Sentences with phrase «often become drivers»

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At cocktail parties, designated drivers, teetotalers and pregnant women often are limited to drinking soda, water or juice — options that can become incredibly monotonous.
A t cocktail parties, designated drivers, teetotalers and pregnant women often are limited to drinking soda, water or juice — options that can become incredibly monotonous.
Even those drivers that didn't do so well in F1 often went on to become well known thanks to their success in other series, such as IndyCar.
Without the bill passed Thursday, drivers in New York aren't asked again about whether they want to become organ donors until they renew their license, often in their mid-20s, Hannon said.
Yet while some characters eventually pay for their indiscretions, all too often in this romantic romp lust trumps love and sex becomes the main driver in relationships.
While this meant that, with only a driver on board, the weight distribution was fairly even, when laden with passengers, cars often became severely tail - heavy, leading to unstable handling and oversteer.
And it wasn't just the trains themselves that became legends - so did the drivers, firemen, engineers and brakemen who ran them, often immortalised in songs like Casey Jones and John Henry.
Surface mining has also become a dominant driver of land - use change and water pollution in certain regions of the world, where mountaintop removal, coal and tar sands exploitation, and other open pit mining methods strip land surfaces of forests and topsoils, produce vast quantities of toxic sludge and solid waste, and often fill valleys, rivers, and streams with the resulting waste and debris [81].
Though semi-truck drivers are often trained to avoid hazardous and dangerous situations, they are often on the road for long periods of time and can become very fatigued.
Auto accidents, and resultant injury, in Ottawa and other parts of Ontario are often caused when drivers become distracted by cell phones and other digital devices.
Often times there are late night fights or assaults in the area and in the past there have been people who have become victims of drunk drivers.
When a driver is involved in or confronted by an accident caused by a semi-truck, it is often difficult for them to avoid becoming part of the accident.
That's because the DUI becomes part of your driving record and insurers will often consider you a high risk driver.
These skills become second nature in a responsible driver, and more often than not, are the reasons that so many accidents are prevented each year.
Modern drivers often do not give new drivers the space or consideration they need, and that can cause learners to become frightened and discouraged.
With such instances occurring all too often, some drivers eventually become too old to drive and need assistance for transportation.
Those who take the driver's education course seriously often become the safer drivers.
«Often the IT people are reluctant to give up control, so it's the CFO who becomes the driver here to introduce budget realities and ask, for example, about what older machines are costing us money,» McCarthy told the E-Commerce Times.
Housing in California has also become so heated that despite its broad appeal, the state is experiencing net loss in migration, with its high home prices often cited as the key driver.
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