Sentences with phrase «often experience a level»

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No newbies; everybody brings at least some sales experience — two years for small - business reps; often two decades or more for enterprise - level account execs.
You don't, however, have to have that level of global fame and recognition to be considered an influencer or to experience the heightened level of success that so often comes along with the title.
Research has linked the positive feeling we often experience while talking about ourselves to higher levels of activation in areas of the brain associated with reward.
Research published in September 2011 by the Level Playing Field Institute (LPFI) revealed that hidden biases within the I.T. workplace caused women and blacks to have negative workplace experiences far more often than their male and white counterparts.
It also has it benefits for the experienced investor as a reminder on the level of conviction that is often needed to make a successful investment.
«Young people more often struggle to pay bills and manage money,» said Collins, noting that that demographic experiences low levels of financial literacy and is prone to expensive credit behaviors, such as using payday loans and carrying a balance on high - interest credit cards.
At the human level, at least, and possibly with respect to nature itself, the other is often experienced as a threat or a potential threat to our ability to realize our purposes.
At its inceptive and most basic level religion is unpredicated — a direct experience, often numinous and ineffable, but in all cases utterly individual.
I personally have not obtained a sinless life but I do think we more often than not dumb down the gospel to our level of experience than we do trying to raise our experience to level of the gospel.
Parents are urged to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect; to communicate on levels of fun and recreation as well as on discipline and advice; to allow a child to learn «through natural consequences» — that is, by experiencing what happens when he dawdles in the morning and is permitted to experience the unpleasantness and embarrassment of being late to school; to encourage the child and spend time with him playing and learning (positively) rather than spending time lecturing and disciplining (negatively), since the child who is misbehaving is often merely craving attention and if he gets it in pleasant, constructive ways, he will not demand it in antisocial ways; to avoid trying to put the child in a mold of what the parent thinks he should do and be, or what other people think he should do and be, rather than what his natural gifts and tendencies indicate; to take time to train the child in basic skills — to bake a cake, pound a nail, sketch or write or play a melody — including those things the parents know and do well and are interested in.
When I talk to my kids about right and wrong, I often have to dumb things down so that they understand because they don't have the experience / higher level thinking requires to reason this out on their own.
I added that middle part about convincing others, because in my career as a computer systems builder, I often remembered painful experiences and their causes, wanting to avoid future repeats... but was often not able to do so, because others either could not understand the level of complexity involved enough to want to avoid the pain, or because they were not involved in that past history and therefore could not remember it.
Carl Jenkinson isn't quite ready to play consistently in the first - team yet, and whilst it would have been nice to see Serge Aurier come in, he also lacks experience at the highest level and is often found out defensively.
What I do know is that both of my children, one whom never experienced the CIO method, and one who may will be in align with the rest of my family as adults based on our all around parental methods and regardless of whether one CIO or not: Educated at the graduate degree level or higher, married with NO divorces, able to afford to maintain themselves and family with no outside financial help, respectful, grateful to our parents, loving, kind, compassionate, often volunteering and donating our time to numerous charities, RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE for all of our actions, independent, close to each other and our friends and most importantly HAPPY!
Often times, when sleep and parenthood are discussed, it's either in the context of the newborn's schedule or the torture - level absence of rest the parent is experiencing.
There is also new evidence that artificially fed infants more often experience learning disorders and lower levels of intellectual functioning.
Parent support programs aim to support and strengthen existing parenting abilities and promote the development of new competencies so that parents have the knowledge and skills needed to carry out child - rearing responsibilities and provide their children with experiences and opportunities that promote child learning and development.14 Parenting support programs typically include the following features: universal access for families, early support to families, and family involvement at all levels of program operation15 Parenting programs often encompass a variety of parenting activities, including, but not limited to, parent and child play groups, parent information classes and support groups, parenting materials, and individualized parent supports provided in response to particular child - rearing concerns or specific parenting questions.
When it comes to the impact of a father's love versus that of a mother, results from more than 500 studies suggest that while children and adults often experience more or less the same level of acceptance or rejection from each parent, the influence of one parent's rejection — oftentimes the father's — can be much greater than the other's.
These are not unjustified fears, as fathers often experience decreased levels of contact with their children post-divorce.
The issue of investment experience does often come up in the context of the comptroller's office at both the city and state level, however.
«The stark facts remain that BME teachers are under - represented in the teaching profession particularly at the most senior levels, they are paid less than their white counterparts, they experience widespread discrimination when applying for jobs or promotion and often have to endure racist comments and abuse at work.
