Sentences with phrase «often end up dead»

How ridiculous is it that the very people that suffer the worst violence and most often end up dead, get no new protections from this decision?
A recent CNN Money article titled «Dogs killed over unpaid fines» is a scary commentary on how some local animal control agencies hold pets for what amounts to a ransom over leash law violations and other minor offenses, with the animals often ending up dead.

Not exact matches

High intensity workouts and of course training anaerobically («chronic cardio» as so many «anti-aerobic» pundits yap about) too often is a sure way to not only not develop your aerobic system, but end up sick, injured, or yeah even dead.
STORAGE: I wear these so often that I rarely end up «storing» them at all but they come with a dust bag so I store them in there during the dead of winter or when I travel.
For someone like this the decision to be exclusive will often involve closing their dating account because they've found the road that didn't lead to a dead end but opened up to future happiness.
The fact that the steering is still light around the dead - ahead, then sticky as you turn, doesn't help in the corners either; although the chassis is sharp, you often end up taking a couple of bites at tight turns.
The map is a near useless tool as it seems to delight in pointing you toward dead ends, while connections to other sections are often never marked as such, and so you might end up levering open a window with the intent on doing a bit of thievery, only to find yourself stuck in a loading screen that deposits you in another section of the city.
, controls need to be tight, or you'll end up dead more often than not.
When such mistakes happen, the patient often ends up severely injured or even dead.
Researching the iPad problem, we noticed other users in online forums have experienced Bluetooth pairing issues, which sometimes ended up meaning a dead Apple Pencil; the reports often indicate that Apple replaced the Pencil, even when out of warranty.
Too often they end up homeless, incarcerated, institutionalized and dead.
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