Sentences with phrase «often experience feelings»

We can often experience feelings of shame around these reactions, but we all experience this when we can not reach the people that matter most to us.
Children often experience feelings of guilt and see their parent's drug or alcohol misuse as in some way their fault.
People with post-traumatic stress disorder often experience feelings of panic or extreme fear, which may resemble what was felt during the traumatic event...

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Twitter has often boasted about its commitment to the principles of free speech, sometimes leading to criticism from those who felt the company was more interested in tolerating all forms of speech than in trying to ensure a harassment - free experience for its users.
This feeling is familiar to anyone who has drifted over a hill on a roller coaster or flown on a parabolic «zero - gravity» flight — often referred to as a «vomit comet» ride because of the intense nausea the experience can trigger.
Research has linked the positive feeling we often experience while talking about ourselves to higher levels of activation in areas of the brain associated with reward.
HRT: One of the most difficult aspects of that year spent in Jordan was the loneliness and isolation that you experience being in a foreign culture and how you're often misunderstood just because of the cultural differences, and how alienating that can feel.
A 2008 study at the University of South Florida found that criers often experience things that make them feel better as they cry, including more measured breathing and improved mood.
Providing exceptional customer service and helping customers feel safe and comfortable with their lending experience, Laurie's customers often refer her to their family and friends.
However, in today's intense and stressful society, we often lose track of our emotions and we spend long periods of time experiencing negative feelings without even realizing it.
They often feel that they can't rise to that challenge because they have no experience of substance misuse.
Finally, there are those who experience pain and hardship in church, and often feel like throwing in the towel, but choose to stick it out with their current fellowship of believers to help encourage and change their church from the inside.
I practice Wicca (one of several Modern Paganisms), and Wicca's ritual framework allows me to have that experience with deity that I often felt was missing as a Christian.
If the pastor has a keen awareness of what we have come to regard as the interpersonal hurt of his patient; knows the desperate and yet fatal need of the patient to evade further pain, no matter by what means, and often by striking out and hurting loved ones; feels something of the almost overwhelming and intolerable anxiety the patient experiences; is not too shaken by the terror evoked through what Kierkegaard expressed as «shut - up - ness unfreely revealed»; and can accept the consequent intense feelings of guilt and shame which isolate the patient from himself, from others and from God, then his ministry has within it the necessary element for a supportive and creative experience for the patient.
Reason, on the other hand, has often been opposed to feeling by insisting upon fidelity to the evidence of actual experience.
When a partner lives with someone who views porn, whether that's recreational or compulsive, they often experience profound feelings of betrayal, as libido for partnered sex dwindles and arousal becomes increasingly difficult.
It is important to recognize that traditional beliefs about the Trinity and about the status of Jesus Christ, which are often called Christology, were shaped by opposition to views which the majority of Christians felt were untrue to scripture and to their experience of faith.
As I am aware that many are promoting a popular view that has been rationalized by whatever means, however you have failed to provide a shred of the emperical proof you claim, and as far as personal experiences, my point exactly has been that they exist in the realm of feeling and emotion, which any rational person would willingly admit is often self - deceptive.....
Talking is usually good for intellectual understanding of personal experience, but it is often not as effective for helping a person to experience — to feel.
My experiences in wilderness often overwhelmed me with feelings of grandeur and mystery.
I think that atheists must often feel like outsiders with regard to a certain dimension of our national experience.
The Trinity has never experienced true separation, but Jesus knows what it is like to feel forsaken just like we often feel forsaken, but we are not.
So forgive me for my earlier comment about «religion», it was not intended to be insensitive to anyone who has been hurt by church experiences, but to express balance which I feel often is lacking in society.
The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse was told that young victims were often made to feel responsible for their experiences when they reported concerns to church staff.
