Sentences with phrase «of young models»

There is no exception in the case of The Neon Demon, Refn's tale of lost innocence and foreboding caution in the glamorous world of young models.
The other day I got a comment on one of my social platforms from a woman who was not happy at all that I had posted a few items that were pictures from a website of young models.
The Q3 Vail is a highlight of the young model series that only launched in 2011.

Not exact matches

His keynote was directed at the education of young students, but the model for engaging students came from somewhere I didn't expect.
The Steeped Tea model holds particular appeal for mothers of young kids — especially those seeking a comfortable work - life balance.
The figure featured a»70s era mop - topped «Young Steve Jobs» sitting cross-legged with a detailed model of the first Apple computer awkwardly balanced on his lap.
And Britain's equalities minister recently touted Christina Hendricks, the curvy star of Mad Men, as a healthy role model for young women.
We're finally seeing a move away from the traditional model towards a type of extroversion in dozens of young companies.
A wave of younger collectors are driving up the prices of recent model cars, upending the traditional market, according to a classic car expert.»
Now, Urban Outfitters sells fake vintage t - shirts sporting the original Aol logo, worn by models so young they've probably never even heard of dial - up.
Although the rest of the «Big Four» (Deloitte, Ernst & Young and KPMG) were also tarred and feathered, PricewaterhouseCoopers was singled out for abysmal work auditing Northern Rock, a failed bank whose business model the Lords deemed hazardous.
At only 39, Mayer's a young CEO in an industry dominated by men — and she's become somewhat of a geek - is - chic role model for countless millennials.
Britton cites the pay - as - you - go model of fitness startups such as Barry's Boot Camp and Soul Cycle as being especially appealing to younger users.
But role models aren't just for the young — entrepreneurs can learn a lot from a variety of people, not just those in business.
Gandhi is a young Georgia Tech graduate and fan of Google who modeled his résumé after the Google's iconic style and search results.
A couple of earlier models — notably a mountain bike and a stretch bike with room on the back for children — targeted younger riders.
A wave of younger collectors are driving up the prices of recent model cars, upending the traditional market.
Successful leaders of young people are incorporating such activities and values into their business models and communicating them in com - pelling ways.
While financial service industry analysts have generally applauded Affirm's goal of giving younger consumers new, responsible ways to purchase using credit, Brian Riley, principal executive advisor at CEB TowerGroup, has questioned aspects of Affirm's business model.
Yet as online tools and social media make it easier to sell to friends, J. Hilburn and Pangea are among a growing number of young companies embracing the model as a more efficient way to build revenue, reduce overhead and inventory costs, and tap into loyal customers» networks of friends.
«It's a model that allows young people with less capital and maybe with even less experience to get into an entrepreneurial experience,» said Joseph Mariano, president of the DSA, who said 2015 growth numbers should show an uptick of about 3 percent to 5 percent.
Prior to joining Cerberus, Mr. Dejanovic worked in the corporate finance arm of Ernst & Young in their London business modeling and valuation team from 2005 to 2006.
His biography contains elements of an epic novel: growing up the son of a jailed Trotskyist labor leader in whose Chicago home he met Rosa Luxembourg's and Karl Liebknecht's colleagues; serving as a young balance of payments analyst for David Rockefeller whose Chase Manhattan Bank was calculating how much interest the bank could extract on loans to South American countries; touring America on Vatican - sponsored economics lectures; turning after a riot at a UN Third World debt meeting in Mexico to the study of ancient debt cancellation practices through Harvard's Babylonian Archeology department; authoring many books about finance from Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire [1972] to J is For Junk Economics: A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception [2017]; and lately, among many other ventures, commuting from his Queens home to lecture at Peking University in Beijing where he hopes to convince the Chinese to avoid the debt - fuelled economic model off which Western big bankers feast and apply lessons he and his colleagues have learned about the debt relief practices of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia.
After being appointed the CEO of Brookfield (then under the name Brascan) at the ripe young age of 37, Flatt has transformed the company by shedding assets and giving birth to the asset - light business model that Brookfield is known for.
Outside of modeling, Karlie's personal passion for coding led her to launch Kode With Klossy, a nonprofit that empowers young women to code and become leaders in tech — poised to expand in 2018 to 50 camps in 25 cities.
For the most part, up to one hundred percent of a growth modeled portfolio can be invested in common stocks, a substantial portion of which may not pay dividends and are relatively young.
