Sentences with phrase «offering ample research»

Despite assuaging their concerns and offering ample research to support choice, many refused to compromise.

Not exact matches

Ample benefits are a lure to top talent, yet research shows employees often don't take full advantage of what's offered.
Fortune smiled on him (and on astronomy) when George Ellery Hale (1868 - 1936) offered him a research post at one of the few institutions in the United States where such positions were available at that time; and Shapley made ample use of his opportunity.
Digital literacy is using the Internet and other technology to research, evaluate, share, and create content, offering ample opportunities for teachers to expand their writing curriculum outside of the traditional in - class essay format.
Choose your bank carefully after doing ample research on the home loan rates being offered.
Our doctors thoroughly research the different types of medications offered and always make sure they have ample supplies on hand.
Thanks to ample research in this area, there is a plethora of options we can discuss and offer to Rickety Rocky or Weakened Wilma.
These include the encouragement of a supportive Board and the availability of ample resources, coupled with the presence of a large and important collection of artworks from all decades of the artist's career, as well as a largely unexamined trove of archives that offer outstanding research opportunities.
To allow for ample research and project development, and time to collaborate with the creative community at SEA Foundation, the curator in residence is offered a light program — suited to needs — where artists, curators, and other arts professionals come together to create work and discuss themes in contemporary artistic practice.
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