Third, the minister can arrange for him to get acquainted with an experienced and accepting AA member who may serve as a bridge to feeling at home in an AA group [In a study of factors which produce «readiness» for affiliation with AA, Harrison M. Trice discovered that alcoholics with the following characteristics tend to relate effectively to AA: Before contact with AA, they often shared troubles with others, had lost drinking friends, had heard positive things about AA, had no relative or friend who had quit through willpower.
Couples who experience a rebirth of their relationship through marriage enrichment often feel a desire to share with other couples that they have discovered.
Among the gratifications from church mentioned most often in a national survey of regular church attenders, for example, were feeling close to God (77 percent), the experience of worshiping God (60 percent), and a sense of companionship or fellowship (54 percent).
The evolution I love the most is the evolution of human thought to better understand these things that have been provided to us, so we can live better lives... and all true believers feel the same, though they are often limited by their own experiences in various ways — culture, education, social groups, life experiences.
Asking people to draw or to write their feelings about a given subject or person or experience often brings to awareness material which was previously hidden.
Young adults experience an overwhelming, often irrational feeling that their life will never be what they once dreamed.
When we have a numinous experience, it also often has a personal quality to it so that we feel to be in communion with a «Wholly Other ``.
It's often used as a substitute for coffee in the southern region of the United States, as raw chicory root doesn't produce the unpleasant effects of coffee that some individuals experience, such as feeling jittery or having difficulty with sleeping.
Athletes experience a sudden drop in confidence and tend to over think, and often feel overwhelmed by pressure.
For disadvantaged students, however, especially those whose stress - response systems have been compromised by early experiences of adversity, this question can feel vital and urgent, often dominating their experience of school.
Recently, there have been some interesting studies that show that cohabiting couples — a hugely growing segment of society — often go to couples therapy earlier than married couples and, guess what, they feel more satisfied and committed by the experience.
However, controlling for SES, it is clear that fathers of children with disabilities experience more depression, as well as more parenting and child - related stress and often feel their parental situation is more uncontrollable (SCIE, 2005b; Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities, 2007).
Polyamorists often talk of «compersion» — a word coined in the poly community that explains the joy people feel when they see a loved one experiencing pleasure with someone else.
Polyamorists often talk of «compersion,» a word coined in the poly community that explains the joy people feel when they see a loved one experiencing pleasure with someone else.
For instance, parents often experience a wide range of consequences including feeling powerless to fix the situation.
It is vital to learn these lessons in high school as the adult world is much less forgiving than high school — and young adults with behavioral or developmental problems often experience deeper feelings of failure as they move into their adult identity.
Nothing had prepared me for those experiences and I often felt very lost and quite alone.
They know I am an advocate for the arts and we often talk about feelings and experiences in terms of color and art.
It turns out that many mothers do feel ill - equipped to handle the big melt - downs preschoolers often repeatedly have, experience pressure to keep it all together, and perceive they have nowhere to turn.
This is often described as mild pain or discomfort, but since the pain sensation is very subjective every mother experiences pain differently — some mothers feel more severe pain.
Although most women will feel a degree of soreness or slight cramping in the back at some point during labor, about a quarter of women report experiencing severe discomfort in the lower back that is most intense during contractions and often painful between contractions.
Those who have experienced loss often feel isolated, alone, devalued and unimportant to God.
Overachieving kids, he says, are distorting their high school experience to create a perfect but phony profile they deem necessary to get into the best schools, while those who can't keep pace, often for family reasons, feel there is no point in trying.
While I'd love to not feel this way, I am often plagued with jealousy because I wish my experiences had been free of trauma.
If you are experiencing a decrease in your breast milk supply and you feel that one or more of the things included on this list could be contributing to it, then you can often increase your breast milk supply by trying to fix the problem.
In additional to being flooded with stress hormones that mom feels from her own fear, the manner in which she is treated and interventions she doesn't really want, babies experience actual trauma from the aggressive way they are often ushered from the comfort of the dark cozy womb attached to their mother, to the world.
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