Sentences with phrase «officially getting weird»

Pop - culture's possession obsession is officially getting weird.

Not exact matches

College football officially got a little weirder and more fun in Week 6.
Now that he's officially un-retired from filmmaking, Steven Soderbergh looks to be getting right back to the weird experimentation that's marked so much of his career, with Deadline noting that the Logan Lucky director is getting set to release a new thriller that he recorded entirely on his iPhone.
Ign rated it a 8.3 so i guess that was good, (Going off topic for a quick second about ratings, but Ign rated Sonic Lost World 5.8 and Gamespot rated it a 5, if Gamexplain rates it 6/10 or below, or 2 an half stars or below, its officially bad in my eyes and i'm getting Super Mario 3DLand, weird.............
We're officially giving Driver's License Training School two stars, but unofficially, they get three just for being kind of weird in a good way, in the way that we hope Ruben Vargas sits in his office during business hours and tinkers with model ships while his wife sells Mary Kay cosmetics from behind the reception desk.
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