«Not yet,» he says, «but with so much systemic and technological change chipping away at the incumbents» models, from the exodus of young customers to ad blocking, it's not inconceivable that a tipping point can be reached that pushes centralised platforms into extinction.»
While traditional influences remain strong, overtime and as younger generations grow into leadership, social constructs and social models of behavior will become more prevalent.
But most polling models assumed the same type of apathy among younger voters that doomed the UK Brexit referendum last year.
Dressed in a crisp blue shirt, with a white collar and gold collar - pin, Romney appeared to be the model of a successful young financier, with one exception.
The changes on the earth's surface due to tectonic plates shifting has to be accelerated if Ham's model of a young earth is true.
The rise of young, attractive, articulate porn starlets who are obscenely corrupt and also perfectly «good citizens» — role models, inspirations, heroes, everyday people — can no longer be dismissed as absurd:
Yes, queer people want to recruit the young, not by kidnapping young men... but by being mentors and role models who would show gay and lesbian adolescents that they are not alone, that they are not freaks, that they need not continue committing suicide at three times the rate of straight teenagers.»
[6] Although many young Earth creationists (YECs) are active in the development of creation science, an endeavor that holds that the events as - sociated with supernatural creation can be evidenced and modeled through an interpretation of the scientific method, the consensus among scientists is that creation science is unscientific in both conception and methodology.
• New England School of Law associate dean Victor M. Hansen offers an answer: «The fact that both the college experience and the military experience are often the first time people of this age range are independent, have access to alcohol and are interacting socially with members of the opposite sex suggests to me that we have not done enough before young people reach this age to educate, model and encourage appropriate behavior.»
To young priests and seminarians of the first decades of the 21st century, he is the hero figure of the later decades of the 20th, and as such a priest and bishop for the modern era whose style and message, insights and vision are a model for them to follow, as well as a saint whose intercession they seek and to whose influence many attribute their discernment of a call to the priesthood.
Ambersons tells the story of George Amberson Minafer, a spoiled young man coming of age at a time of upheaval in his fictional Midwest hometown (modeled on Tarkington's Indianapolis), and headed for a «comeuppance» as the world changes and his Gilded Age lifestyle collapses.
Only such communities can model appealing alternatives to the lonely decadence of the popular culture's ideal of the life of a young American.
Since I've been asked: I'm with Nye in that I don't believe young earth creationism is a viable model of origins in today's modern scientific era.
In 1947, when Goretti was beatified, the pontiff declared her a «model and protector» of young girls trapped in a «cruel and degraded world,» and gave thanks for «the little maid Maria who sanctified the opening of the century with her innocent blood.»
It is that which also offers us the reminder that we should only seek «to be a model within our range,» as the young Henry Adams said of his own yearnings.
This results in young people leaning towards flawed musicians who never asked to be role models in the first place; young people themselves who are still working out life (Stormzy is 23 years old) and are propelled into the void of leadership.
«He shared influence as a Christian at the highest level of football and a role model to hundreds of professionals and thousands of young people, who wanted to stand for Christ, but hadn't had a role model,» Daniels said.
Of course, even some «adult» conservatives have proven poor role models for the young.
Furthermore, it is easy for teachers to fall into the attitude that their task is to fashion young people after the pattern of some ideal model.
There is, in addition, a third realm of «genuine appearance» in which a young person imitates a heroic model and becomes something of what he imitates.
The endowments of the wealthiest universities should be taxed to fund a common purse for education that can be spent on tuition tax credits to help all Americans afford some form of post-high school education, which is what we need today as the old student loan model becomes burdensome for young people.
I'm fully aware that one of the most perplexing issues surrounding the creation model of the universe is the question of how we could see starlight from millions of light years away if the universe was much younger.
The organization issued a statement on their website celebrating the removal of the sex - positive magazine: «Families and individuals will no longer be automatically exposed to Cosmo's hypersexualized and degrading article titles that regularly promote pornography, sexting, BDSM, group sex, anal sex, and more, all while marketing toward young teens with Disney star cover models,» they wrote.
Her good humor and generosity were qualities that inspired the younger members of the family and modeled good parenting for everyone.
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