Sentences with phrase «often wimps»

To explain the current abundance of dark matter in the universe (as inferred from galactic observations and other data), the rate of annihilation, which governs how often WIMPs were produced in the early universe as well as how often they annihilate now, must fall within a narrow range.
«This information may help us place limits on how often WIMP particles collide or decay.»

Not exact matches

Choosing not to play on a beautiful day simply because one of 54 holes was considered unplayable gives the impression that the players are wimps and that the game itself is so precious, so uptight, that it can't be conducted unless it conforms to a set of rules that are often absurd.
You often wonder what goes on in the head of Wenger when he gives interviews and press conferences sometimes... yes, we have come from behind to win the title twice but we did that with group of players who just refuse to lie down and die, unless the present squad populated by nice guys and wimps who don't need a 2nd invitation to throw in the towel, players who are not in the least ashamed of celebrating mediocrity with silly selfies and garbage sound bites....
And because the disc rotates at about the same speed as the Milky Way, WIMPs might collect in the sun more often than you would expect, knocking into solar protons to produce neutrinos.
These workouts are carefully planned, so this shouldn't happen often, unless you are doing something wrong, or you are «wimping» out.
Even if mutual funds are for wimps, those wimps often get the last laugh all the way to the bank.
Submissive dogs, especially when mishandled, are often called wimps.
«Lawyers who won't be caught dead in a courtroom are often referred to in the vernacular as «loophole lawyers,» underhanded wimps who use their command of legal gobbledygook to scam money from the unsuspecting, usually widows and orphans.
It is a common complaint among players of DQIV that, when filling out their «Big Book of Beasts», they are often missing the Wimp, as it is hard to encounter.
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