Sentences with phrase «of written information»

A child looking for a home and family will be referred to you, usually in the form of written information about the child.
Kings could rule their realms by decree, and specialists emerged to transmit and interpret the vast array of written information necessary for the functioning of governments and economies.
Some studies also tested the provision of written information about antibiotics to patients, and encouraging discussion with doctors about whether they are necessary.
There is an abundance of writing information available, much of it free or very inexpensive; take advantage of it.
There wasn't a great deal of written information about it, but I work intuitively.
The adoption profile consists of written information as well as photos of the adoptive family's life.
The lack of written information means it's easy to miss features.
A Nintendo Switch version has also been announced, but at the moment of this writing no information has been provided on its release.
For every piece of written information presented, the science of typography is in play.
It may be helpful to have a term life insurance guide, either in the form of a person who knows these policies inside out or in the form of written information on a website, if you are in the market for life insurance.
At the time of writing no information was known about the priests» whereabouts.4
A copy of our Written Information Security Plan is available upon request - contact us to request a copy.
The search warrants were obtained on the back of written informations with «sloppy wording», with the police's failure to advise the Serjeant at Arms of the right to refuse consent for a search «symptomatic of the sloppy approach of the police in this case».
Such information is usually presented to us in small chunks of written information (eg.
You will be increasing the access of all students to the rich world of written information and imagination that is available in books, newspapers, magazines, online reading, and even on boxes of cereal.
The second is «paper» as a vernacular for any kind of written information.
Numerous rounds of written information requests were also completed as part of the JRP's review of the project.
«In brief outline this dream was about a library user who had complete access to the total corpus of all written information from within the walls of his own office.
By a device similar to a telephone this user could dial into any spot in a master repository of all written information and what was available at that spot would appear on a viewing screen in his office.
As writers, the staff at our Professional Resume Writing Service understands the importance of writing information down on paper.
A Nintendo Switch version has also been announced, but at the moment of this writing no information has been provided on its release.
Both anecdotally and in published studies, people report that when trying to locate a particular piece of written information they often remember where in the printed text it appeared.
Theoretically it includes influence over the social aspects of the organization, such as ways people relate to each other, as well as managing explicit information in the form of written information.
You may be asked to attend a meeting where you review all of the written information your lawyer has, as well as any responses you gave to interrogatories.
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