Sentences with phrase «of yogic breathing»

The daily practice of yogic breathing techniques such as Kapalbhati, Anulom - Vilom, Ujjayi, etc., relieves symptoms of asthma, steadies the brain, and improves autonomic functions.
Pranayama or the science of breathing usually takes a back seat, but the practice of yogic breathing techniques is an effective way to reduce body fat.
Pranayama is the art and science of yogic breathing techniques.
Hatha yoga is considered to be a complete fitness system that keeps the whole body supple and flexible, when combined with the extensive system of yogic breathing it stimulates the endocrine, the nervous system, the digestive system and the circulation.
The natural therapy of yogic breathing is an effective cure for depression.
To help answer these questions and sample the range of yogic breathing, we asked experts from six yoga traditions to share their approaches to pranayama.
Precise directions are offered to ensure that basic aspects of yogic breathing are well understood before students move on to more strenuous practices.
Part of the appeal to me personally was the connection of yogic breathing with ballet flow using equipment that keeps my joints healthy through safe guided movement.
Hypertension and Yoga management primarily involves relaxation techniques using the art of yogic breathing to reduce anxiety and stress which form the most common cause of hypertension.
BACKGROUND: This paper envelops the notion of yogic breathing and its applications as one of the techniques for stress management through regulation of skin conductivity among Indian engineering students.
OBJECTIVE: To explore the consequence of yogic breathing on skin conductivity using galvanic skin response sensor meter (GSRSM) on engineering students, of different universities.
The practice of yogic breathing, known as prā nā yā ma, is a subtler form of yoga than that of the physical postures we know and love.
You'll learn about pranayama, the science of yogic breathing, and the relationship between breath and consciousness.
To increase your awareness, practice of yogic breathing is useful.
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