Sentences with phrase «offered abortion care»

In 2011, lawmakers rewrote provider eligibility rules to exclude abortion affiliates (i.e. Planned Parenthood) from the program, even though none of the WHP providers offered abortion care.
None of the facilities the anti-abortion coalition lists, though, offer abortion care.

Not exact matches

She added: «We recognize that there are difficulties women face with pregnancies, especially in cases where the unborn child may be born with a life - limiting disease, but we do not believe that abortion is the answer, and that funding for a free abortion in another country is short - sighted as it neglects any mention of an offer of counselling or care for the woman.»
For the sake of liberals who are (understandably) queasy about defending abortion on its merits, Democratic politicians like to pretend that Planned Parenthood offers mammograms (it doesn't), that it is a common source of pre-natal care (it's not), and that abortion represents only 3 percent of its services (the real number is unclear, but far higher — though again, it doesn't help our cause to inflate it to 94 percent).
The Affordable Care Act mandates that employers offer and individuals buy insurance that provides free contraceptives, abortion - inducing drugs, and sterilization.
A former aide to Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTrump Jr. met with Gulf adviser who offered help to win election: report Voters Dems need aren't impressed by anti-waterboarding showboating After year of investigation, Trump can rightly claim some vindication MORE criticized Sen. Kirsten GillibrandKirsten Elizabeth GillibrandOvernight Health Care — Sponsored by PCMA — Trump hits federally funded clinics with new abortion restrictions Dem senators ask drug companies to list prices in ads Gillibrand to publish children's book about suffragists MORE on Thursday after the New York Democrat became the first of many senators to join a successful push to force the resignation of Sen. Al FrankenAlan (Al) Stuart Franken100 days after House passage, Gillibrand calls on Senate to act on sexual harassment reform Eric Schneiderman and #MeToo pose challenges for both parties Senate confirms Trump judicial pick over objections of home - state senator MORE (D - Minn.).
Thank you Dr. Torres and abortion providers everywhere who offer safe, legal, and compassionate care.
The latter, of course, was the Hobby Lobby 5 - 4 squeaker, allowing HL, a «family - owned» corporation, to opt out of offering contraceptives to its employees through the Affordable Care Act, due to the religious convictions of its owners, who oppose abortion.
Providing nearly 100,000 patient appointments annually, PPNYC's health care centers in Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island offer reproductive health services, including gynecological care, contraception, pregnancy testing, abortion, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and HIV testing and counseling.
One aspect of ensuring informed consent in reproductive health care requires that women be offered complete, accurate and unbiased information on all pregnancy options — including parenting, adoption and abortion — and referrals for additional services as needed.
PPGP locations in Oklahoma offer a wide range of sexual and reproductive health care including transgender services, Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), menopausal symptom management as well as other sexual and reproductive health care like annual exams, STI testing and treatment, emergency contraception and abortion referral information.
In addition to offering transgender hormone provision, we also offer primary care, cancer screening, wellness education, STD testing and treatment, HIV testing, annual exams, pregnancy testing, birth control, emergency contraception, abortion care and more in an affirming environment.
In addition to offering transgender hormone provision, we also offer an affirming environment for cancer screening, wellness education, STD testing and treatment, HIV testing, annual exams, pregnancy testing, birth control, emergency contraception, abortion care, and more.
Those regulations will affect more than women's access to early abortion care, because most abortion care providers offer a full array of safe, affordable, preventive health services, including breast and cervical cancer screening, STD prevention and treatments, and birth control.
PPGP locations in Missouri offer a wide range of sexual and reproductive health care including abortion referrals, transgender services, Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), menopausal symptom management as well as other sexual and reproductive health care like annual exams, STI testing and treatment and emergency contraception.
Both PPGP locations in Arkansas offer abortion services as well as a wide range of sexual and reproductive health care including annual exams, STI testing and treatment, and emergency contraception.
The majority of private health insurance plans currently offer abortion coverage, and the Stupak / Pitts amendment would result in the elimination of private abortion coverage in the «exchange,» the new insurance market created under health care reform, as well as in the public option, if one is created.
· revives the failed attempt to effectively ban insurance coverage of abortion in the new health exchanges under the Affordable Care Act — taking away a common health benefit that most private health plans currently offer;
We offer transgender hormone provision as well as preventative sexual health care services that include: cancer screening, wellness education, STD testing and treatment, HIV testing, annual visits, pregnancy testing, vasectomies, birth control, emergency contraception, abortion care and more.
More than 90 percent of the care Planned Parenthood health centers offer is preventive, yet Rep. Pence is steadfast in wanting to defund Planned Parenthood, because it also provides women with abortion care.
Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky offers all - options counseling and referrals for abortion, adoption, and pregnancy care.
We offer reproductive health care services including safe and legal abortion access for all patients; supporting people of color, those with low incomes, and the LGBTQ + community.
Call us for a referral list of health care providers in your area that offer other abortion services.
We offer transgender hormone provision as well as preventative sexual health care services, that include: cancer screening, wellness education, STD testing and treatment, HIV testing, annual exams, pregnancy testing, vasectomies, birth control, emergency contraception, abortion care and more.
Call us for a referral list of health care providers in your area that offer abortion services.
Under the new law, health plans will still be able to offer comprehensive insurance coverage for reproductive health care, including abortion, as long as private funds are used to pay for such coverage.
Planned Parenthood also offers vital sexual and reproductive health care in a compassionate and nonjudgmental environment, including STI testing and treatment, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), emergency contraception, pregnancy tests, options counseling, and abortion.
According to Guttmacher, Planned Parenthood represents about 22 % of all providers that offer abortion as a part of broader reproductive health care.
These restrictions — hospital admitting privileges and ambulatory surgical center (ASC) requirements — have reduced abortion access in Missouri to just one operating licensed health center offering safe, legal abortion, forcing countless patients to drive hundreds of miles for health care.
But the context in which abortion and contraceptive care are offered in the United States continues to shift, and recent changes in policy and practice offer up new opportunities for, as well as new challenges to, the provision of immediate postabortion care.
They provide 59 % of all U.S. abortions2 and focus primarily on abortion care, and therefore do not typically offer a broad range of reproductive health services.3 Because specialized providers are not designed or often seen as sources of comprehensive or ongoing care — whether for contraception or anything else — it can be all the more challenging for them to devote limited resources to offering more integrated care.
Because of an increasingly restrictive legal environment and clinic closures across the country, abortion patients are facing new barriers to care, including the need to travel greater distances to access services.2, 20 Overcoming these challenges can be difficult or impossible, especially given that 75 % of abortion patients are low - income, and 59 % have already had a child and may have other family obligations.21 Whether a provider offers same - day contraceptive services is irrelevant if a patient can not access abortion care in the first place.
For example, many specialized providers do not accept insurance; 4 one common reason is that many abortion patients pay out of pocket because they are unable or unwilling to use their insurance for abortion care.5, 6 Specialized providers may also face unique hurdles to the extent that their model of care does not already include clinic - based systems or regular training for offering contraceptive services.
Provides intensive support for primary care clinicians to overcome barriers to offering abortion services in critically underserved areas.
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