Sentences with phrase «often conflicting roles»

It's for historians to expose the many meanings and often conflicting roles that artworks have played over the years of their existence.

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For whatever role I have had in this cruel and often seemingly hopeless family conflict, I apologize.
In conflict situations, the «chaplain» role comes under heated attack from «the other side,» and the church is accused of «taking sides,» The mediator role is often attacked by critics on both sides.
William Miles (1993: 31 — 50) describes how «traditional rulers play useful roles in brokering between the people and the state, enhancing national identity, resolving minor conflicts, and providing an institutional safety - valve for often inadequate state bureaucracies.»
Her work marked by a driving curiosity about the riddle of (most often sexual) identity and the role of film as oral tradition, she proves to again be the strongest ingredient of a conflicted picture, playing the role of a disquiet wife of a bargeman in Young Adam with her trademark ferocity and intelligence.
Often dressed in an anachronistic cassock and with a rather astonishing sweep of leonine hair, Gleeson cuts an imposing and authoritative figure, like something from a rough - edged spaghetti western dropped on the dramatic west coast of Ireland.The role provides a fantastic showcase for the actor, as he captures the inner conflict and outward placidity of the character.
That the film becomes far less ambitious in its aims after the flood waters rise is to be expected, given the reduced scope of the world with which to work, but Aronofsky and Handel accommodate this shift by putting the focus squarely on Noah's attempt to determine exactly what his and his family's role as the sole survivors of humanity (save for one unanticipated stowaway, who — forgotten often and disposed of quite easily — serves no purpose but for unnecessary external conflict).
Information often included: • Basic nonprofit information: organization name, number of directors and term limits, type of incorporation and amendment procedures • Meeting details: location of meeting, how often meetings occur, procedures to call special meetings, how meetings are announced and quorum size (minimum number of people required for meetings) • Board of directors information: director qualifications, term limits and attendance requirements, removal procedures, definitions of roles and conflict of interest policies • Membership information: eligibility requirements, dues, voting rights of members, and quit or termination procedures Erring on the side of simplicity usually is the best way to start.
In practice, international child custody cases often yield complex and messy conflicts between the laws and courts of different countries, demonstrating serious clashes of societal views about culture, religion, gender roles, parental rights, and children's rights, as well as of the role of the legal system in intervening in disputes about children.
In this on - demand webcast, panelists examine the role project management software is playing in defensibly and efficiently navigating the often - conflicting rules of the U.S. and foreign nations when e-discovery (or e-disclosure) is involved.
Even if it wasn't the primary cause, conflict over money often plays an essential role in arguments and builds the level of distrust, leading a couple to decide to separate.
It entails several role plays and exercises, often illuminating and challenging assumptions about conflict.
Conflict or competition among siblings, often called «sibling rivalry,» is common, however siblings also play a role as a support structure during difficult times.
There are several reasons: (a) it's less adversarial than going to court; (b) it's more private; (c) you retain control of the process — i.e., you are not bound by what the mediator thinks (indeed, most mediators see their role as helping the parties effectuate their goals, not imposing the mediator's ideas); (d) it's usually much less expensive; (e) if there are children involved, the process is less likely to embroil them in a painful conflict; and (f) mediation often gives divorcing couples a better chance of successfully negotiating issues that may come up in the future (such as child support, alimony, or custody and visitation issues).
Parenting a child with ADHD is stressful2, 3 and can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self - blame.4 — 6 In addition, different conceptualizations of ADHD among parents can be a source of conflict as fathers more often than mothers tend to resist the label of ADHD and treatment with medication.4, 5, 7 — 9 Similar to other pediatric chronic conditions, parents play a key role in implementing treatment plans that are made during visits with their child's doctor.
Aggressive children often perceive conflict where there is none, and games where you role - play other people may help your child see what the other party's actual intent was.
Prior research shows mothers in violent relationships are often faced with an internal conflict: while they want their child to grow up with an involved father, they also want to ensure that the father is a positive and healthy role model for their child.
Marriage problems are often the result of conflicting «ego - states», roles, shamed need states, and other dynamics that often have much to do with the personalities of the two partners.
Since issues of interpersonal conflict, power, control, values, and ethics are often more pronounced in relationship therapy than in individual therapy, there has been debate within the profession about the different values that are implicit in the various theoretical models of therapy and the role of the therapist's own values in the therapeutic process, and how prospective clients should best go about finding a therapist whose values and objectives are most consistent with their own.
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