Sentences with phrase «off during day time»

Puddle lamps do not turn off during day time.

Not exact matches

Take a few days off and you might even come up with some great ideas during your time off.
Best Time To Go: September, when the temperatures start to cool off, until Mardi Gras Don't Forget To Pack: Those necklaces you collected at Mardi Gras during college (the hotel charges extra for beads) P.S.: Ask the hotel to arrange for a day of wine and cheese sampling and antique - shopping on Royal Street.
Block out certain times to check your email (perhaps at the top of every hour during weeknights and twice a day on weekends) and then shut off your phone.
Some companies that go full tilt during the holidays find that with no time to plan or take off, a party for their own staffers is likely to occur after New Year's Day.
Pet owners who are working or traveling can drop off their dog for extended periods of time either during the day or overnight.
But if you use spare time in the day, during the commute, while waiting for your coffee to brew or before you drop off to sleep at night, the actual writing part need not seem as daunting as some fear.
If you are generous with vacation time, requests for days and afternoons off or lenient during longer lunch hours for mid-day sales, your employees will feel less anxious about having to get everything done for the season, which helps ensure their time on the clock is productive.
Be creative during this very distracting time and maybe have rotating half - days off across work teams.
But if you run a pizza parlor and get only a couple of customers a day during the winter months, you might be better off staying open just a few hours a day at that time of year, or closing the shop altogether.
I know what time of day my brain is most creative and during those hours I turn off the electronics and turn on the music.
Remote workers who can set their own schedules may have more opportunities to get up and move throughout the course of the day, whether it's doing tasks around the house, taking a gym break during off - hours (and avoiding the lunch - time rush), or staying active with their kids.
Since I am the only one earning money for my family, I just want to give enough time for them staying at home during off work than getting a part - time jobs outside and travelling so many hours but not satisfied to earn enough money affecting lack of time for family and gives a tiresome day go back to home.
During the temporary shutdown of Model S and Model X production, Hochholdinger said workers who don't move to the Model 3 line will have to take unpaid time off or can use paid vacation days.
The military's chaplin program supports people of all faiths and if you happen to have a work day during your day of observance or sabbath, most commands will let you take the time off to worship depending on if the enemy is firing at you or if your unit is short staffed.
Although I was wary of a two - day recipe during the middle of the week, 90 % of this is hands off or blender time, so it was super easy and fast.
During these trips I would cut little chunks off of the big fudge block every time I passed by the counter that held the boxes, and then fall into an inevitable sugar coma by the end of the day.
I've been cooking my tomatoes up, it's time to switch it up to some «no - cook» soup to cool off during the hot days.
A day off during golf season is rare for Conder, the two - time defending Bay Valley Athletic League champion, but she let it be known she'll be playing the next day.
She comes alive when it comes time to spread her wings during her days off from work to enjoy her recreational pursuits.
i just need to get one that will not beep at random times during the day / night because someone forgot to turn the darn thing off....
Additionally, his work day would now start around 10:00 PM, so any sense of normalcy in his schedule (even during his time off) was going to go right out the window.
In the United States we have horrible parental leave policies and some improved protections for pumping moms, not all moms can take time off during the work day to pump or pump enough breast milk to feed their babies, while they are at work.
Turn off the TV and Smartphone, and spend some time during the day only with your child.
Set a consistent schedule during the day If you have been letting your children wake up late, or eat meals at various times, this can throw their bodies off when it is time to start school.
I have used this on and off as a wearable blanket during the day time.
19 weeks pregnant, your balance may shift at this point in time since your center of gravity is off, so be careful if you must walk up and down stairs or get up and down many times during the day.
By this time, Gabriel had weaned (never a comfort nurser, he was pretty put off by my lack of milk during pregnancy and only nursed occasionally after Lily was born and my milk returned), so I never really experienced tandem nursing in the true multiple - feedings per day for both children sense of the word.
So, to help make mission Get Alex To Nap a success I am going to buy some essential oils and I will be using them during our bedtime routine as well as around the times of day where Alex normally gets sleepy but instead of just dropping off he fights sleep until he has a overtired breakdown about 5 pm.
Spacious and well used — one large hall with a stage, and one room just off the hall with a pop - up supply shop, workshop space and café Cost of stand: # 30 Entrance: # 1.50; # 5 for specific workshops that ran during the day Crowd: Women of all ages and families with a spattering of gentlemen Footfall: Busy from the onset with a slight drop - off after lunch Organisation: An incredible amount of organisation went into the entire event and it showed on the day Sales: Really good — unexpected for the time of year and area Would you do it again?
Their curls rarely last even through the first half of a day through early labor, and even if a woman reapplies her makeup a couple of times, she often sweats it off during transition.
Looking back, you realize it really took no time at all for it to come off by itself, even though during those days and weeks it seemed like it would take forever!
My son is 19 months and we still feed at least 3x a day (morning / nap / bed time), but sometimes more, e.g. when his body is fighting off a cold he may feed more during day and during night.
My 10 month old is meeting most toddler milestones and has started only peeing when we take her diaper off (bm is at regular times during the day).
As far as naps during the day somedays they will sleep at the same times but usually they are about an hour off.
Sometimes a working mom will find that her baby drinks only enough during the day to take the edge off his hunger, but then spends the evening nursing non-stop and wakes several times throughout the night to nurse.
While I'm enjoying my time off during these early postpartum days, I'm honored to have my very dear friend...
If the mother is absent during part of the day, or present but preoccupied with other concerns (such as getting older children off to school), the baby may decide that this is an excellent time for a nap.
People are working during the day and don't take time off to go listen to a powepoint presentation on the budget.
Adult day care is another important means by which caregivers can get time off during all or part of the day with the security of knowing that the person is receiving care from a dependable, trained source.
In the coming decades, an average of 10 to 30 percent of flights that take off during the hottest time of day could face weight restrictions.
He has also learned to take off at least 1 day a week, even during crunch time, to fend off burnout.
And it will allow utilities to offer customers hour - by - hour rates, including incentives to run appliances and machines during off - peak times that might vary day to day, reducing demand spikes that can destabilize a grid.
«This encouragement should take place at the federal, state, and organizational levels by making it possible for fathers, for example, to leave work early, start work late, take time off from work, and take pauses during the work day to deal with family - related matters,» she said.
This «clean - up» mechanism is orchestrated by CPEB4 and varies in function of the time of day — being more active in humans during the day (when the liver has most work) and dropping off at night.
Nathaniel Hoyle of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, and his team have been investigating how the time of day affects wound healing, after they discovered that genes in a type of skin cell switch on and off during day - night cycles.
They're bad enough during the day (I recommend turning off all notifications during the day so you're the boss of your time, not your phone).
This is why we recommend you to perform one of the following workouts 3 times per week and leave a 48 - hour window for rest and recovery between each two sessions, or at least try to do minimum - intensity activities during the off - days.
Instead, consider other times during your day you might be able to get up off your butt: your morning train ride, staff meetings, an evening phone call with your sister, or while you unwind after dinner in front of the TV.
You can also use your day or days off to get in longer workouts than you'd have time for during the week, says Katula.
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