Sentences with phrase «often feel nervous»

True or False: When families seek therapy they often feel nervous, embarrassed, and / or overwhelmed.
Cats can be aloof and often feel nervous about meeting new people and visiting strange places.
Social anxiety was measured with 15 items, such as I often feel nervous even in casual.
Consumers often feel nervous when the economy is doing poorly.
A teenager's first school dance is a milestone, and they can often feel nervous and stressed out about what to wear, how to dance, and when to show up.

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(But darn it all if I don't often feel like your nervous younger self now, enduring wild - eyed bouts of panic over minutiae, over things that have negligible impact on my life as a whole.
I tend to go easy on people who feel judged in parenting, because often, what they're really saying is, «I'm nervous about my choices, and HOO BOY, this parenting shit is SCARY, right?»
Babies often pick up our feelings and if you feel pressured and stressed about him not wanting the bottle, he will get nervous about it too.
Often a child uses a control pattern to help them fall asleep or in a situation when they are upset, nervous, or feel like they want to cry.
Because of this often negative view of breastfeeding in public places, nursing mums can often feel self conscious and nervous when feeding out and about.
I know when I feel nervous I always imagine the worst case scenarios but often, those things I imagine aren't even true.»
So for my daughter I felt the root of her anxiety is most often nervous exhaustion or frustration.
Older kids and adults may be asked to take the 20 - question Jung self - rating anxiety scale, which will let the evaluator know how often the child feels nervous, anxiety, shakiness, and rapid heartbeat.
For all that precision, we don't automatically feel the signals as pain; often the information from nociceptors is parsed by the nervous system along the way.
This feeling is a result of your gut - brain axis, which refers to the bidirectional connection between your central nervous system and enteric nervous system (often called «the second brain»).
Feeling sluggish all day is another effect of the sympathetic nervous system and is often experienced by endurance athletes.
If you often feel tired and hungry, and perhaps nervous and anxious, you probably need to change your eating habits.
When cortisol levels are low, the body makes adrenaline and noradrenaline to meet our needs, which often leads to anxiety and feeling shaky and nervous, contributing to symptoms of anxiety.
Online dating can take a huge amount of courage; we often feel vulnerable, a little nervous perhaps, especially if we've recently come out of a relationship.
The Short Version: People with disabilities often have difficult conversations early on in the dating game — sometimes leaving them feeling vulnerable and nervous.
Speed Dating in Edinburgh is, more often than not, fun and exciting, you might walk in nervous and unsure of yourself, but by the time you walk back out at the end of the night your mood will have changed completely and you'll be feeling upbeat and positive, even if there wasn't particularly anyone there to grab your attention.
I still regularly get nervous before speaking to groups — I often feel insecure about how my ideas will be received.
Online interviews can leave you feeling more nervous than usual, as you are often somewhat distracted through the process.
Expo Chicago I, like many of you, often find myself feeling nervous before going to a...
I was nervous, often flying by the seat of my pants and, as an OLO — only legal officer — I often felt like I had no one to talk to or to get advice from.
An example question is, «How often do you feel depressed, moody, or nervous when you are off - line, which goes away once you are back on - line?»
Perhaps you often feel anxious, nervous, overwhelmed, or that things are out of your control.
Few of the worries I entertained during those nervous hours waiting for Mike to emerge in the airport ever came to pass, but I often continued to feel anxious before a long distance reunion long after we were married.
Anxious or depressed Child clings to adults or is too dependent; feelings are easily hurt; gets too upset when separated from parents; looks unhappy without good reason; nervous, high - strung, or tense; overtired; self - conscious or easily embarrassed; shy or timid; too fearful or anxious; unhappy, sad, or depressed; wants a lot of attention (11 items, each rated as «often true,» «sometimes true,» or «never true»; Cronbach α =.68)
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