like those in the bible because if you notice that a lot of the stories found in the bible have a lot to do about people worshipping false Gods.
Here's what Plato wrote about democracy almost 2350 years ago: ``... do you notice how tender they make the citizen's soul, so that if someone proposes anything that smacks in any way of slavery, they are irritated and can't stand it?
There were plenty of historians around the time the supposed Jesus lived, but no one saw fit to write anything about him despite writing about all the other actors of the day, large and small.
Feel free to write anything in the comments about this kind of stuff, since I enjoy it!
Answer: I wrote you about viewing anything through the ways of the world, as usual, you keep your silly debates going because you ignore anything I write on His truth, that, and know your school didn't teach you diddly so you sharpen your knowledge on His truth through other Christians that read the Bible and explain their knowledge of His truth..
The way this story is written is akin to writing a story «about» Football that mentions the tail gate parties, the various jersey colors, etc but wouldn't say anything about the BASICS of the actual sport itself.
Really??? You can't write about anything better??? Get out of news please, I don't care who in your family got you this job...
And my point about the sun stopping, is that it was something that happened once, thousands of years ago, and it is certainly possible that no one wrote anything down about, with of course the exception that it was recorded in the Bible And when I said the latter, I mean the second of the two things you thought I might be talking about And I was asking who you meant when you said you didn't understand why he didn't kill everyone but Joshua.
I would be interested in anything that you, as a 21st century member of the religious cult, might have to say, but am not interested in anything written so long ago by bronze age or iron age cult members because they really knew nothing about the world and believed in gods the same way any primitive man did... through scientific ignorance.
Sure your true outward appearance may never be anything to write home about, and none of us really knows what we really look like anyway, but after a lifetime of internal surgery you have the beginnings of a good heart.
Nothing you wrote there has anything to do with the loving long term relationship of a gay couple as we know and understand it to be normal today, which is what this subject is about.
Every so called religious person or scholar obviously knows nothing about the word of God, since he / she / it has never verified to anyone that he / she / it even exists let alone personally wrote or directed to be written anything.
«He never writes about different modes of baptism, different views of communion or anything that separates one church from another.»
You probably don't even know anything about how the Bible was compiled, who write it, who decided what books to include and what to exclude and the criteria they used, yet you base your entire view of life, death and the Universe on it.
If you are worried about people who don't tell the truth, I have no idea as to why you think your anonimous post is going to convince people of what you say when you won't be required to back up anything you write, either.
how does fair, unbiased CNN, AKA ACNN (Anderson Cooper News Network) pick and choose stories as noteworthy... a comment is made by a very elderly priest, probably not quoted properly, and is «front page news» on CNN's website... this same man (priest) has written many great books, done a lot of great charity work in the poorer parts of New York and nothing is ever posted on the website... but something is said incorrectly and its published... is this fair, is it right, is it unbiased or is the motivation to make an entire Church lokk bad and let the anti-Catholic screwballs have their heyday in hateful posts... I didn't see this wonderful netwrok post anything about the disgusting, bigoted and hateful attacks, written by the liberal left wing media elites, like Maureen Dowd, against Rep. Paul Ryan and his Catholic faith... it's all acceptable to you liberal HYPOCRITES!
As it is written... — And, what about human beings born to a portion of the world where they will never learn the first thing about christianity, never have a chance to learn anything of the bible?
So whenever someone sends me a review copy of their book, I try my absolute hardest to write about everything good in the book, while downplaying or ignoring anything I didn't like.
There has never been anything half as lovely written about waterfowl of the family Anatidae as Lancelot's words about seeing «geese on the islands — long smoke lines of them singing like hounds in the cold streak of morning» as he sails to the Grail island.
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