Sentences with phrase «of writing inspiration»

The Pelee Island Book House is full of writing inspiration, from antique typewriters to framed quotes by classic authors, and there's even a library.
The latest screen version in a long line that includes Mickey and the Beanstalk and efforts starring Abbott and Costello and the Three Stooges, the Bryan Singer (Valkyrie)- directed, Darren Lemke (Shrek Forever After), Christopher McQuarrie (Jack Reacher) and Dan Studney (TV's Phantom Investigators)- written offering (based on a story by Lemke and David Dobkin) makes the most of its written inspiration, with the expected aspects present amidst a cavalcade of computer generated imagery.

Not exact matches

Curious about a blog post titled «How I make money: My 18 sources of online revenue» written by Mark which led to a candid discussion to serve as advice and inspiration to those just getting started.
During that period, he «continued to write well and fast and anywhere he wanted, caught up in gusts of inspiration,» Max writes.
If inspiration strikes you at odd hours of the night, Oliver suggests writing the email, saving it in your drafts folder, and sending it during working hours.
Steven Pressfield, in his bestselling book The War of Art, quotes Somerset Maugham who said «I write only when inspiration strikes.
If companies spent as much time making sure the basic information is there as they did on writing vague paragraphs of inspiration about some greater company vision that no one understands, we'd all be happier.»
Have any of them written books or given talks you can look to for inspiration?
It reminded me of the feeling that inspiration gives, as I wrote in «How inspiration feels, in depth ``, that inspired people look back fondly at the crazy amount of work they did after the project is done and inspired people value missing less rewarding activities, no matter how fun they would have been.
If you missed it, I also recently wrote a guest post on Marketing Pilgrim on marketing companies in the INC 500 — I think the INC 500 is great resource for evaluating the state of the industry and also as inspiration for building our own businesses.
Carney makes the Obama inspiration explicit when Carney writes that if Obama can make a big deal out of tax breaks for corporate jets, libertarian Republicans can make a big deal out of the Export - Import bank.
According to The Bible: 1 - People wrote the words of the Bible under the inspiration of God 2 - A perfect God created imperfect people
The Sumerians were probably the first to write down their beliefs, which were the inspiration for much of later Mesopotamian mythology, religion, and astrology.
«god» doesn't exist and is make believe, your religious texts were written by human beings without any kind of «divine inspiration» regardless of what you read in them... written by people who thought the Earth was flat... it isn't.
If Judas killed himself, he was not there to write the book under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
«Mr. Lincoln's religion is too well known to me to allow of even a shadow of a doubt; he is or was a Theist - a Rationalist, denying all extraordinary --- supernatural inspiration or revelation,» William H. Herndon wrote in a letter dated February 11, 1866, to Edward McPherson, clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives.
TrueReality, you say «But we do believe it was written by human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.»
WHICH VERSION of the Bible was written by human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit?
You base what you believe off of a single book that was written by man without inspiration from any form of higher power.
This viewpoint may or may not be compatible with a belief that the Bible is divinely inspired and written by humans under the influence of that inspiration.
So practically, I want to make a bit of space this morning to take on the things I actually do to make time, energy, and inspiration to write.
Stott's preaching and writing renewed faith in the inspiration of Scripture — not only because he defended it, but because he displayed it.»
He writes, for example: «The fact that our author can persistently talk about sacrifice as if it meant a joyless, unwilling and hesitant gift shows that not even the faintest spark of religious inspiration can have glowed in his heart» (p26).
Inspiration extends only to the written words of the Bible.
The apostle Paul wrote under divine inspiration: «Now I exhort you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be divisions among you, but that you may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.»
When one looks at how the book was written, edited, compiled, altered and translated over the centuries, it becomes pretty obvious that it is an entirely human affair, bereft of any divine authorship or inspiration.
On the question of biblical authority in Reformation theology much has been written but especial note should be taken on A. Skevington Wood, Captive to the Word: Martin Luther, Doctor of Sacred Scripture (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969); Kenneth Kantzer, «Calvin and the Holy Scripture,» in Inspiration and Interpretation, ed.
