Sentences with phrase «often feel a squeeze»

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Sometimes it seems unfair, this incongruity, and I know you often want to feel the wild side of your father, to be thrown in the air, to be curled up in a ball and squeezed, to run through the house as if you are being chased by a roaring lion.
I tend to feel the need to scream into a pillow, squeeze a stress ball and pull all - nighters far too often.
But no matter how hard I try and how many obligations I shift to squeeze out the best of you — once you're gone, I always feel like I didn't feel warm sand on my feet often enough, like I didn't wear enough flower crowns and wait, didn't I just attend like two bbqs O - N - L - Y this year?
Shop sales for jeans one size larger if you have to do this often so you don't feel as squeezed in.
I am not kidding when I say that I often fall asleep when I'm feeling warm and cozy and by having my head out, I avoid the danger of overheating and I can actually squeeze in a nice little nap.
However... that may just not be realistic for many Canadians, who often feel financially squeezed by child care costs.
Often it feels like schemes to squeeze us for a bit more cash are laid on the table, and developers are tasked to build games that can accommodate them.
Coalmines and coal - fired power plants often have different owners, so while the mines are making a profit, the power generators might be feeling the squeeze.
Despite their heavy workload, laundry rooms are often squeezed into small spaces where clutter can make the space feel even more cramped.
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