Sentences with phrase «offset by labor unions»

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ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)-- Several labor unions say that more than $ 400,000 in contributions by Walmart since 2001 helped bring about the creation of an unusual taxpayer - paid subsidy last month to help employers offset a higher minimum wage in New York.
These costs will be partially offset by resources previously set aside by the city in its labor reserve ($ 3.5 billion), and by a total of $ 4.4 billion in new resources that are expected to become available as the result of an approved agreement between the city and the Municipal Labor Committee, which represents the city's unlabor reserve ($ 3.5 billion), and by a total of $ 4.4 billion in new resources that are expected to become available as the result of an approved agreement between the city and the Municipal Labor Committee, which represents the city's unLabor Committee, which represents the city's unions.
But the right to bargain collectively is offset by the law's denial to public sector unions of labor's major lever to achieve its bargaining goals — the strike.
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