Sentences with phrase «official voice»

No other official voice cast has been revealed yet.
The ATCA is the parent club and official voice for the Airedale breed in the United States.
Even with the improved outlook, a «strong majority» of Fed officials voiced concern that a trade war would harm the economy, and some policymakers said the recent turbulence in financial markets highlighted risks to growth, the minutes showed.
Elected officials voiced grief and anger during the event, one of several statewide sponsored by the Florida PTA.
Even with the improved outlook, a «strong majority» of Fed officials voiced concern that a trade war would harm the economy, and some policy makers said the recent turbulence in financial markets highlighted risks to growth, the minutes showed.
Meanwhile, a South Carolina Democratic Party official voiced concerns that Clinton hadn't visited a particular region of the state.
Residents, activists, elected officials and preservation officials voiced concerns about an affordable housing crisis above 155th Street at Community Board 12's Housing Task Force meeting Thursday.
While the county's chief official voiced strong support for the move, the response from the city was relatively muted.
Some would make the case that the educational system should stay out of the equation, that simply by putting official voice to the dreaded S word in schools, we are unwittingly injecting a lethal idea into kids» minds.
My colleagues Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig have obtained e-mails showing that the White House pressed the Office of Management and Budget to approve the guarantee before a big public rollout, even as OMB officials voiced concern about being rushed.
In addition, it has an all - star voice cast which included many of the Disney characters» official voice actors.
Multiple elected officials voiced their concern after Mr. Banks said he was resigning.
On this topic the official voice of Catholicism, Pope John Paul II, is hard to pin down.
The final heresy then becomes the refusal to submit to the official voice of the church in matters of faith and morals.
The official voice of the National Alliance for Youth Sports.
The account is not the official voice of the Labour leader, but it is said to be run by the team behind the #JezWeCan movement that helped to elect Corbyn last year - and it boasts 121,000 followers.
The Catholic Conference is the official voice of the Catholic Church in the state, representing New York's bishops in matters of public policy.
At a rally held in front of a statue of Harriet Tubman on Frederick Douglass Boulevard, more than a dozen elected officials voiced their support for state Sen. Andrea Stewart - Cousins.
Lights Camera Jackson is the official voice of the Hollywood Drive - In in Averill Park, NY and the Malta Drive - In in Malta, NY.
What's it like to become the official voice of public information for the nation's biggest school district just a few days before the start of school?
WSBA is the official voice of its member local school boards.
Nothing new to see here just the official voice.
The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club of Canada is the official voice of Tollers in Canada.
This official voice of the professional veterinary community provides established and ongoing lines of contact and communication into the membership via regular meetings, a monthly newsletter, and continuing education programs to keep veterinarians apprised of the latest in technological and scientific advances available for their profession.
Beyond the Summit has also announced that Yipes, Chris Matrix, Rynge, Sajam, Zhi, LI Joe and Hellpockets will be the official voices of the Summit of Power.
1st December 2012 - Activision's first person shooter «The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct» will feature the official voices of the brothers Daryl and Merle Dixon played by Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker.
Activision's first person shooter «The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct» will feature the official voices of the brothers Daryl and Merle Dixon played by Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker.
This game marks the debut of Charles Martinet as Mario's voice actor, who has since become the official voice actor for Mario.
Led by Ralph Sheheen, the official voice of Monster Energy AMA Supercross, this dev diary goes through the four rules behind the creation of the... Continued
Now, it was time to get the official voicing for the video.
The User Executive Committee (UEC) provides advice and recommendations regarding the ARM Facility user experience and serves as the official voice of the user community and advocate for atmospheric research.
Imagining a Smaller, Healthier Istanbul Though the Greens currently have no official voice in government, party leaders hope to gain parliamentary representation within two terms.
The Canadian Corporate Counsel Association (CCCA) is the official voice and forum of Canada's in - house counsel community; a community that is passionate, energetic, and always evolving.
There's no official voice or video support yet, but there are ways around that.
The American Association of Anger Management Providers is the official voice for Certified Anger Management Facilitators nationwide (CAMF).
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