Sentences with phrase «often feel trapped»

As a younger person I often feel trapped in this fast paced electronic world that we live in.
CHILDREN IN THE MIDDLE — Children of divorce often feel trapped in the middle.
People often feel trapped when they have credit card debt, but there are ways to get out of the financial hole.

Not exact matches

But I also don't believe that I've ever fallen into the trap of group psychology (even in the liberal sense — people really need to read up on their Freud and Lacan these days, because the term is so often misused), nor have I ever felt brainwashed.
Bullying behavior often leaves a victim feeling vulnerable, hopeless, trapped and insecure.
These people are often the happiest people I know, far more happy than many «richer» people, because they realize that in order to feel free, we have to not feel trapped.
Often people unmindful of these aspects go to date and then feel trapped in the online world.
It's a common but misguided trap in a struggling script where the narration often seems to describe the juicy details that should be what's actually acted out as opposed to some of the other filler scenes that feel unnecessary.
The hook of the film, with its young girl trapped in a car whose only lifeline is at the other end of a cell phone, is certainly a grabber, and does maintain a modicum of interest even if it often feels like we don't learn much more than we had by watching the all - too - revealing trailer.
Everybody finds themselves in times of trial every now and then, and more often than not, such times can make one feel trapped.
Unfortunately, to protect against such revelations and tie sponsors down, plan providers often use back end loads and / or provisions to recapture returns on stable value funds, leaving many plan sponsors feeling trapped.
While the initial greeting may seem ok, it can very quickly escalate into a fight if one dog feels trapped (common since they are on leash and have nowhere to go) or frustrated that the other dog didn't hear or see their signals that they didn't want to be greeted (often indicated by posture, lip licking, looking away and other body language which may or may not include growling or barking).
It is dangerous, and often illegal, to tie your dog out in a yard (tethered or chained dogs feel trapped and cornered, so are more likely to attack; they can also become entangled and die a horrible death; and they can't protect themselves from intruders and they «know» it).
In his works, deer often appear ensnared in barbed wire or penned in by fences, revealing Lockett's own internal tension, feeling trapped in a dying body and a decaying post-industrialist town.
People who are trapped in abusive relationships often feel stuck and helpless.
«Struggling with emotional pain, feelings of sadness, and fear can often lead to feeling trapped and unable to move forward in life.
«Often life presents challenges and we feel alone, trapped, and afraid.
You often feel overburdened, stressed out, and maybe even trapped.
«So often people feel stuck or trapped by life circumstances, relationships, or their own thoughts and feelings.
However, we often find ourselves trapped in a way of communicating that is met with either conflict, not feeling heard, or even feeling criticized or discounted.
Sometimes we get into situations and we feel we are trapped, smothered in distress, and we often can not see a way out.
The trouble is, women who feel this way too often get caught in the trap of waiting for a guy to make the first move, which is both disempowering and really not the way the old - school courtship process even works.
Acting from the present moment, I encourage you to experience yourself deeply so you can move beyond habitual patterns that trap and often prevent you from feeling alive and connected.
It often includes a variety of mind games and forces the person to feel trapped in the relationship.
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