That quality of conviction is found precisely in one of Gwynne's inspirations, the 1918 edition of The Elements of Style, the original version William Strunk wrote for his Cornell University students.
Clearly, the NT as written by the apostles and writers under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is the authoritative source for the church.
So... when the Holy Spirit gave inspiration to the Apostle Paul in Roman 1:26 - 28 to write; «For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature (Lesbianism): and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with me working that which is unseemly (Homosexuality), and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
Now these prophecies were either given by inspiration of God or the prophets just wrote them as they thought they should be.
Therefore, Paul would be saying that the Word of God was inspired when it was spoken, but this inspiration does not apply to the written word.
Though it might be true that the ancient Israelites had undeveloped cosmology, this is not true of God, and so for this view to be correct, we must either deny inspiration, or have God inspiring the authors of Scripture to write about Himself in inaccurate ways.
It was natural enough that the Church, thus brought to bay, should pause to gather inspiration and confidence from the memories of its Founder, and since the inevitable disappearance of the first generation of witnesses was now being greatly accelerated by the persecution, it became important that these memories should be perpetuated in writing.
Now let us have a cloose look at modern man or say Politics Today where you drop all that behind and do as Personal Interests with out any commitment verbal or written Just Buy and Sell at Sale they Trade with the Fate, Faith and destiny of World and New Worlds Nations and that is why no conflict ever settled among nations but getting even worse and Modern Prophets of Inspiration and Knowldge Remind and Warn of World Food and Waters about Famine in the world and the need for working agianst that otherwise nations would become as Live Zombies eating each other flesh.
All the books of the Old and New Testaments, given by divine inspiration, are the written Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.
Deaval's write up is worth reading if you're not familiar with G.K., as I suspect that Chesterton will continue to serve as inspiration for evangelicals dissatisfied with the current state of affairs.
A Servant Jenn — All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, -------- Yes, this is what the human authors that wrote the word suggested.
I'm not saying that the writing of the bible is nasty, I'm saying that human beings use the justification of divine inspiration for all sorts of things.
Commenting on his understanding of the nature of inspiration, he wrote:
In seeking to maintain a high view of inspiration, evangelicals have wrestled with the fact that God's revelation was stated in terms of the language, logic, and location of the people to whom it was originally written.
In conclusion, then, we may say that biblical inspiration is the effect of God's promise on individuals writing within the context of a community of faith brought into existence and sustained by a vision of promise emanating from the Spirit of hope.
While I do not want to prejudge you with your recent «revelations» as to what you believe describes the «two men in a bed» or «two women at the mill grinding,» I think before anyone interprets this as Jesus not judging one because of their sexual orientation, but obviously of their faith in what Jesus did for them on the Cross, we also need to look at what the Apostle Paul wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Green's inspiration for writing the book came from his five - month stint as a children's hospital chaplain, one step in a winding early life that took him away from that possible call to ministry, and into the world of publishing.
Last week I wrote a post about the inspiration of Scripture and the inspiration of other religious books which struck a cord with a lot of people.
Over the next several posts, I want to explain the history of the doctrine of the Inspiration of Scripture, the passages that are used to defend it, and provide a slightly modified and nuanced approach to the process by which I think God might have superintended the writing of Scripture.
But whatever happened from from God's side of things in the process of writing Scripture, I'm just not sure it can be called «inspiration of Scripture» as classically defined.
At the same time, Cyprian indicates right at the beginning that this letter is not written to convey his personal understanding of the Eucharist or his own interpretation of eucharistic practises, but has been «commanded by God's inspiration and instruction» (1.2).
Biblical inspiration is the effect of God's promise on individuals writing within the context of a community of faith brought into existence and sustained by a vision of promise emanating from the Spirit of hope.
In its own quiet way, this brief, well «written book is a source of inspiration; like Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Israel, it provides witness to the great deeds of «the righteous among the nations.»
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