Sentences with phrase «offer much context»

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In these instances, much more meaningful disclosure is offered, providing shareholders with useful context as to the value of particular skills to the board and the company.
But the point is that IN THAT CONTEXT Calvinist theology was a much - needed pastoral and communal approach that helped people to break from the shackles of long - established systems of spiritual abuse by offering a different story to live by and a different kind of community to live in.
This claim is frequently presented, whether implicitly or explicitly, as a correlative to the idea that Christianity often as personified by Jesus or less frequently by Paul - was «goad» for women, paid them particular attention, or at least offered them opportunities not otherwise available, to caricature, the ideal of «the Feminist Jesus».60 In an admirable and scholarly article Leonard Swidler has marshaled historical evidences to show convincingly that Jesus was a Feminist.61 The politics of such a view is self - evident, for much study of the subject has developed within a context where women were struggling to establish a proper role for themselves within the contemporary church; to this end they have sought an egalitarian past to act as model for present polity.62
I still think you have so much to offer the greater community as a role of shepherd in the context of Christian community David... perhaps in a way that hasn't been explored by the way you expressed faith before.
The timing of the ESRC's Festival of Social Sciences could not be more pertinent, and the European Social Survey (ESS) event - «British social attitudes in European comparative context» — shows just how much the work of social scientists can offer us all.
The ad doesn't offer much in the way of context as to why Gov. Andrew Cuomo «may end up in jail.»
Today, the web offers many more resources for folks interested in how to use nutrition to optimize their health than I could have envisioned in 2009, and many fantastic books have been printed, but there is still no other source of information that puts so much into context in one continuous narrative.
The bonus material blows that of «Mad Men» away, offering six audio commentaries, a look at several episodes from the directors» point of view, a variety of «newsreels» which provide historical context to the season's events and much more.
The Adventure Mode offers a different context to the action, but the battles play out much the same regardless of your chosen mode.
Finally, whenever we present an average, we should also convey how much individuals diverge from that average; such information offers necessary context.
Detractors quote one another and cite oversight reports» minor findings out of context, but offer no evidence that Race to the Top slowed adoption or implementation, much less retarded student achievement.
But I would point to the fact that many teacher preparation programs don't offer future teachers as much clinical training as they ought to receive — especially training in high - needs schools; that districts are by and large not as effective as they might be at teacher induction and professional development; that teachers are generally under - compensated and specific individual excellence isn't rewarded; and that the policy contexts in which teachers work are being constantly revised in ways that are sometimes contrary to research evidence.
This is very much confirmed in the game itself, as each of the Gundams offer a special that is massively out of context.
The delightful parallelism in placing an object of such overblown market value as Koons» balloon animals amongst these objects of natural wonder, themselves luxury objects in much the same way, is one of the best uses of the various contexts the Carnegie Museum has to offer.
Movements may be a thing of the past, but social networks are very much a part of the present, and two current group exhibitions at Chelsea galleries, «Context Message» at Zach Feuer and «Side Show» at Greene Naftali, offer an opportunity to check in with some promising young artists who are in the midst of fomenting vital scenes.
Within the context of an art gallery or museum, I do not think that Untitled, 2007 would make much of a statement; however here at Frieze it offers an amusing Duchampian twist.
You have offered this new thread, presumably, in the context of the debate about how much transparency should be offered re.
This has never made much sense in the context of greenhouse warming theory (though its proponents have tied themselves into pretzels trying to explain it) since global warming theory (as embodied in the last IPCC report) holds that the largest temperature gains should be in the lower troposphere over the tropics, and offers no reason why the warming in the Artic should be orders of magnitude larger than in the Antarctic.
There's upgrading of the grid to offer new connections; making the grid «smarter» and using demand response; there's increasing the flexibility and efficiency of non-renewable generation to work alongside variable renewables, and storage is still much discussed, particularly in relation to fleets of electric vehicles (storage won't be covered here other than in the context of pumped storage).
«This ruling offers a stark reminder to all practitioners that we are operating in the context of a much altered litigation landscape.
In a series of articles looking at the issues surrounding the use of blockchain technology in a legal context, we've looked at the issues around Initial Coin Offerings and will be publishing our thoughts on whether the new rights granted to individuals under the GDPR are as much of a hurdle to blockchain solutions as some have reported.
Samsung's offering wins out in that context, offering much better display and class - leading battery life.
Bixby will be able to offer answers and actions based on the context, much like Google Assistant and Apple's Siri.
The increasing value and intact environmental nature of much of the Indigenous estate across the North of Australia in a carbon trading context offers opportunities that could create sustainable on - country development for traditional owners in the region through new and exciting economies.
So, in this context, I don't see that the single member LLC offers much value when the member is also managing his own properties.
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