Sentences with phrase «often gives to other»

The book has been a favorite with all of her children and is one she often gives to other families.

Not exact matches

Hackers are also well aware that people often use the same email password for other accounts and online transactions, which gives them an open invitation to gain access to your private and financial data.
«We often use that service as the thin edge of the wedge,» says Kureluk, pointing out that this software gives Yardstick the opportunity to upsell other products and services to its customers, such as the «e-learning» software tools developed by a firm that Yardstick bought earlier this year and sold online.
There are a slew of other advantages; having a solid insurance policy will often give credibility to your organisation and put you in a position of strength to negotiate with both partners and clients.
In fact, Arnold's research demonstrates that students who truly enjoy learning the most often struggle in school, where students must balance attention given to subjects about which they're truly passionate with the demands of their other coursework.
While Twelpforce has been a hit with customers, it also gave employees a channel and an incentive to collaborate internally and operate outside of silos (in order to handle customer requests it was often necessary to gather information from other employees.)
Poloz often observes that a stronger U.S. dollar might hurt American exporters, but is good for the rest of the world because it gives other countries a chance to share stronger U.S. demand.
Given that great ideas often come from older, other ideas — I asked Berkun why there continues to be such prestige (at least in the U.S.) attached to original or novel concepts.
Clearly, the independent AMD board members should have been meeting often in 2009 to solidify their own relationships with each other, given the appointment of three new members and Clafin as chair that year.
Ms Palmer added other technology billionaires were also making large donations, often focusing on education or scientific advances, but many preferred to give anonymously.
A tour conducted by someone other than you gives those people the chance to relax and show their true (and often positive) colors.
Often, we lose sleep over things we can't control, get the sweaty palms before giving a speech, experience dry mouth when waiting for an answer to close the deal, or any other physical symptoms that indicate anxiety may be present.
During bad weather or other foreseen events, airlines often give travelers plenty of time to rebook their flights for other dates, a way to avoid chaos at the airport, long before a snowflake falls or tropical - storm winds pick up.
It is that other employed persons are often given the chance to open a 401K account through their employer.
The 2008 financial crisis, on the other hand, was triggered in part by subprime mortgages — essentially, loans given to homeowners unlikely to be able to pay them back — and investment vehicles based on them in which these toxic assets were bundled and often hidden.
These tools will allow you to see how often your keywords are searched on and give you ideas for other keywords to consider.
The keys are sold by third - party providers such as Humble Bundle (in which a portion of the sale is given back to the publisher or distributor), distributed as part of a physical release to redeem the game, or given to a user as part of promotions, often used to deliver Kickstarter and other crowd funding rewards.
England's early «goldsmith» banks are supposed to have held reserves equal to only a third of their demandable liabilities — a remarkably low figure, given the circumstances; at the other extreme, Scottish banks at the height of that nation's pre-1845 «free banking» episode often managed quite well with gold or silver reserves equal to between one and two percent of their outstanding notes and demand deposits.
For one, being recognized publicly often magnifies its impact, and gives other colleagues the opportunity to join in the recognition.
One of God's great paradoxes seems to be that when we serve others, we often end up receiving far more than we ever manage to give.
The poor man who looks for oppertunity to give to others in need, (time, talent, money, etc.) rarely has no one to help him when he is down, and often finds some willing to help him up, at least a little.
Though we are very far apart and can't see each other often like we would hope, God gives grace and comfort and keeps us close through His Holy Spirit.It is beautiful to see you two with your new daughter and to see the love in your eyes for her and for each other.
«A distinction must be made,» the Instrumentum Laboris says, «between those who have made a personal, and often painful, choice and live that choice discreetly so as not to give scandal to others, and those whose behavior promotes and actively — often aggressively — calls attention to it.»
Thus far, I have not yet been able to do so, giving me confidence whenever the dragon of discontentment - with - my - vocation raises its ugly head, which, like you and many others who have already commented, is very often.
Opponents of Catholic moral teaching, whether inside or outside the Church, seldom give actual arguments; more often, they demonize the «harsh,» «obsessive,» «judgmental» Catholic who emphasizes dogma and wants to tell others how to live their lives.
On several Sunday mornings, she refuses to smile or give eye contact and often converses with other church members while glancing over at me, turning down her mouth, or looking me up and down in a disapproving manner.
everyone really likes to give me their opinion in how I should live... that often end up contradicting each other.
Perhaps because women are often honest about our relational needs, we frequently send this false message to women, implying — or blatantly claiming — once they wholeheartedly give themselves to a relationship with Jesus, they will no longer need the friendship, love, or companionship of other people.
As a non-believer in any personal god I am not compelled to turn the other cheek, but give back as much or more dissing as I get and often do it first, why wait?
