Sentences with phrase «often as the litter boxes»

Now we are scooping the litter box with Okocat litter in it as often as the litter boxes with the clay litter in them.

Not exact matches

NOTE: It's important to note that cats with a bladder infection (also known as cystitis) or a blocked bladder often strain to pass urine and they tend to use the litter box more frequently without passing any urine.
As you can see, features of litter boxes vary widely and are often targeted towards certain problems that cat owners and their pets might face.
What to feed my cat and how often Introducing your new cat to your other pets Introducing your new cat to other family members Boarding or other care options for your cat, when you are out of town Litter box training Bad habits, such as spraying, counter jumping, scratching furniture, etc..
With an outdoor cat, you may not have to change out the litter in the litter - box as often.
Since cats often use gardens as litter boxes, wear gloves when gardening and when you are washing raw vegetables and fruits, handling raw meat or scrubbing food prep surfaces.
Plus she doesn't have to clean the litter box as often as she once did.
I am sending my husband a copy of your article, I clean the litter boxes several times a day but I travel and he does not clean them as often as I would like.
Typically, the straining is often accompanied by other signs, such as urinating more frequently, urinating very small amounts, and doing it in inappropriate places, i.e. places other than the litter box.
Such litters can have a positive impact on a cat's general health and well - being and save thousands of cats from losing their homes and landing in shelters as a result of undiagnosed medical issues, which are often incorrectly labeled as deviant litter box behavior.
It's up to us to keep up with our cats» need for clean and scoop the litter box as often as they want — even if that means after every use.
It could be as simple as the box is too dirty and needs to be emptied more often, or it could be more complicated if the cat has started to associate the litter box with a negative experience like being frightened by a loud noise while using the box.
After a vet has ruled out medical causes, some tricks to try include cleaning the box (es) as often as possible, adding additional boxes, and using plain cat litter.
Note: Prolonged problems with inappropriate elimination (as in «my cat won't use the litter box») are often cited as the number one behavioral reason adult cats are brought to shelters.
Declawing is a euphemism for the devastatingly painful surgery of paw tip amputation (amputation of the first joints) and that often paw amputation results in lifelong behavioral problems such as biting, hiding and urinating and defecating out - of - box because use of the paws to cover litter becomes forever associated with excruciating pain.
It's why we've developed a wide range of scoopable clumping litters that allow you to just remove the bad stuff every day, so you don't have to change the entire box as often.
In test after test, fine - grained clumping litter was used more than twice as often as its nearest competitor, with boxes of wood chips, grain litter and recycled paper litter going completely unused.
Cats are often shot at, poisoned, trapped or tortured by neighbors annoyed by cats using their gardens as a litter box or hunting bids and other small animals.
Cats are very clean animals and may refuse to use a dirty litter box, so it's imperative that you scoop the litter boxes every single day and change out the litter as often as needed to reduce the smell.
The disease will also cause many cats to urinate in places other than the litter box, often on hard surfaces such as tile floors, countertops, sinks and bathtubs.
Felines with virtually any kind of problem in the bladder or the urethra usually attempt to urinate more frequently than normal, often spending an inordinate amount of time straining in the litter box - enough so that the problem may be misinterpreted as constipation.
Because gerbils are desert animals and produce much less urine than other pets, a litter box is not needed or practical for them, but hamsters and mice will often use a litter box if it is placed in the corner of their cage that they have already chosen as their bathroom.
But odor control may not be as high a priority for a product used in a litter box, since it is much easier and cheaper to change a litter box more often.
Making sure that any cats that live with you are routinely dewormed, have fecal samples checked as often as your veterinarian recommends, and that you keep litter boxes secured out of reach of your child.
This method often helps to encourage good litter habits as well as to encourage hay consumption, since rabbits often eat at or near the same time as they use the litter box.
Actually, you should take your cat to the vet anytime her litter box habits change, because that is often a sign of a medical problem, such as a kidney or bladder infection.
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