Sentences with phrase «official award letter»

Not exact matches

NIFA officials said side letters, arbitration awards, settlement agreements and memorandums of understanding related to the labor deals have never been compiled in one summary.
Also at 11 a.m., Rep. Michael Grimm will join local residents to demand action from city officials to release award letters and funding to people whose homes and businesses were destroyed by Superstorm Sandy.
Carter had told New London officials during the application process that he was due to receive a Ph.D. in education from Lesley this summer — and, in a letter dated June 10, Carter's senior adviser at Lesley verified that he had «successfully defended his dissertation» on May 28, and would officially be awarded his Ph.D. on the «next degree conferral date, August 25, 2014 — which was Monday.
It includes birth certificates, awards and certifications, resumes, cover letters, letters of intent, official government documents, etc..
UK About Blog The world's first official appreciation society for fragrance - website, events & Discovery Boxes plus our award - winning digital magazine The Scented Letter.
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