Many parents and priests know, often with deep personal sadness, how a young person may readily give notional assent to the words of a respected and loved adult, only to reject what they have learned when other ideas, ambitions and desires overwhelm them.
Jesus Himself speaks often in parabole, but is also clearly understood: Be kind to each other, give to your fellow in need, take care of each other, love each other as God loves us all.
We strive ourselves to do that; but I am reminded that, just like the Martyrs who must have felt alone at times, they are not because across the country there are other Catholics, some lucky enough to be in solid communities, and we are all praying for each other, and that unites us together and gives us strength as it did to all those Martyrs who went to their deaths not angry but full of forgiveness and often a statement of wit.
Alcoholic converts often give one the impression that their solution is decidedly brittle — that they must keep very busy saving others or their own solution is likely to collapse.
Surely you are aware that many have claimed they figured out the day Christ will return, and convinced their families and friends and sometimes others to sell everything (and interestingly this often involves giving the proceeds to the «prophet» who claims to have figured out the date of Jesus» return).
If valid, this view rightly gives Christians and others hope that respect for the integrity of creation is less alien to human life, and more attainable, than circumstances have often led us to believe.
On the other hand, the Nihongi gives an exact date, often to the very month and day of many of the events and chronicles.
For example, we're often asked when giving food, clothes, tarps and other items to the homeless «Where do you get this stuff?
Though self - giving does sometimes mean denying my own wants (most of the time, when my children are sick), it often means living like a hedonist, drinking deep of what others offer me rather than refusing out of fear (because I don't want to feel controlled) or pride (because I always want to be the one who gives).
The age old problem of SELF often is manifest in a false identity such as; «we are children of Abraham» (therefore I am righteous), «I go to... «church»» (somehow this «church» makes you something) or «all you say we will do» (the people of Israel saying they in themself can meet God's standard), «I give to the church» (not personally meeting others needs), «I do this program or that program» (though you do not desire to glorify God but rather there is some intrinsic value in doing a program).
A further distinction is often accorded marketing as a quasi-science of analysing what a given market (i.e., regional or income group or other demographic slice of the general public) can be persuaded to buy, accept or prefer, whereas advertising merely follows an advertisers» need to push an already accomplished product, idea, or program on a given public.
And third, we give thanks not in order that God will know that we are thankful but precisely in order to make ourselves thankful: to help ourselves realize not only how lucky we are in comparison to so many others (which is part of it), but how fortunate we are just to be in this world; to help us appreciate the many blessings which each and every one of us enjoys; to rekindle in us the sense of wonder and awe and gratitude in response to all that we so often and so cavalierly take for granted.
Where such conflict has existed in the past, it has often given other actors an opportunity to suggest alternatives to religious appeals of all kinds.
Parents with economic means do everything they can to make sure their children succeed, and rightfully so, but they often do so while giving little or no thought to the consequences of their actions for other children in the system.
I protect kids for a living, do everything I can to help ALL people, respect all life and give everybody their dignity, give my time and resources to help others, complain little, hurt nobody, want minimal things for myself and often go without, sacrifice for family, friends and community, but because I do not think there is a deity in the sky, I'm going to Hell while some selfish, ignorant, mean, destructive, abusive and hateful person who says, «Sorry» to God at the end of their life goes to Heaven.
Like many of the children, she's alert to times when other children are too fragile to sustain the give - and - take of repartee; and when, as often happens at the after - school, one of the younger children suddenly begins to cry, or seems to be right at the precipice of tears, she switches gears almost immediately.
8 It is also true that it is often difficult to influence or to give to another in such a way that the other is not demeaned but is in fact enhanced by this aspect of the relationship.
1 have thought of still others in writing this: Sunday school teachers, that brave breed, who give so much and are so often given too little; and that wonderful, ubiquitous «man in the street» who wants his questions answered without theological indoctrination and in such fashion as to be spared from professional initiation.
U.S. government leaders and an «objective» press described the Sandinistas in Nicaragua as «communist,» «Marxist,» «Marxist / Leninist,» «totalitarian,» «Cuban - backed,» or «Soviet - backed» so often that few U.S. citizens knew that Sweden was giving more aid to Nicaragua per capita than to any other country or that while Nicaragua does have both a Communist party and a Marxist - Leninist party these two parties together received less than 3 percent of the vote and are distinct from and hostile to the Sandinista party.
On rare occasions I have given other renderings of the Hebrew text; italics are always mine; and I have often substituted the Hebrew divine name, Yahweh, for the R.S.V.'s «the Lord,» a term, for most of us, loaded with connotations foreign to the ancient Israelite.
I'm afraid that your «so what, we'll just deal with it... somehow» doesn't quite represent or give credibility to an on - going and ever - evolving problem between the crazies, whether they be Christians or Muslims, who may very often value «death» more than life, and have no problem blowing themselves up and taking us and many other innocents with them.
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