But up to 30 to 40 percent of these patients experience rising PSA levels after surgery, and these patients are often treated using radiation therapy.
Moreover, that region often experiences what meteorologists call a temperature inversion, where temperatures in the lowest levels of the atmosphere are cooler than those higher up.
Although it rarely rises to the level of overt age discrimination, employers often note your years of experience and use words like «overqualified» to describe you.
Trainees who come to study in a foreign country are more vulnerable than people who come to take a high - level job or to reunite with families because they often are less experienced, have fewer economic means, and lack local social support.
«Students often report feeling overwhelmed and experiencing high levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms,» says Barker, who is also a member of the Centre for Research in Human Development.
This pattern is often found in retrospective studies where people are asked to rate their mood levels after having experienced a good cry.
If your new employer is a «first offer, best offer» firm, you will have someone in the organization, often the human resources department, contact you with an offer that has been scientifically prepared, using side - by - side comparisons with others in their employ who have similar experience levels.
We are one of the few institutions with the knowledge, experience and infrastructure to collect, process, engineer and manufacture large amounts of stem cells, often critical in creating personalized treatments at the molecular level.
Regardless, multiple studies report that experienced E-cig users often attain serum cotinine concentrations that are similar to those levels found in cigarette smokers, and thus our exposure mirrored these E-cig users.
People with higher percentage of body fat might experience these drops and rises of sugar level more often than leaner people.
Taking a lateral move often provides new knowledge and experience that can make you more valuable, setting you up for your next - level role.
So it's no surprise that we often experience brain fog during a time of life when estrogen levels wax and wane: A study published in the journal Neurology found that 60 % George Doyle / Getty of women going through perimenopause, when estrogen levels are sputtering out, reported decreased memory.
Men naturally experience reduced levels of testosterone as they age, and an abnormal drop in this vital hormone is often what is behind unusual feelings of fatigue, loss of strength, and the onset of a noticeable lack of the sex drive they've had in years past.
Sugar burners are those that have fluctuating energy levels, don't feel satiated after a meal, feel a need to snack, experience cravings, and often hit a wall during endurance activities.
Testosterone treatment is often recommended for men who do not experience any of the symptoms of low T as well, as declining testosterone levels will reduce your bone density and increase your risk of fracture.
With that being said, regular drinkers often experience lower levels of serotonin, leading to symptoms of anxiety.
This is why many people on powerful cocktails of anabolic steroids and estrogen blockers often experience chronically low energy levels despite getting adequate sleep.
Women with PCOS will often have abnormal periods or experience symptoms related to elevated levels of male hormones (androgens).
The problem, of course, is that these days, in our hectic modern lifestyle, even though we might not experience life - threatening events very often, we are under a constant background of low - level or even sometimes high - level stress, which causes the chronic overproduction of cortisol.
When experiencing gut problems, the intestinal barrier is often damaged, causing the wrong substances and bacteria to «leak» into your body, your immune system to overreact, your energy distribution to go nuts, your hormone levels to bounce around and placing physical stress on your body, which leads to mental stress as well.
An individual experiencing a night terror is often overcome by panic but can not easily be aroused because of the deep level of sleep in which this phenomena occurs.
Quite often, people who experience incontinence tend to restrict their activity levels when, in fact, just the opposite needs to happen!
This treatment option involves adding synthetically created testosterone into the man's body to increase * their testosterone levels, which often leads to improvements in the symptoms they experience.
If your levels of thyroid hormones are low (AKA, hypothyroid), you will often experience symptoms such as extreme fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, feeling cold, weak muscles and joints, dry skin, trouble concentrating, depression and / or constipation.
Therefore, unlicensed naturopaths can have varied levels of education and experience, often from a purely online or correspondence format.
«Our experience at the Center for Holistic Medicine has shown that patients with the lowest urinary iodide levels on the loading tests are often the most ill.
Full Body Workout Routine Experience level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Days per week: 3 Workout Type: Full Body Workout Summary: Full body routines involve high - frequency training, meaning that you train each major muscle group very often — during each workout session (3x / week in this case).
In women with heavy periods who become anemic, it is my experience that the addition of vitamin C with meals will often restore normal hemoglobin levels.
As a result, low levels can cause iron deficiency anemia.2 Iron - deficiency anemia often leads to fatigue and exhaustion, but you might also experience:
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